Sólito y solo en un triste pasado o en un sueño de una pesadilla dormidoo.
Solitary and alone in a sad past or in a dream of a nightmare asleep.
Y molesto como si fuera un soldado me dijo una desconocida que te ocurree.
And annoyed as if I were a soldier, a stranger told me what's the matter with you.
No te conosco pero dime k te pasa, te diré y cuidaito si te aburre y fue cuando saque este coro en mi casa.
I don't know you but tell me what's wrong with you, I'll tell you and watch out if you get bored and that's when I released this chorus in my house.
Dises que me kieres o si y otra dise Qué me detesta ohh yea pero la tumecutosi.
You say that you love me or yes and another says that she hates me ohh yeah, but the sickness.
Ella dise Que soy genial tu dises Que me kieres o si y la otra dise Qué me detesta o yea pero la tumecutosi ella disee.
She says that I'm great, you say that you love me or yes and the other one says that she hates me o yeah, but the sickness, she says.
Que soy genial lo Que tienes, tienes Qué valorarloo oh si no se precenta un ladrón entra a tu ca da sin mucho pensarloo.
That I'm great, what you have, you have to value it, or else a thief will show up and enter your house without thinking twice.
Y con la llave se Roba tu corazón Al principio tu no lo estraña al segundo ya te falta el airee.
And with the key, he steals your heart. At first, you don't miss it, the second you run out of air.
Al tercero la vista se te empañaa y finalmente ya no tienes a nadiee.
By the third, your eyesight becomes blurred and finally, you have no one left.
El ladrón se lo vendió a un doctoor.
The thief sold it to a doctor.
El doctor lo Reparo y lo arreglaba y el corazón Recuperó el coloor.
The doctor repaired it and fixed it, and the heart recovered its color.
Y lo Regalo a kien verdad nesecitaba.
And he gave it to someone who really needed it.
Ahora tu Lo estrañaas.
Now you miss it.
Por Que ya no está con tigoo.
Because it's not with you anymore.
Ohh yea a hora tu Lo estrañaas, por Qué ya tiene un nuevo amigoo, o yea tu dises que me kieres o si otra dise Que me detesta o yea pero la tumecutosi, ella dise Que soy Genial,
Ohh yeah, now you miss it, because it already has a new friend, o yeah you say that you love me or yes another one says that she hates me o yeah, but the sickness, she says that I'm great,
Tu dises Que me kieres ohh si otra dise Que me detesta o yea pero la tumecutosi ella dise Que soy genial,
You say that you love me ohh yes another one says that she hates me o yeah, but the sickness, she says that I'm great,
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