Crvena Jabuka - Do Neba - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Crvena Jabuka - Do Neba

Do Neba
To The Sky
Kroz zavjese u sobu, gurao se dan
Through the curtains into the room, the day has crept,
Nama je bila ponoć tek
For us it was only just past midnight.
K'o posvetu na vratu nosim trag
As a consecration on my neck, I wear the trace,
Kud su prošle tvoje usne
Where your lips have passed.
Te noći ja sam čuo sve što sanjaš
That night I heard everything you dream,
Strahove sam tvoje ljubio
I kissed your fears.
K'o poruka na staklu pisana u patnji
As a message written in pain on glass,
Nisi bila tu kad sam se probudio
You weren't there when I woke up.
Do neba, do neba, do neba, do neba ovih dana
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky, to the sky these days,
Do neba, do neba, do neba trebam te
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky I need you.
Do neba, do neba, do neba ako si sama
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky if you're alone,
Još sam do neba, do neba, do neba
I'm still to the sky, to the sky, to the sky
Do neba u te' zaljubljen
To the sky, in love with you
Nije sve što čuješ stvarno tako
Not everything you hear is really like that
Možda ti lažu da sam sretan znaj
Maybe they lie to you that I'm happy
Tebe može voljet' sva'ko
Anyone can love you
Al' umrijet' zadnji put to mogu samo ja
But only I can die for the last time
Do neba, do neba, do neba, do neba ovih dana
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky, to the sky these days,
Do neba, do neba, do neba trebam te
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky I need you.
Do neba, do neba, do neba ako si sama
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky if you're alone,
Još sam do neba, do neba, do neba
I'm still to the sky, to the sky, to the sky
Do neba u te' zaljubljen
To the sky, in love with you
Na stara mjesta izlazim
I go out to the old places,
Po dio svoga beznađa
For a piece of my despair,
U nadi da ću tebe srest'
Hoping that I will meet you.
Ja se pretvaram u krik
I transform into a scream,
Ja ti hoću samo reć'
I just want to tell you
Do neba, do neba, do neba, do neba ovih dana
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky, to the sky these days,
Do neba, do neba, do neba trebam te
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky I need you.
Do neba, do neba, do neba ako si sama
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky if you're alone,
Još sam do neba, do neba, do neba
I'm still to the sky, to the sky, to the sky
Do neba u te' zaljubljen
To the sky, in love with you
Do neba, do neba, do neba, do neba ovih dana
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky, to the sky these days,
Do neba, do neba, do neba trebam te
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky I need you.
Do neba, do neba, do neba ako si sama
To the sky, to the sky, to the sky if you're alone,
Još sam do neba, do neba, do neba
I'm still to the sky, to the sky, to the sky
Do neba u te' zaljubljen
To the sky, in love with you

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