Crystal Boy - 裏切りの街 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Crystal Boy - 裏切りの街

Treacherous City
いつも通りいつもの様な昼さがり いつもよりどっか静かな日
Like always, the usual afternoon, even quieter than average
自宅大須から向かうBPM 観音はいつも通り道で
From Osu to BPM, Kannon's always by the way
歩いてりゃ会う 誰や彼やと 半分は誰が誰かさえわからない
Walking, meeting different people, half I don't even recognize
自転車で向かうにゃ好都合 移転した本町沿いZebra柄のビル
Convenient to cycle there, the zebra-patterned building along the relocated Honmachi
まだお昼と夕方の間 皆デキるで言う事もないさ
In between the day and evening, everyone's doing just fine
今日も抜かりないマッキー&ルリ ネット注文すでに発送済み
Today, Maki and Ruri have done a great job, the online order is shipped already
NYから来たニューアイテムはるばる ようウチに来たなハグしたくなる
The new item from New York, traveled all the way here, I feel like giving it a hug
カワイコちゃん達はすぐいなくなる それが世の常どんな世界も
Cute girls come and go, that's the way the world is
一番最初に買い物するのがOwnerの醍醐味 新作もタイトに仕上げてきた
Being the first to shop is the perk of being the owner, the new arrivals are well made
あそこのLongcoat&ShirtをGet そして切り上げ
Got the Longcoat & Shirt there, then called it a day
LadyとDinner 久しぶりだ くるもんがキタ じゃあ、また次な
Dinner with a lady, it's been a while, the drinks are here, I'll come back again
珍しく早めに帰宅 10時半 家を空けてたの 5 6時間
Unusually early home, 10:30, only 5 to 6 hours since I left
カギ開けようとすりゃ何故か開いてる そんな筈がない何故か開いてる
When I tried to unlock the door, it was already open, impossible, why is it open
開けたDoor 広がったのは ありえない程に散らかったMy Room
The door opened to a ridiculously messy My Room
Cartierの時計 VuittonのCarry VuittonのBag Bag一つとない
The Cartier watch, the Louis Vuitton carry-on, the Louis Vuitton bags, all gone
マジかよマジでこんなのありえねぇ パニクり過ぎて逆に冷静
Are you kidding me, how is this possible, I'm panicking but oddly composed
捨てたもんじゃねぇなら 捨てられてる 世知辛い裏切りの街
If you're no good, you'll be discarded, such a treacherous city
汗水どんな出しても 報われるかわからないこんな街さ
No matter how hard you struggle, there's no telling if it'll pay off, what a city this is
クソったれ人生 クソったれ人生 何かが俺らを虐げる
Damn this life, damn this life, something torments us
クソったれ人生 クソったれ人生 涙は堪えりゃいいだけ
Damn this life, damn this life, just hold back the tears
自分以外でもあるぜ他にも 身の回りだけでも2人も
Not just me, there are others, at least two around me
1人は知り合いのカワイコちゃん もう1人は昔の彼女
One is a cute girl I know, the other, my ex-girlfriend
互いに楽じゃないが 金もないが笑い合える2人暮らし
In the past, it was tough for both of us, no money, but we had each other in our tiny apartment
まだ夢を諦めたくないと 俺はしがないアルバイト
I didn't want to give up my dream yet, so I worked a lousy part-time job
彼女はOL 忙しそうで 8時を超える事だってしばしば
She was an office lady, so busy, often working past 8
俺が終わんの早けりゃ買い出し 夕食作って待っていました
If I finished early, I did the shopping, prepared dinner, and waited for her
ないな連絡 響く電話 出りゃ彼女は何故だか泣いてる
No contact, the phone rang, it was her, she was sobbing
What's wrong, what's wrong, "........", she asked me to come to the police station nearby
悪い冗談 どうなっとんだ 何があったんだ 止まらん胸騒ぎ
A bad joke, what happened, what happened, my heart pounding
ついた交番 泣いて混乱してる彼女に変わって警官
I reached the police station, a crying and confused her, the police officer spoke for her
“It was a snatch theft, a snatch theft” I couldn't speak, frozen
破れたジーパン 滲んでる血 なんて言葉かけてやりゃ良い?
Torn jeans, bloodstains, what words could I offer?
捨てたもんじゃねぇなら 捨てられてる 世知辛い裏切りの街
If you're no good, you'll be discarded, such a treacherous city
汗水どんな出しても 報われるかわからないこんな街さ
No matter how hard you struggle, there's no telling if it'll pay off, what a city this is
クソったれ人生 クソったれ人生 何かが俺らを虐げる
Damn this life, damn this life, something torments us
クソったれ人生 クソったれ人生 涙は堪えりゃいいだけ
Damn this life, damn this life, just hold back the tears
自分の城さえ守りきれない 好きな人さえ守ってやれない
I can't even protect my own castle, I can't even protect the one I love
俺に何の価値がある? 勝ち上がろうとしても避けれんハプニング
What's the point of me? Trying to climb but there are unavoidable obstacles
這い上がろうとしても 這い上がれん こんなにも辛い中で
Trying to rise but I can't, it's so painful
持てるか 夢や希望 人は人 他人事なら笑って聞いてくれ
Can I keep my dreams and hopes? If it's someone else, you could just laugh it off

Writer(s): crystal boy, yuichiro hikie, Crystal Boy, yuichiro hikie

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