DAK - Jma3 Karek - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DAK - Jma3 Karek

Jma3 Karek
Jma3 Karek
Ya, ya, ya, ya (ba-banks)
Ya, ya, ya, ya (ba-banks)
Mero Guevara Che
Mero Guevara Che
04 La Casa (banks)
04 La Casa (banks)
Rrran, rrran (ya, ya, ya)
Rrran, rrran (ya, ya, ya)
Rrran fi kerrek ya weld lqe7ba (banks)
Rrran fi kerrek ya weld lqe7ba (banks)
Jawek les wolves, les haramis
I'm fending off the wolves, the thieves
Karabina te7t l'canapé
My rifle's under the couch
Ghareq fi demmek fi chaware3 Paris mermi
Drowning in your blood on the streets of Paris, thrown away
Goullhom l3ennabi 7gerni
Tell them, 'You're gonna pay for this'
Blédard, jib m3ak les beurs
You're a loser, bring the Arabs with you
Ta mère, zid m3ahom ta sœur (pute)
Your mother, add her sister to the mix (slut)
Ça démarre Tmax bida, ntell3ok l ssbitar
It starts with a white Tmax, I'll take you to the hospital
C'est nous les gars d'Barbès, 3ennabi
We're the guys from Barbès, you're going to pay
Khatina trafic, stups, coke, cannabis
We've got the traffic, drugs, coke, weed
Tragédie: Moro meyyet fi Canal Plus
Tragedy: Moroccan died on Canal Plus
3ennabi jihadi révolutionnaire w sekkina fi qa3 Lqeddafi
You're a revolutionary jihadist, locked up in the Gaddafi room
04 La Casa ki Benghazi
04 La Casa like Benghazi
Guerroum w y7ebbou m l'arrière, jme3 kerrеk
We fight and they love it from the back, I'm gathering you up
Nferga3lek tebboun l'carrièrе dyal mmok
I'll throw you back to your father's career
Tesma3 tiz mmok w bla mziya
You hear your father's story without any benefits
Fi gnaztek njibo lmzawdiya
We get the supplies in your pants
Sel3et lblad dezzha fi qe33ek
The country's merchandise, deep in your ass
7na li nbi3olkom lqerqoubi
We're the ones selling you the weed
Mero Guevara Che zadem b lqerqabou
Mero Guevara Che is back with the weed
3ennaba Gotham, nik ommha Copacabana, ke7la Camara
You're a Gotham, I'll fuck your mother, Copacabana, dark Camara
Nta w Demon fikom l3taya, Dolce Gabbana
You and Demon, you're just fools, Dolce Gabbana
Nikoulou ommo w okhto, c'est pas grave
We'll fuck your mother and sister, no big deal
Za3ma mneyykin, ça bicrave
Claiming to be clean, it's a lie
Khaliyet lq7ab CB4, yeddek fi zebbi, olala
The whore gang CB4, you'll get your hand in my dick, oh my god
Mechni 7liwa oplala, discographie ta3 Botana
I'm walking sweetly, oplala, Botana's discography
Fi dlam llil te7t lgemra, l3ennabi li 7wak
In the darkness of night under the moon, it's you who's messed up
Gangsta ghir f lweb, ddak lwad, monotone w zid whack
Gangsta only on the web, you're a lame, monotonous, and a whack
Zademha Fer3oun, jak Dak ygelleb bik Nissan
You've got it, Pharaoh, Dak is coming to get you with a Nissan
Jay l Paris, ssenna littisal, cagoulé kima les paras ta3 Beskra
I'm in Paris, wait for the call, hooded like the Beskra paratroopers
Njiwek 3a ssekra, nik mmok
I'll come to you drunk, fuck your father
Na7chilek fi kerrek 36, nik mmok
I'll leave you in your ass 36, fuck your father
Dork win bdat, ma tgoullich "salina"
Where it all began, don't say "we're done"
Njik l Casa ndir clip fi marina
I'll come to Casa and shoot a video in the marina
Be33ed nik ommok, malek 7adina?
Keep your hands off my mother, are you my king?
Bateau pirate raye7 nbraki lpatera
Pirate ship sailing, I'll break the stones
Paralysé Moro b7al Boutefliqa b les couches
Moroccan paralyzed like Bouteflika with diapers
J'les baise homa w rrap merroki, f lkhra niveau yfloti
I'm fucking them and Moroccan rap, in terms of level, it floats
Li y7ebb yjerreb ysoti, 3ennabi OP H24
Whoever wants to try it, vote, 3ennabi OP H24
Rap, zenqa, ghorba, dépôt, mes couilles, zebbi, on est
Rap, street, loneliness, deposit, my balls, my dick, we're here
Koulchi 7aqiqi ghir nta
Everything is real, only you're not
T3aned fina 7na tjik fi qa3ek
You mess with us, we'll come to your place
Hors-catégorie, m3aya ghir les gorilles
Out of category, only the gorillas with me
Jak lqriyed li yba3bes ssayd fi ghabto
The little guy who terrorizes the king in his forest
Na3ref fi Sarcelles chkoun ykhalto
I know who messed up in Sarcelles
Moro défoncé, tzewwez b zzenqa li neknaha
Moroccan messed up, married to the street we fucked
Kherrjo ladawat, lkhawa ychett7ok 3a lmeknasi (rrran)
Bring the police, the brothers will fuck you up in Meknès (rrran)
Dkhelti fi 7erb win tmout, 3omrek ma tokhrej mblessé
You entered a war where you die, you'll never come out unharmed
Mechek dib, ana li alpha, kelb, couché nik ommok ndressik
You're a cowardly dog, I'm the alpha, dog, down, fuck your mother, I'll teach you
Zouz dqayeq berk nbrizik
Two minutes and I'll show you
Wa malek a lqlawi?
What's up, little girl?
Morotone, jma3 kerrek la n7wilek mmok
You're monotonous, I'll gather you up, I'll turn your father
23, red motherfucking zone
23, red motherfucking zone
04 La Casa, Mero Guevara Che
04 La Casa, Mero Guevara Che
On est là, ma gueule
We're here, bitch
Rap, zenqa, ghorba, dépôt, mes couilles, zebbi, on est
Rap, street, loneliness, deposit, my balls, my dick, we're here
PAR: MIZzou_rb
PAR: MIZzou_rb

Writer(s): Ahmed Kamel Djenadi

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