DMS feat. Horkýže Slíže - RAMPA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS feat. Horkýže Slíže - RAMPA

Chytím mikrofon a odjebem strop
I grab the mic and blow the roof off
200, 500 všetko platia
200, 500, they all pay
Lovia lubne hladní bratia
Hungry brothers huntin' babes
No dneska nemajú šťastia
But tonight they're out of luck
Jebať na to, skúsme zajtra
Fuck it, we'll try tomorrow
Idem domov maj sa zatiaľ
I'm heading home, see ya later
Aj tak mám fakt plné vajcá
My balls are full anyway, man
Pred podnikom pekná čajka
Cute chick outside the club
Výstrih vraví, že je ľahšia
Her cleavage says she's easy
Do hlavy jej dal chrobáka
Put a bug in her head, yeah
Vypisuje von ju láka
Texting her, she's tempted
Chce v nej namočiť čuráka
Wanna dip my dick in her, damn
Varí ju jak šéfkuchár
He's cooking her like a chef
Pozýva ju na panáka
Invites her for a drink, you see
Ožrala sa, len huláka
She got wasted, just yelling
Dobre jej dal do zobáka
He nailed her good, oh yeah
Zaspala on nešukal
She fell asleep, he didn't fuck
Špina strapatá ta ta ta ta ta
Dirty mess, ta ta ta ta ta
Celá výplata ta ta ta ta ta
Whole paycheck gone, ta ta ta ta ta
V hajzli spláchnutá ta ta ta ta ta
Flushed down the toilet, ta ta ta ta ta
A ty tu spíš skapatá ta ta ta ta ta
And you're asleep here, wasted, ta ta ta ta ta
Natlačil ju mentolom
Stuffed her with menthol
Vyložil ju pred domom
Dropped her off at her house
Ísť domov bolo priskoro
Going home was too early
Tak jej pojebal mater
So he fucked her mom, damn
Niekto fajčí, niekto pije
Someone smokes, someone drinks
Niekto špatný, plešatý je
Someone's bad, someone's bald
Niekto si to tu užije
Someone's having a good time
Niekto patrí k mŕtvolám
Someone belongs to the dead
A o niekom iba svedčí
And someone only proves
Že mu nenarástol väčší
That his didn't grow bigger
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
Lots of bullshit talk about us
S nepochopením sa stretli
The Multipla and the new Bentley
Multipla a nové Bentley
Met with misunderstanding
Lacná fajka z parkoviska
Cheap cigarette from the parking lot
Tancuješ jak kredit píska
You're dancing like the credit's whistling
Chcel by si do nevestinca
You'd like to go to a brothel
Ale s cenou nemestíš sa
But the price doesn't fit
Poskytnem ti zdarma info
I'll give you some info for free
Najvác stojí pekná nymfo
The most expensive is a pretty nympho
Mmm Night club Vincov les
Mmm Night club Vincov les
Víno čo píše jak mokrý pes
Wine that writes like a wet dog
Jak ožratý drevený sex
Like drunken wooden sex
S tvojou sestrou, des
With your sister, damn
Jak spotený dych tvojej ex
Like your ex's sweaty breath
Po ôsmich pivách
After eight beers
Je to jak trest
It's like a punishment
Po dvoch chleboch s masťou a treskou A cez to
After two loaves of bread with lard and cod And through that
Chceš ísť von
You wanna go out
No nemáš s kým
But you have no one to go with
Dopletený jak Mr Bean
Confused like Mr Bean
My ideme tvrdo jak Charlie Sheen
We're going hard like Charlie Sheen
Ty si závislý na nenávisti
You're addicted to hate
Mam alergiu na tie trápne rýmy
I'm allergic to those corny rhymes
Visinmi zapíjam Claritiny
I wash down Claritins with Visine
Nádych, počkaj, zostaň, cítiš?
Breathe in, wait, stay, feel it?
Nádych, vodka, brzda, výdych
Inhale, vodka, brake, exhale
Horí ti MAŠTAL, kdekoľvek hráme
Your STABLE is burning wherever we play
JA CHAČU TEBJA, zožer mi párek
JA CHAČU TEBJA, eat my sausage
LOGICKÁ HÁDANKA, aký sme žáner
LOGICAL RIDDLE, what genre are we
Máme VPIČI NA LEHÁTKU schválne
We have VPIČI NA LEHÁTKU on purpose
KEĎ BUDEŠ NA COMPE, tak vytrhni kábel
KEĎ BUDEŠ NA COMPE, pull the cable out
Sme BANDA TUPÝCH HLÁV a furt máme
We are a GANG OF DUMB HEADS and we still have
SILNÝ REFRÉN jak Redbull v káve
STRONG CHORUS like Redbull in coffee
Špina strapatá ta ta ta ta ta
Dirty mess, ta ta ta ta ta
Celá výplata ta ta ta ta ta
Whole paycheck gone, ta ta ta ta ta
V hajzli spláchnutá ta ta ta ta ta
Flushed down the toilet, ta ta ta ta ta
A ty tu spíš skapatá ta ta ta ta ta
And you're asleep here, wasted, ta ta ta ta ta
Niekto fajčí, niekto pije
Someone smokes, someone drinks
Niekto špatný, plešatý je
Someone's bad, someone's bald
Niekto si to tu užije
Someone's having a good time
Niekto patrí k mŕtvolám
Someone belongs to the dead
A o niekom iba svedčí
And someone only proves
Že mu nenarástol väčší
That his didn't grow bigger
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
Lots of bullshit talk about us
Postup krajne netradičný
Extremely unconventional progress
Všetko vyšlo na chlp pičný
Everything went smoothly
Dal si na bench 200 kilo
You put 200 kilos on the bench
Skoro ťa to prizabilo
It almost killed you
Jebol som to na stojan
I fucked it on the stand
A tak sa pýtam som to ja?
And so I ask, is it me?
Keď skončím potom zavolám
When I'm done, I'll call
Aj živým, aj mŕtvolám
Both the living and the dead
Pradedo si našiel ajfón v truhle
Great-grandfather found an iPhone in the coffin
Odvtedy ruku v pravom uhle
Since then he has his hand at a right angle
A posiela svojej vnučke
And sends his granddaughter
Kokotiny srandovnučké
Funny little bullshit
Nasadila nad ním štyri tuje
She planted four arborvitae over him
On jej zato úsmev opätuje
He smiles back at her for that
Slzy sa mu z toho valia
Tears are rolling down his face because of it
To som nepotreboval ja
I didn't need that
Niekto na všetko liek
Someone has a cure for everything
Niekto kartón kameliek
Someone has a box of pebbles
Niekto si tu dobre žije
Someone is living well here
Niekto na svete je sám
Someone in the world is alone
A o niekom iba svedčí
And someone only proves
Že mu nenarástol väčší
That his didn't grow bigger
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
Lots of bullshit talk about us

DMS feat. Horkýže Slíže - RAMPA
date de sortie


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