Crystal Boy - おはよう - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Crystal Boy - おはよう

Good Morning
母なる大地 大きな自然に 生かされてるちっぽけな1人
Mother Earth and great nature, a tiny being lives by it.
時にゃ激しい 雨や嵐 避ける為の屋根を探し
Sometimes there is heavy rain or storm, looking for a roof to avoid it.
止めば日差し たまにゃご褒美 架ける空に 綺麗な虹
If it stops, sometimes as a reward, a beautiful rainbow is drawn in the sky.
君にも是非見せてあげたい 君にも是非虹を架けたい
I'd like to show it to you, to draw a rainbow for you.
夜は淋しく孤独で そのくせ熱さえ奪い取る
The night is lonely and solitary, but it takes away the heat.
辛いと言えるならまだまし 言える相手がいるのなら
If you can say it's hard, it's still better, if there is someone you can talk to.
だから月を創ったの? だから星は綺麗なの?
Is that why you created the moon? Is that why the stars are beautiful?
まばらに散りばめ数えてるうちに また次の朝がやってくる
When I count the scattered stars, the next morning comes.
おはよう むかえよう キラキラと眩しい朝を
Good morning, let's meet the sparkling and dazzling morning.
太陽を 讃えよう 大いなる 自然の愛を
Let's praise the sun, the great love of nature.
与えよう 伝えよう 生きる物すべてに朝を
Let's give and convey the morning to all living things.
おはよう 応えよう 今日がはじまる おはよう
Good morning, let's respond, today begins, good morning.
けだるいモーニング 引きずる様に 遠くの目覚まし音のなるほうに
A sluggish morning, towards the sound of an alarm clock ringing far away.
できない用意 寝ちまいそうに なっても今日は二度目出来ない
I can't get ready, I get sleepy, but I can't do it twice today.
隣のハニー 今日もカワイイ 眠り姫起こさない様にKiss
My honey, cute as ever, a kiss to the sleeping princess so as not to wake her up.
僕の変わり 抱き枕にまかし 一人向かうシャワーに
Substituting for me, to the body pillow, I go to the shower alone.
たまにゃ2人で遠出 2人で行こうぜ
Sometimes we go out as a couple, let's go as a couple.
忙しさなんて忘れちまおう 見逃した君の笑顔取り戻しに
Let's forget about the hustle and bustle, to get back the smile you missed.
だから朝から出かけよう だから朝までいよう
That's why we're going out in the morning, that's why we're going to stay until morning.
You wake up to the sound of the frying pan making ham and eggs, I give you a kiss.
おはよう むかえよう キラキラと眩しい朝を
Good morning, let's meet the sparkling and dazzling morning.
太陽を 讃えよう 大いなる 自然の愛を
Let's praise the sun, the great love of nature.
与えよう 伝えよう 生きる物すべてに朝を
Let's give and convey the morning to all living things.
おはよう 応えよう 今日がはじまる おはよう
Good morning, let's respond, today begins, good morning.
おはよう むかえよう キラキラと眩しい朝を
Good morning, let's meet the sparkling and dazzling morning.
太陽を 讃えよう 大いなる 自然の愛を
Let's praise the sun, the great love of nature.
与えよう 伝えよう 生きる物すべてに朝を
Let's give and convey the morning to all living things.
おはよう 応えよう 今日がはじまる おはよう
Good morning, let's respond, today begins, good morning.

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