Cœurlos - Bonica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bonica - Cœurlostraduction en anglais

Ets molt bonica
You are so beautiful
Ets com la rosada
You are like the dew
Com la rosada dels matins
Like the morning dew
Ets tan bonica
You are so beautiful
Ets tan bonica com la posta de sol
You are as beautiful as the sunset
Dels darrers dies d'octubre
Of the last days of October
Ets tan bonica que
You are so beautiful that
Per tu estic aprenent catalá
I am learning Catalan for you
Tot i que a vegades se m' obliden les paraules
Even though I sometimes forget the words
Ets tan preciosa que et veuria moltes hores
You are so precious that I could watch you for hours
Moltes hores sense avorrirme
Many hours without getting bored
Mentre dorms, mentre sopes, mentre esmorzes
While you sleep, while you have soup, while you have breakfast
Mentre rius, mentre plores
While you laugh, while you cry
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
Juntets al seient amb tu
Together on the seat with you
Ets molt bonica
You are so beautiful
Ets com la rosada dels matins
You are like the morning dew
Ets tan bonica com la posta de sol
You are as beautiful as the sunset
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
I em sap greu, em sap greu no ser-hi amb tu
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not with you
Per això sent me amb tu
That's why you feel me with you
Per això sent me amb tu
That's why you feel me with you
Quan t'escric
When I write you
Ets molt bonica (ets molt bonica)
You are so beautiful (you are so beautiful)
Ets molt bonica (ets molt bonica)
You are so beautiful (you are so beautiful)
Ets molt bonica
You are so beautiful

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