DMS - Trek Nulaštyri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Trek Nulaštyri

Trek Nulaštyri
Trek Nulaštyri
Separ! Yah, oh, oh...
Separ! Yeah, oh, oh...
(Oh) Dovoľ mi to zhrnúť celé na ten reálny kopák.
(Oh) Let me sum it all up with a real kick.
Jak je to so Separom? Jak sa chodí v jeho botách?
What's it like with Separ? How does it feel to walk in his shoes?
2001, s Damem prvé rapy, živá stoka.
2001, first raps with Dame, a living sewer.
Nebol YouTube ani lóve, rap bol hovne po pás.
There was no YouTube, no money, rap was knee-deep in shit.
Názov stavby boli tí, čo to tu mali v rukách.
Názov Stavby were the ones who had it all in their hands.
Doteraz móžem rapovať ich texty - by si kukal.
I can still rap their lyrics - you'd be amazed.
Chceli byť jak oni, no nestačí iba dúfať,
They wanted to be like them, but it's not enough to just hope,
Tak som začal písať toľko, že som sa cítil jak Tupac.
So I started writing so much that I felt like Tupac.
Prešli roky, začal som to celé chápať.
Years passed, I began to understand it all.
Ten pocit radosti z písania, že sa ti chce plakať.
That feeling of joy from writing that makes you want to cry.
2004, prišiel DJ Vrana, čo mal nápad,
2004, DJ Vrana came along, he had an idea,
Že by sme mohli dať prvý koncert s Damem u Draka.
That we could do our first concert with Dame at Drak.
Za ten pocit na pódiu by som vedel skapať,
For that feeling on stage I would die,
Aj keď tam bolo 30 ľudí, ale hneď začali skákať.
Even though there were only 30 people, but they started jumping right away.
vtedy som pochopil, že 2 kusy nejsú vata.
Even then I understood that two pieces are not cotton wool.
Po ceste domov rozjebali nočák, išli chrápať.
On the way home they trashed the night bus, went to sleep.
Separ a Dame! Reprezentácia Dúbravka! Tak počúvaj!
Separ and Dame! Representing Dúbravka! So listen up!
Lebo, lebo teraz sme tu my! Prvá vec našej skupiny./
Because, because now we're here! The first track of our group./
Najbližšie roky hrali za cestu a bufet,
The next few years they played for travel and a buffet,
No boli v piči, keď zrazu robili predkapelu L.U.Z.e. (L.U.Z.A)
But they were thrilled when they suddenly opened for L.U.Z.a. (L.U.Z.A)
Tie veci si poznal, aj keď si nebol náš sused.
You already knew those things, even if you weren't our neighbor.
DWS crew pre celý bar. Panák na môj účet! (eeey)
DWS crew for the whole bar. Drinks on me! (eeey)
Život bol míšačka, no my sme mali od nej kľúče.
Life was a mixer, but we had the keys to it.
Píčoviny, kurvy, každú chvíľu iný prúser.
Bullshit, bitches, a different mess every moment.
2007, miesto Vranu došiel DJ Metys,
2007, DJ Metys came instead of Vrana,
No nebol album, takže koncerty - žiadny prepych.
But there was no album, so the concerts were no luxury.
Aj keď som vedel, že DMS-ka strašné rapy,
Even though I knew that DMS had sick raps,
Bez peňazí na štúdio zbytočné všetky tracky.
Without money for the studio, all the tracks were useless.
2008, Dame zobral úver.
2008, Dame took out a loan.
"Ďakujem ti za to, starý, že ten rap neostal navždy v búde
"Thank you for that, man, that the rap didn't stay forever in the booth
Schovaný, zabudnutý, jak lúzer
Hidden, forgotten, like a loser
S nenaplnenými snami, dojebaný sám v kúte."
With unfulfilled dreams, fucked up alone in a corner."
A zo Smarta začali padať také hudby,
And such music started falling from Smart,
Že keď som si ich pustil, všetky chĺpy na tele mi stuhli.
That when I played them, all the hairs on my body stood on end.
Žiadne kurvy nezastavia naše túžby.
No bitches will stop our desires anymore.
TERAZ NAOZAJ, Dúbravka, more, uhni!
NOW FOR REAL, Dúbravka, sea, move over!
(2010) 2010, Mater, Danosť, Decko, Dekan, DMS, (ah), áno!
(2010) 2010, Mater, Danosť, Decko, Dekan, DMS, (ah), yes!
DJ Metys, Miko - jedno lano, neskôr Deryck,
DJ Metys, Miko - one rope, later Deryck,
Lkama. Spojili sme Senec s Bratislavou. (žye)
Lkama. We connected Senec with Bratislava. (live)
Ekvivalent Názvu stavby, slovenský Wu-Tang.
The equivalent of Názov Stavby, Slovak Wu-Tang.
Začal som to rozjebávať ako Liu Gang.
I started smashing it like Liu Kang.
Chceli diss? Ukázal som, že to furt viem, (yeah)
They wanted a diss? I showed them I still can, (yeah)
Že ťa furt zjem. Kráter ako po rakete vzduch, zem.
That I can still eat you. A crater like after a rocket, air, ground.
Že som furt ten, čo ťa rozdrbe, že boom-bam!
That I'm still the one who will crush you, boom-bam!
Že keď chcú, nech prídu sem. (yeah)
That if they want, let them come here. (yeah)
Bol som leader, ale bral si rovnaké percentá,
I was the leader, but you took the same percentage,
Rovný diel, ale som viac nechcel stáť. (uh)
Equal share, but I didn't want to stand anymore. (uh)
A necitil som podporu, (ah)
And I didn't feel the support, (ah)
Skôr niečo ako odpor, už.
More like resistance, already.
A toto preboha nechcem, snáď.
And I don't want this, for God's sake.
Aj tak vám ďakujem, boli to krásne časy,
I thank you anyway, those were beautiful times,
Keď jazdilo Gramo Rokkaz spolu cez mestá.
When Gramo Rokkaz rode together through cities.
Nech to bolo hocijak, stále som jeden z vás.
No matter how it was, I'm still one of you.
Aj keby to skončilo, vtedy som nechcel vác.
Even if it ended, I didn't want more then.
Prisahám mu vernosť, aj keby to všetko uhorelo.
I swear allegiance to him, even if it all burned down.
Nebudem tlačiť na pílu, svoju šancu som zahodil.
I won't push my luck, I threw away my chance.
Robím rap, jak ho cítim, taký som sa narodil./
I do rap the way I feel it, that's how I was born./
ČO SA STALO?! 2011,
Jeden z najlepších slovenských albumov. Bere nás (yeah)
One of the best Slovak albums. It takes us (yeah)
Celá scéna. Vedeli sme, že sme top - žiadna tréma.
The whole scene. We knew we were top - no stage fright.
Na tom vyjebanom semafóre svieti zelená. (hu)
The fucking traffic light is green. (hu)
Dame sa pred vydaním odsťahoval do Prahy.
Dame moved to Prague before the release.
Ostal som tu na to sám. Prerušené vzťahy.
I was left here alone. Broken relationships.
Nemali sme tour, tomu uberalo z váhy, (more, mój)
We didn't have a tour, it took away from the weight, (more, man)
A z predaja sme mali piču, mal som chuť to spáliť. (yeee)
And we got dick from the sales, I felt like burning it. (yeee)
Nasával som celú skurvenú atmosféru.
I soaked up the whole fucking atmosphere.
Ešte ma vyhodili z práce - doplnili schému. (kokot)
They even fired me from work - completed the scheme. (asshole)
Ja som to celé chytil a jebol do BULDOZÉRU. (na)
I grabbed it all and threw it into the BULLDOZER. (on)
Oči ma štípali, jak keby som kukal do fénu. (uh)
My eyes were stinging like I was looking into a hairdryer. (uh)
Celé noci nespal, denne písal inú tému.
Didn't sleep all night, wrote a different topic every day.
Keď som to vydal, dostalo sa to od prvého k poslednému.
When I released it, it got to everyone from the first to the last.
Mal pre nich niečo, čo nemajú iní - komplet menu.
I had something for them that others don't - a complete menu.
Môj prvý sólo album rozjebal scénu
My first solo album smashed the scene
Na to, aby som bol čávo, nemusím chodiť cvičiť.
To be a dude, I don't have to go to the gym.
Tiež ovládam veci, čo ťa neučili v škole.
I also know things they didn't teach you in school.
Totiž mať na sebe tepláky neznamená, že nemáš lóve./
Namely, wearing sweatpants doesn't mean you don't have money./
Plné kluby a potom PIRÁT, prvá platina.
Full clubs and then PIRÁT, first platinum.
Celé sa to otočilo, je to zas inak.
It all turned around, it's different again.
Skáče to z brata na sestru, z dcéry na syna. (ne)
It jumps from brother to sister, from daughter to son. (no)
Pozná ma úplne každý. Je to jak lavína.
Everyone knows me. It's like an avalanche.
Došli veľké lóve, malá slabina.
Big money came, a small weakness.
Tučné faktúry jak grilovaná slanina. (hahaha)
Fat invoices like grilled bacon. (hahaha)
Neriešim nič, len sa bavím. Malá výdalovka, samí flám.
I don't care about anything, I'm just having fun. Small allowance, just partying.
Všetci vedia, kto je tu skurvený kapitán.
Everyone knows who the fucking captain is here.
Zrazu prišiel hate, neznášali moje copy,
Suddenly came hate, they hated my copies,
Vraj som fejk. DOTOKEDYDAL krájali jak steak.
They said I was fake. HOWLONG they sliced like a steak.
Ja som to ustál jak dobrý vojak Švejk.
I endured it like a good soldier Švejk.
Ťahal za sebou tých ozajstných fans ako bejk. (more)
Pulled the real fans behind me like a bike. (more)
Tých, čo ma nepochovali za jeden track,
Those who didn't bury me for one track,
Tých, čo ma chápu naozaj, je tak 5 zo 100. (ah, ah)
Those who really understand me, there are like 5 out of 100. (ah, ah)
Je to len ich sprostosť.
It's just their stupidity.
Som Hip-Hop, aj Reality jak Osťo. (Osťoo)
I'm Hip-Hop, and Reality like Osťo. (Osťoo)
A stále kráčam dopredu, vidíš len mój chvost.
And I keep moving forward, you only see my tail.
Nepúšťam buzerantov ku mne cez mój most.
I don't let faggots cross my bridge.
Nemóžem za to, že nejsom tretia liga, ale výber.
It's not my fault that I'm not third league, but the selection.
Nemóžem za to, že si falus a
It's not my fault that you're a phallus and
Nemóžem za to, že sa tvoja piča pri mne topí jak nanuk./
It's not my fault that your bitch melts by me like popsicle./
MMXV, DMS-ka pokope, čo ti uši dokope. (uh)
MMXV, DMS together, kicking your ears. (uh)
Nikde, jak na našich shows, sa toľko neslope.
Nowhere is there as much slopping as at our shows.
Tvoj tato ortopéd nás opraví v robote.
Your dad the orthopedist will fix us at work.
Ráno robím: "Eeeh!" Zvuky jak Tono S.
In the morning I do: "Eeeh!" Sounds like Tono S.
No stále tam skladby silné ako hradby. (yeah)
But there are still tracks there as strong as walls. (yeah)
Tí, čo to nepočujú, stratení jak Bumpy. (yeah)
Those who don't hear it are lost like Bumpy. (yeah)
Starý Separ je tu stále, práveže je stále starší.
Old Separ is still here, in fact he's even older.
Výpovedná hodnota furt svieti ako lampy, (uh)
The informative value still shines like lamps, (uh)
No cez deň svieti slnko. Ja mám rád tie pekné handry.
But during the day the sun shines. I like those nice clothes.
Keď metaforu nechápeš, tak sa opýtaj mamky,
If you don't understand that metaphor, ask your mom,
Či bola furt vážna alebo si išla srandy? (uh)
Was she always serious or did she go for fun? (uh)
Ver mi, že kľudne si uletela jak piča, bez hanby.
Believe me, she flew away like a bitch, without shame.
A PANCIER, o tom ti nepoviem nič. (nič)
And PANCIER, I won't tell you anything about that. (nothing)
Najnavštevovanejšia tour, bitch! (piča)
The most visited tour, bitch! (bitch)
A teraz mi povedz, že čo to tie sny
And now tell me, what are those dreams
A či si Separ náhodou nežije jeden z nich?!
And if Separ is not living one of them by any chance?!
A vybavené...
And it's settled...

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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