DJ Wich - Podjeb Ju - traduction des paroles en anglais

Podjeb Ju - DJ Wichtraduction en anglais

Podjeb Ju
I'm Doing Your Mother
Ye Ye Tomu ver K.O.N.T.eR. a Fakt.
Ye Ye Tomu show K.O.N.T.eR. and Fakt.
Dávid Čoko, Dj Wich na tvojej vlne
Dávid Čoko, Dj Wich on your wave
2004 nastav uši brácho.
2004 open your ears bro.
Lezeš mi na nervy dlhšiu dobu
You've been getting on my nerves for a long time now
nechcem v sebe dusiť moju zlobu.
I don't want to suppress my anger within me any longer.
Správaš sa ako piča
You behave like a cunt
Za každú pičovinu musiš kričať.
You have to scream for every little thing.
Keď ti dám facku potom začneš kňučať.
When I slap you, you start to whine.
by si mohla čušať. Život mi nenarúšať.
You could already be fucking off. Not disrupting my life.
Stále sa rozchádzať a znovu skúšať.
Always breaking up and trying again.
Vkuse ma podozrievaš
You suspect me all the time
Kokot mi nezohrievaš
You don't warm my cock
si ani piču neholievaš
You don't even shave your cunt anymore
Nikam nechodievaš
You don't go anywhere
Kukaš na sitkomy a s tými kurvami sa zbiehaš.
You watch sitcoms and hang out with those bitches.
Ty si prijebaná ešte viacej ako tvoja mama
You're even more fucked up than your mother
Čo chceš byť ozaj sama
Do you really want to be alone
Mnou neobletovaná?
Not being hovered around by me?
Piča umrnčaná.
Pissy bitch.
Pamätám na časy keď si sa jebala do rána
I remember the days when you fucked until the morning
Teraz si mrtvá ako pana
Now you're as dead as a whore
Zarástla ti blana
Your hymen has grown over
nemáš chuť na vlastného chalana
You don't feel like your own man anymore
Kedy ty mi naposledy si dala?
When was the last time you gave it to me?
Naposledy keď som ťa jebal do rici si z toho len plakala.
The last time I fucked you in the ass, you just cried about it.
Aj keď mam kokot tvrdý ako skala
Even though I have a cock as hard as a rock
S tebou to nepohne aby si mi ho omakala
It doesn't move you to touch it
Teraz sa jebem všade či chodim kade-tade
Now I fuck everywhere, wherever I go
V plnej paráde berem každú čo mi stojí v rade.
I take everyone who's standing in line in full splendor.
Staré prsnaté mladé
Old busty ones, young ones
Také 14-ročné pičky tie dosť jebavé.
Those 14-year-old pussies, they're pretty good fuckers.
Toto si ozaj chcela
This is what you really wanted
Nechcel som od teba zas tak vela.
I didn't want that much from you.
Jebem sa všade aby si vedela
I fuck everywhere so you know
Keby si na piči len nesedela
If you just didn't sit around on your pussy
Mohla si láskou ku mne horieť zalubena celá.
You could have been full of love for me.
Kurva, parohatá piča
Whore, cuckolded cunt
Smecisková kurva
Slutty whore
Jebali mrtvy psy do čreva.
Fucked alive by dead dogs in the gut.
Bratu viem maš doma frajerku
Bro, I know you got a girlfriend at home
Peknu žienku o tebe dobrú mienku
Pretty woman, has a good opinion of you
A mysli si že ta ma vmerku
And thinks you're keeping an eye on her
No je na omyle. Ty si venku
But she's mistaken. You're out there
V trochu lepšom šenku, maš plnu peňaženku
In a somewhat better pub, you've got a full wallet
Vidiš babenku z kerej si sa dosral
You see a little chick you shit from
Treba vymeniť plienku
You need to change the diaper
Zautočiť na ňu z venku
Attack her from the outside
Ale si povinny splniť jednu podmienku
But you're required to fulfill one condition
Nevyrábaj žiadne važne pičoviny
Don't make any serious bullshit
Ber ju jak bastard berie fenku
Take her like a bastard takes a bitch
Naladit správnu náladu
Get in the right mood
Očuchať zabrechať a jebnúť ho zezadu
Sniff, bark and fuck her from behind
Bez premýšlania netreba ma prosiť o radu
Don't ask me for advice without thinking
Je to jednoduché
It's simple
Treba ich drbať všecky doradu
You have to screw them all together
Máme ich hromadu
We have a pile of them
Tu záleži od pohladu
It depends on the point of view here
Či si zaslúžia trochu ohladu
Whether they deserve a little consideration
Predsa ich nenecháme umrieť od hladu
After all, we can't let them starve to death
Máš výčitky hovado? Čo si mimo?
Do you feel guilty, asshole? What, are you out of your mind?
Nevieš že krátky je život?
Don't you know that life is short?
A jak ti bude clivo že si len sedel a pil pivo
And how shitty will it be for you that you just sat around and drank beer
Ostatným sa žilo
Everyone else was living
Skor či neskor ťa podjebe ona
Sooner or later, she'll fuck you over
Vsadím na to svoje posledné kilo
I'd bet my last buck on it
Osedlá iného koňa predbehni ju zamlč to
Saddle up another horse, pass her, keep quiet about it
A ešte ti aj doma ty somár!
And she'll even give you some at home, you jackass!
Tvoja milá patrí medzi ľudí kerým sa
Your honey is one of those people
Táto skladba nebude
Who this song won't like
Lúbiť bude ma za ňu chceť ubiť
She'll love me for it, want to kill me for it
No ty predsa nejsi buzik
But you're not a faggot after all
Kerý chce chytať iba jedny dudy
Who just wants to grab those one titty
V jednej piči sa nudiť v jednej piči blúdiť
To bore yourself in one pussy, get lost in one pussy
V tej istej piči sa budiť
To wake up in the same pussy
To sa predsa nedá slúbiť.
You can't promise that after all.
Nevera, ye ye ye.
Infidelity, ye ye ye.
To ti pravé pudy.
Those are the real instincts.

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