D··WAP - Dolunay - traduction des paroles en anglais

Dolunay - D··WAPtraduction en anglais

Full Moon
Yine göğe yükseliyordu
It was rising to the sky again
Karanlıklar arasında
Among the darkness
Yükseldikçe artıyordu
Its burden increased as it rose
Yükü omuzlarımda
The burden on my shoulders
Huzurlarımda oldu
It was there in my peace
And in my restlessness
Benimde vardı hatalarım
I had my mistakes too
Bir replay formatında
In a replay format
Biriktiydi anılarım
My memories piled up
Çoğuda onun karşısında
Most of them in front of her
Üstümüze ışıktı bazen
Sometimes it shone upon us
Bazen yoktu karanlıkta
Sometimes it wasn't there, in the darkness
Bir zen budisti gibi
Like a Zen Buddhist
Bağdaç kurdum ortasında
I sat cross-legged in the middle
Yansıyan ışığı içimde aradım
I searched for the reflected light within me
İçimde karanlıktı oysa
But it was dark inside me
Bir perde araladım
I drew back a curtain
Odamdan çıkdığında gözler
Eyes when you left my room
Dünya farklı bir tadım
The world, a different flavor
Lık can ölümü özler
My soul yearns for death
Böyle çelişkiydi yaşam
Life was such a contradiction
Benden eski bir ışık
An older light than me
Tam boyuyla orda izler
Watches there at full length
Rüyalarımda karanlık
Darkness in my dreams
Dolunayla yazdı sözler
The full moon wrote the words
Ayna karşısında salık
Healthy in front of the mirror
Olacak olanı gizler
Hides what will be
Elimde kalmamıştı batık
I had no sunken left in my hand
Gemi dolmuş denizler
Seas filled with ships
Bir hışımla kalktım
I got up in a rush
Köprü gemi hepsi yanık
Bridge, ship, all burnt
Zaten bunca zifti
All this darkness anyway
Anca yakmak temizler
Only burning cleanses
Bak yükselmiş yuvarlak
Look, it has risen round
Çekiyor denizi kendine
Pulling the sea towards itself
Öylesine de parlak
So bright too
Işıldıyor sankide
It shines as if
Güneştende çaldı hak
It stole a right from the sun
Biliyordu kendide
It knew it itself
Bu son nakarat seninle
This last chorus is with you
I wanted
Dolunay şahit
The full moon as witness
Kavgama ve sevgime
To my fight and my love
I hid it
I told you
Ağustosun birinde
On the first of August
Dolunay vardı yine
There was a full moon again
You rejected me
You wanted
Dolunay yoktu ve
There was no full moon and
Bir ışık yoktu bende
There was no light in me
I didn't see it
You said
Belli ettin gizlice
You made it obvious secretly
Alınmıştım tepkine
I was offended by your reaction
I snapped back
I waited
Düzelir belki diye
Thinking maybe it would get better
Kaç dolunay geçsede
However many full moons passed
You didn't come
Ben gittim
I left
Falda çıkan harfi de
The letter that came out in the fortune
Çıkardım kalbimden de
I removed it from my heart too
You didn't leave
Yine kabuslar gelecek
Nightmares will come again
Dolunay sayesinde
Thanks to the full moon
Uyanmaya birkaç çeyrek
A few quarters to wake up
Fayda etmesede
Even if it doesn't help
Sabahın köründe kürek
A shovel at the crack of dawn
Soğuk kumla örtse
May cold sand cover it
Yanındayken ürkek
Timid when I was with you
Oysa nekadar bir haşin bilse
If only you knew how harsh I could be
Tepe var küçük küçük
There are small hills
Hepsi onun olsa bile
Even if they all belong to you
Benim dağım gülücük
My mountain is a smile
Yükselirim hepsine
I will rise above them all
Arkadamdaysa bir ışık
If there is a light behind me
Kimi zaman benimle
Sometimes with me
Kimi zaman akıl karışık
Sometimes my mind is confused
Söylenirim kendime
I talk to myself
Keşkelerde bir şık
"What ifs" are also an option
Akıl sağlığı gitse de
Even if my sanity goes
Uyumak hayalinle
Sleeping with your dream
Pozisyon belki kaşık
Maybe spooning position
Uyanmak hayalinle
Waking up with your dream
Saçın başın dağınık
Your hair messy
Dolunaydım belki bende
Maybe I was a full moon too
Kendi yörümgemde
In my own orbit
Bir güneşe rastladım
I came across a sun
Uzaktan sevmem gereksede
Even if I have to love from afar
Işığı güzeldi lakin
Its light was beautiful, but
Can yakardı tavrı
Its attitude would hurt
Benim ruhum sakin
My soul is calm
Yansıtmıştım bende
I had reflected
Ondan aldığım kadarı
As much as I got from it
Belki bende vardı kin
Maybe I had resentment too
Sevgiye paraleldi
It was parallel to love
Artık içim tekin
Now my inside is safe
Gitmeye bedeldi
It was worth leaving
Zaten bu son check in.
This is the last check-in anyway.
DooWAP buradaydı bak
DooWAP was here, look
Sense değişmedin
But you didn't change
Güneştende çaldı hak
It stole a right from the sun too
Biliyordun kendin
You knew it yourself
Bu son nakarat bırak
Leave this last chorus
I wanted
Dolunay şahit
The full moon as witness
Kavgama ve sevgime
To my fight and my love
I hid it
I told you
Ağustosun birinde
On the first of August
Dolunay vardı yine
There was a full moon again
You rejected me
You wanted
Dolunay yoktu ve
There was no full moon and
Bir ışık yoktu bende
There was no light in me
I didn't see it
You said
Belli ettin gizlice
You made it obvious secretly
Alınmıştım tepkine
I was offended by your reaction
I snapped back
I waited
Düzelir belki diye
Thinking maybe it would get better
Kaç dolunay geçsede
However many full moons passed
You didn't come
Ben gittim
I left
Falda çıkan harfi de
The letter that came out in the fortune
Çıkardım kalbimden de
I removed it from my heart too
You didn't leave
I added
Bir yara var artık bende
There is a wound in me now
Başını koyacağın yerde
Where you will lay your head

Writer(s): Salih Youdjebash

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