Culeros Vatos - CHULA PARA EL CHULO (feat. JOTTACEE) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Culeros Vatos - CHULA PARA EL CHULO (feat. JOTTACEE)

Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Hoy no te maquillas te ves hermosa, yo no soy perfecto, más te dare sorpresas
Today you're not wearing makeup, you look beautiful, I'm not perfect, but I'll give you surprises
Rompere promesas, al menos soy sincero
I'll break promises, at least I'm sincere
Quieres buena vida?, yo me encargo del dinero
You want a good life? I'll take care of the money
Armani, Gucci, chaquetas de cuero
Armani, Gucci, leather jackets
Mami por ti mato, mami por ti muero
Baby, for you I kill, baby for you I die
Expreso porque puedo, te beso porque quiero
I express myself because I can, I kiss you because I want to
Dile a esos putos, yo tu mero mero
Tell those bastards, I'm your one and only
Que digan villero, claro soy del barrio
Let them call me a hoodlum, of course I'm from the streets
Ven toma mi mano, vueltas en mi bici
Come take my hand, rides on my bike
Disfruta el momento, comprare un auto
Enjoy the moment, I'll buy a car
Cuando sobre el money, cuando sobre blones
When I have enough money, when I have enough dough
Viajes, aviones, directos a Francia
Trips, planes, straight to France
Me encanta tu fragancia que dejas en mi almohada
I love your fragrance that you leave on my pillow
Conmigo acostada, haciendo maniacadas
Lying with me, doing crazy things
Le gusta varias poses, le gusta siendo horcada
You like various positions, you like being choked
Odia este mundo, dice estar cansada
You hate this world, you say you're tired
Veamos el cielo, cuentame tu sueño
Let's look at the sky, tell me your dream
Dime tu deseos, yo ser tu genio
Tell me your wishes, I'll be your genie
Que no falte nada, por ti todo empeño
So that nothing is missing, for you all my effort
Por ti meto caño
For you I score
Por ti meto caño
For you I score
Que Dios me lo permita
May God allow me
Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida, despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Que dios me lo permita,contigo pasen años
May God allow me to spend years with you
Mi reyna de oro,tu nunca de bastos
My golden queen, you're never clubs
Arrugas y bueno gusto
Wrinkles and good taste
La calle es peligrosa, pero no he muerto,
The street is dangerous, but I haven't died,
Nena no trafico
Baby I don't traffic
Pelo tengo baro, su tiempo es caro
Hair I have baro, your time is expensive
A mi me lo fia, que suerte la mia
He trusts me, how lucky I am
Su cuerpo desnudarlo, flores en su piel
Undress your body, flowers on your skin
Yo poder besarlas, mami tu confia
Me being able to kiss them, baby trust me
Ella desafia, sabe va a ganarme
She challenges, she knows she's going to win me over
Yo entre sus piernas, me gusta como chingas
Me between your legs, I like how you fuck
Siempre me espera, espera que me venga
She always waits for me, waits for me to come
Mi nena tan bella, ella solo brilla
My baby so beautiful, she only shines
Le dadare galaxias, toda mia láctea
I'll give her galaxies, my whole Milky Way
Hagamos un pacto, me ve a los ojos
Let's make a pact, look me in the eyes
Me dicen no enamores, se notan sus temores
They tell me don't fall in love, their fears are noticeable
Por otros cabrones, a mi no compares
Because of other bastards, don't compare me to them
Me dicen no pares, bueno continua
They tell me don't stop, well continue
Será un secreto, tu no ves al vato
It will be a secret, you don't see the dude
Bueno de a rato, pero entre los dos,
Well, in a while, but between the two of us,
Ella dice vos, ha
She says you, ha
Le encanta mi tu si
She loves my you yes
Estilo y actitud, ha
Style and attitude, ha
Sabe de mi crew, si
She knows about my crew, yes
Sabe de mi crew, ha
She knows about my crew, ha
Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida, despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Reina aun que seas bandida, juro que mi vida daria todo por vos
Queen, even if you're a bandit, I swear on my life I'd give everything for you
Si ya sabes que tu negro te cuida, aunque el mundo este en contra de los dos
You already know your man takes care of you, even if the world is against us both
Me gusta verte dormida, despues con la luz de la luna estuvimos matándonos
I like to watch you sleep, after we killed each other under the moonlight
Me gusta que seas mi guia, que encima mio te tires en ropa interior
I like you to be my guide, that on top of me you throw yourself in lingerie
Oye mami
Hey mami
Dile a esos putos
Tell those bastards
Yo tu mero, mero
I'm your one and only
Los negros más culeros
The most badass niggas
Jotta Cee
Jotta Cee
Culeros vatos, está en la casa
Culeros vatos, is in the house

Writer(s): Rogelio Flores Valenzuela

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