DMS feat. Mona - Poslanie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS feat. Mona - Poslanie

Veľa ľudí nechápe, že rap neni len pre mládež (hej?),
Many people don't understand that rap isn't just for the youth (hey?),
Takisto, že samplovanie hudby neni krádež,
Also, that sampling music isn't theft,
Rap rozoberá častejšie témy dosť vážne,
Rap often explores quite serious themes,
Ne jak väčšina popových sračiek o láske,
Not like most pop crap about love,
ma nebaví jak majú ľudia zaslepený sluch,
I'm tired of how people have their ears closed,
Preto hovorím to narovinu, serem na ten hnus,
That's why I'm saying it straight up, screw that garbage,
V rádiách rotuje desaťkrát denne to isté,
The same thing is played on the radio ten times a day,
Preto sa ľudia namotajú, o tom je celý systém,
That's why people get hooked, that's the whole system,
Rap vám neni dobrý, lebo povie ľuďom jak to je,
You don't like rap because it tells people how it is,
Neschováva žiadne karty, všetky vždy na stole,
It doesn't hide any cards, they're all always on the table,
Keď nechceš vedieť pravdu, tak to vypni, skartuj to? CD,
If you don't want to know the truth, turn it off, shred that CD,
Lebo všetky skladby majú zmysel, len raperom jebe,
Because all the tracks have meaning, only rappers are crazy,
Všimni si texty vecí, ktoré denne hrávajú,
Notice the lyrics of the things they play every day,
Väčšinou nehovoria o ničom, nič, len tárajú,
They mostly talk about nothing, nothing, they just babble,
Majú zmysel asi jak hĺbku keď text nenapísal spevák,
They make about as much sense as depth when the singer didn't write the lyrics,
hudba nemá cenu, aj tak veľa sa z nej predá
That music is worthless, even though a lot of it sells
Je to biznis, neni v tom nič osobné,
It's business, there's nothing personal in it,
Ja si myslím, že hudba je čoraz viac o hovne,
I think music is more and more about shit,
Pretože zmizli hodnoty, čo boli podstatné,
Because the values that mattered have disappeared,
Tak sa posnažme hudbu chápať jak poslanie
So let's try to understand music as a mission
Je to biznis, neni v tom nič osobné,
It's business, there's nothing personal in it,
Ja si myslím, že hudba je čoraz viac o hovne,
I think music is more and more about shit,
Pretože zmizli hodnoty, čo boli podstatné,
Because the values that mattered have disappeared,
Pre mňa na tom neni zaujímavé nič ostatné
For me, there's nothing else interesting about it
Hudba nemá byť len zárobková činnosť, ale poslanie,
Music shouldn't just be a money-making activity, but a mission,
Kto z vás vlastne vie, o čom spieva, čo je podstatné (čo?),
Who of you actually knows what they're singing about, what's important (what?),
Nejde len o správne poskladanie slov pekne do rýmov,
It's not just about putting words together nicely into rhymes,
Ide o hĺbku, vnútro, pravdu vyzretú jak víno,
It's about depth, inner self, truth ripened like wine,
Nechápem, jak môže niekto spievať text, čo nepísal (ne),
I don't understand how someone can sing lyrics they didn't write (no),
Neni to potom od srdca, ten text sa ho netýka,
It's not from the heart then, the lyrics don't concern them,
Nemá to zo svojej hlavy, neni to pravá výpoveď (čo je?!),
They don't have it from their own head, it's not a true testimony (what is it?!),
Vyslovene len opakuje, niečo ako príslovie,
They're just repeating, something like a proverb,
Je to dobrý biznis, robia sa v ňom veľké ťahy (hej?),
It's good business, big moves are made in it (hey?),
Efekt spraví hlas aj bez nejakej veľkej snahy,
The voice makes an effect even without much effort,
Treba sledovať, aký trend práve ľudí baví,
You need to follow what trend people are currently enjoying,
Zahojíš sa a nemusíš pri tom ani poznať klavír (a),
You'll heal and you don't even have to know the piano (and),
Málo interpretov nezmenia peniaze a sláva,
Few performers won't be changed by money and fame,
Celkom ma to mrzí, že z hudby sa taký biznis stáva,
It saddens me that music is becoming such a business,
Predtým bola pravá, nedala sa takto kúpiť,
It used to be genuine, it couldn't be bought like this,
Obsah mal väčšiu cenu, ľudia neboli tak hlúpi
Content had more value, people weren't so stupid
Je to biznis, neni v tom nič osobné,
It's business, there's nothing personal in it,
Ja si myslím, že hudba je čoraz viac o hovne,
I think music is more and more about shit,
Pretože zmizli hodnoty, čo boli podstatné,
Because the values that mattered have disappeared,
Tak sa posnažme hudbu chápať jak poslanie
So let's try to understand music as a mission
Je to biznis, neni v tom nič osobné,
It's business, there's nothing personal in it,
Ja si myslím, že hudba je čoraz viac o hovne,
I think music is more and more about shit,
Pretože zmizli hodnoty, čo boli podstatné,
Because the values that mattered have disappeared,
Pre mňa na tom neni zaujímavé nič ostatné
For me, there's nothing else interesting about it

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