DABO - DIAMOND(Forever) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DABO - DIAMOND(Forever)

俺は路傍のストーン 孤独なストーン だがまれに見る独特なストーン
I'm a roadside stone, a lonely stone But a rare and unique stone
背に染みこませた日照りにスコール 持て余した時間しきりにスモーク
With the sun's glare on my back and a downpour of rain I have too much time on my hands and I keep smoking
皆素通りさ路地の雑草 地面から見上げた街の雑踏
Everyone ignores me, a weed in the alley I look up at the hustle and bustle of the city from the ground
ハロー!? 見えるか俺ならここ せわしない通りじゃ俺は残像 Daaam!!
Hello!? Can you see me here? I'm just a ghost on this busy street Daaam!!
今にこんな日々脱走 時来たりなばと一人渇望
Soon I'll escape these days My time will come and I'll thirst for it alone
その時誰もが俺に脱帽 よこしなツバぶちまけるタンツボ
Then everyone will take their hats off to me Spill out their dirty spittoons
たぎる血持て余し爆走 鼻息に比べりゃタマは弱小
My blood boils and I speed away My balls are weak compared to my breath
まごつき蛇行すりゃほらクラクション その度乗り過ごしてたジャンクション
I hesitate and weave, and the horns blare Every time I miss my exit at the junction
俺もまだ目クソ鼻クソ だが鼻はきくタチ 風は変わるぞ
I'm still a nobody But I have a good nose The wind is changing
腹空かしマイクに飛ばした胸クソ 雲一つねえ明け方のRap Show
Hungry, I spit my anger into the microphone The dawn Rap Show is cloudless
地下にこだま縮こまるMy Voice 時は¥93 俺は埋没
My voice echoes in the underground It's 1993 and I'm buried
当時ならモチペイジャーが代表 ここ東京 照らす財宝
Back then, a pager was the biggest thing Tokyo, a shining treasure
そう それがDaimond Yeah Shine
Yes, that's Daimond Yeah Shine
光るDaimond Shine Shine
Shining Daimond Shine Shine
正にDaimond Shine Shine
Truly Daimond Shine Shine
Shining Daimond
俺は路傍のストーン 孤独なストーン 時が育む特別な至宝
I'm a roadside stone, a lonely stone Time will nurture a special treasure
背に染みこませた日照りにスコール 持て余した時間しきりにスモーク
With the sun's glare on my back and a downpour of rain I have too much time on my hands and I keep smoking
にごる目で見渡した路上 口ずさむラフで不確かなフロー
Looking out over the hazy streets I hum a rough and uncertain flow
しだいに増す脱落者に合唱 時代はまつ略奪者の来訪
The dropouts grow in number And the age of plunderers has arrived
Who¥s Next? 俺と仲間の参上 地下で牙といだ後のNITRO
Who's Next? Me and my crew are here Underground, we've sharpened our teeth for NITRO
正にUndergroundたたき上げ代表 宇田川が産む新たな財宝
Truly Underground pioneers Udagawa's newest treasure
川登り さぁかけ上がる回廊 たらふく食わしてくれ美味いモン
Let's climb, let's ascend Feed me delicious things
しだいに増し出すマスのリアクション しだいに説得力増す確証
The reactions of the masses grow And my convictions become more persuasive
時は2000とんでOneガッツポーズ ディールゲッツに猛るワンパク坊主
The year is 2000 and we're flying One and four We're deal getters, wild boys
その場で破いて捨てたパスポート 俺が今日からは夢のパイロット
I tore up my passport and threw it away Today I'm a pilot of dreams
この空舞いこの体開放 見下ろす街 ほらあれがマイホーム
I'm flying through the sky, my body free Looking down at the city, that's my home
めくるめくライフ よどみないトーン 井戸ん中から外にダイブだドボーン
A dizzying life, an unwavering tone I dive out of the well into the splash
時はたち2000とびもうFour 輝き今だ増すマイクロフォン
Four years have passed since 2000 And my microphone still shines brighter
みがき抜いたスキル響く倍音 すべるようなフロー 合わせな鼓動
My polished skills resonate with overtones A smooth flow, a steady beat
無知なYoungBoyz 無茶なYoungGirlz 来るべき世紀 道のダークホース
Ignorant YoungBoyz and YoungGirlz The dark horses of the coming century
手をかざしなこの光る才能 今だ価値増す財宝
Hold out your hand to this shining talent A treasure that's only growing in value
そう それがDaimond Yeah Shine
Yes, that's Daimond Yeah Shine
光るDaimond Shine Shine
Shining Daimond Shine Shine
正にDaimond Shine Shine
Truly Daimond Shine Shine
Shining Daimond
あがみな皆 二つとはないこの才 この手が描いた未来像
All of you, all of you This talent is one of a kind It's the future I've painted with my own hands
幻のようにFlash Back またたく我がDiamond
Like a mirage, a Flashback My Diamond is twinkling
見上げて見な 二つとはない存在 お前が夢に見た財宝
Look up and see, a being like no other The treasure you've always dreamed of
あの星のようにShine Shine とわに輝くDiamond
Like that star, Shine Shine My Diamond will glow forever
I'm a roadside stone...

Writer(s): Dabo, D.o.i., dabo, d.o.i.

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