DJ Static feat. Jokeren - Chefpi#%En - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DJ Static feat. Jokeren - Chefpi#%En

La lucha hizo
The fight made
Que el soñador dejara de serlo
The dreamer stop being one
So test
So test
So test yourself on far cry
So test yourself on far cry
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
Reach the limit or die
Reach the limit or die
There's no light in the night
There's no light in the night
Don't give up try to survive When you are lonely and tired
Don't give up try to survive When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
You've got nothing but sky
You've got nothing but sky
Like a bird learns to fly
Like a bird learns to fly
So test yourself on far cry
So test yourself on far cry
Llevo mucho tiempo sin poder sentir
For a long time I haven't been able to feel
Algo me come por dentro que no me permite seguir
Something eats me from the inside that doesn't allow me to continue
Con mi familia no me he comportado muy bien
I haven't behaved very well with my family
Siempre se puede elegir
You can always choose
Todos pueden decidir
Everyone can decide
Siempre he sabido que con el esfuerzo y coraje
I've always known that with effort and courage
Lo pueden todos conseguir
Everyone can achieve it
Te quieres rendir
You want to give up
No puedes fingir
You can't pretend
Que no pasa nada, que los malos ganan
That nothing happens, that the bad guys win
Y no se lo vas a impedir
And you are not going to prevent it
Piensa en tu familia piensa en tu madre
Think about your family think about your mother
Y en todo lo que ha hecho por ti
And everything she has done for you
Cumplir su sueño, es tu meta y que sea feliz
Fulfilling her dream, is your goal and to make her happy
No puedes dejarlo escapara
You can't let it escape
He llegado la hora de que alguien le ponga su fin
The time has come for someone to put an end to it
Habéis machado con sangre mi tierra sagrada
You have crushed my sacred land with blood
Comienza mi rumbo y destino, será el Himalaya
My course and destiny begin, it will be the Himalayas
Y llegara a la tierra llamada lakshamana
And it will reach the land called lakshamana
No pienso callarme porque gente que no vale nada
I'm not going to shut up because people who are worthless
Mi historia ya ha sido forjada cual fuego y acero
My story has already been forged like fire and steel
Formando una espada afilada en que
Forming a sharp sword in which
Claramente tu muerte se ve reflejada
Your death is clearly reflected
Bienvenido al epicentro
Welcome to the epicenter
Cuando avalanchas se aproximan
When avalanches approach
Se dispara adrenalina por momentos
Adrenaline is triggered at times
Así que escúchame atento
So listen to me carefully
Porque juro reventar ese helicóptero
Because I swear to blow up that helicopter
Pero contigo dentro, eyouh!
But with you inside, eyouh!
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
Reach the limit or die
Reach the limit or die
There's no light in the night
There's no light in the night
Don't give up try to survive
Don't give up try to survive
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
You've got nothing but sky
You've got nothing but sky
Like a bird learns to fly
Like a bird learns to fly
So test yourself on far cry
So test yourself on far cry
He nacido en Hong Kong y matare
I was born in Hong Kong and I will kill
Al que se acomode en este tronco
Whoever gets comfortable in this log
Pues mi padre formo parte del triángulo de oro
Well my father was part of the golden triangle
Yo no imploro más justicia por tus lloros
I don't implore justice for your cries anymore
Solo te cabe morir, soy un pagan min y ese es mi apodo
You just have to die, I'm a pagan min and that's my nickname
Yo quiero escucharte sufrir
I want to hear you suffer
Nadie se escapa no puedes salir
Nobody escapes you can't get out
No existe la forma de huir
There is no way to escape
Todas las guerras llegan a su fin
All wars come to an end
Por eso debes de combatir
So you must fight
Al enemigo abatir
To bring down the enemy
Cuando les miro a los ojos comienzan todos a decir
When I look them in the eye they all start to say
Que quieres de mí, yo quiero vivir
What do you want from me, I want to live
Hare lo que quieras por ti
I'll do whatever you want for you
Con tal de que no me atormentes
As long as you don't torment me
Trafico drogas contantemente
I constantly traffic drugs
También poseo mi doble que ha sido alterado
I also have my double who has been altered
Quirúrgicamente, y siempre es quien hace
Surgically, and he's always the one who does
El trabajo más sucio sin el algún momento
The dirtiest work without any time
Debo de encontrarme con gente
I have to meet people
Que! Que
That! That
Si no me obedeces es porque eres un insensato
If you don't obey me it's because you're a fool
Siempre creyeron que soy un niñato
They always thought I was a kid
Porque todo aquel que no acate mis leyes fijo que lo mato
Because anyone who doesn't abide by my laws I swear I'll kill him
Siempre comento mis asesinatos, pero es mi forma
I always comment on my murders, but it's my way
De abrirme camino entre mis enemigos
To make my way among my enemies
Y así no mancharme de sangre todos los zapatos, eyouh!
And so as not to stain all the shoes with blood, eyouh!
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
Reach the limit or die
Reach the limit or die
There's no light in the night
There's no light in the night
Don't give up try to survive
Don't give up try to survive
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
You've got nothing but sky
You've got nothing but sky
Like a bird learns to fly
Like a bird learns to fly
So test yourself on far cry
So test yourself on far cry
Todo esto ha comenzado en nuestra nación de kyrat
All this began in our nation of kyrat
Fue la tierra de mis padres, también mi tierra natal
It was the land of my parents, also my homeland
Y ahora tengo que viajar para esparcir las cenizas
And now I have to travel to scatter the ashes
De mi madre por lakashmana, les gustaba ese lugar
From my mother through lakashmana, they liked that place
Mis pupilas no dan crédito al líder de las fuerzas
My pupils do not give credit to the leader of the forces
Del ejército manejando a su sequito
Of the army driving his entourage
Cual títeres que le otorgan el merito
Like puppets that give him the merit
A un jodido esquizofrénico
To a fucking schizophrenic
Solo cierra los ojos si quieres sentir el vértigo
Just close your eyes if you want to feel the vertigo
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
Reach the limit or die
Reach the limit or die
There's no light in the night
There's no light in the night
Don't give up try to survive
Don't give up try to survive
When you are lonely and tired
When you are lonely and tired
You fight against rain and fire
You fight against rain and fire
So test
So test
So test yourself on far cry
So test yourself on far cry

Writer(s): Jesper Dahl, Temu Bacot, Thorbjørn Schwarz

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