DMS feat. Pil C - Idem C - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS feat. Pil C - Idem C

Idem C
Same Way
Nemám tie napiču stavy,
I don't have those fucked up moods,
Idem si to, čo ma baví, baví ma vyjsť na ten Slavín,
I'm going for what I enjoy, I enjoy going up to that Slavin,
Snažím sa nemyslieť na nič,
Trying not to think about anything,
Nad ničím sa nezastavím,
I won't stop over anything,
Môžem sa zase len nadýchať, na vrchol Bratislavy,
I can just breathe again, to the top of Bratislava,
Z vrchu Bratislavy zdravím DMS!
From the top of Bratislava I greet DMS!
Idem si to, čo chcem, ja chcem, nech to je furt, jak teraz,
I'm going for what I want, I want it to always be like this,
žijem svoj sen a nevieš to vstrebať, jebať, tak nechaj ma,
I'm living my dream and you can't absorb it, fuck it, so let me,
Idem si, mám svoj svet,
I'm going, I have my own world,
Baví ma len tak po vonku behať,
I just enjoy running around outside,
Idem si kúpiť šiltovky, lebo ich zbieram, jak malý som nemal,
I'm going to buy caps, because I collect them, as a child I didn't have any,
Teraz idem si veci a to čo, ma teší,
Now I'm going for things and what makes me happy,
Nechápe milión ľudí, ne, nerád chodím peši,
A million people don't understand, no, I don't like walking,
Preto tankujem každý druhý deň,
That's why I refuel every other day,
Idem si tenisky, tepláky, voľnosť,
I'm going for sneakers, sweatpants, freedom,
Idem si to, jak si ideš ty porno,
I'm going for it the way you go for porn,
Keď sa ti nepáči, v pohode, choď do piče matere,
If you don't like it, that's fine, go fuck your mother,
Zožral si hovno, je to môj život idem si to, čo ma baví a milujem jedlo,
You ate shit, it's my life I'm going for what I enjoy and I love food,
Preto nebudem jesť guláš
That's why I won't eat goulash
Z konzervy so starou drevenou knedlou,
From a can with an old wooden dumpling,
Idem si tupý humor,
I'm going for stupid humor,
Ten kto ma pozná vie, že som sprostý, jak hovado
Those who know me know that I'm stupid as fuck
A keď sme spolu celé kolabo, tak všetkým
And when we're together the whole collab, then everyone
Okolo nás vybuchnú hlavy jak, CocaCola.
Around us heads will explode like CocaCola.
Idem si vác, jako hociktorý z vás,
I'm going for it, like any of you,
Jako máloktorý z nás, lebo nejsom, nejsom,
Like few of us, because I'm not, I'm not,
Jak opica, je to o pičovinách, šak na mňa pozri sa,
Like a monkey, it's about bullshit, just look at me,
Nikdy nedospel som.
I never grew up.
Čo idem si nebudem tárať,
What I'm going for, I won't talk about,
Idem si veci, jak jeden z mála,
I'm going for things, like one of the few,
Daj mi sprej, hneď budem čmárať,
Give me a spray, I'll scribble right away,
Kedysi mi furt pršalo z kára,
It used to rain on me from the car all the time,
Idem si jedlo, polievku z páva,
I'm going for food, peacock soup,
Mäso na všetky spôsoby dávam,
I serve meat in all ways,
S vegetariánmi sa nestretávam,
I don't meet with vegetarians,
Lebo bledí a nechcú sa válať,
Because they are pale and don't want to hang out,
áno, idem si spánok, keď budem majiteľ sveta zakážem ráno,
yes, I'm going to sleep, when I'm the owner of the world I'll forbid morning,
Kandel z papule zakrývať kávou,
Covering the stink from your mouth with coffee,
Fuj, dobre ti to jebe čávo,
Ugh, you're so fucked up, girl,
Idem si rodinu, ne kurvy, kámo,
I'm going for family, not whores, dude,
Prehráš starý a sám ten závod,
You'll lose old and alone that race,
Tenisiek chcem mať milión párov a lóve na život veľa, ne málo,
I want to have a million pairs of sneakers and a lot of money for life, not a little,
Ideme iný rap, jak ty,
We're going for a different rap than you,
Stále nosíme tepláky,
We still wear sweatpants,
A furt ideme bez pretvárky a sme pripečení, jak oškvarky,
And we always go without pretense and we are roasted like cracklings,
Idem si ženu, sa bavím, jak s kamošom,
I'm going for a woman, I'm having fun, like with a friend,
Idem si rap o sebe, sorry za toto,
I'm going for rap about myself, sorry for this,
Chcem byť top, nenechávam to na potom,
I want to be top, I'm not leaving it for later,
Chceš rap o sebe, nemávaj kokotom rapuj.
You want rap about yourself, don't wave your dick rap.
Idem si vác, jako hociktorý z vás,
I'm going for it, like any of you,
Jako máloktorý z nás,
Like few of us,
Lebo nejsom, nejsom,
Because I'm not, I'm not,
Jak opica, je to o pičovinách,
Like a monkey, it's about bullshit,
šak na mňa pozri sa,
just look at me,
Nikdy nedospel som.
I never grew up.
Idem si nemusieť vstávať,
I'm going for not having to get up,
Sám sebe pán, nikto ma nenabáda,
My own boss, nobody urges me,
Nám teraz nikto neurčuje práva,
Nobody dictates our rights now,
Máme svoj život, čo nazývam zázrak,
We have our own life, which I call a miracle,
S nami je sranda, že nebudeš chápať,
We are fun, that you won't understand,
Jak keď sa v štyridsiatich naučíš plávať,
Like when you learn to swim at forty,
Ide nám hudba, čo nahlas hráva
We're going for music that plays loud
z diaľky, keď prichádza kára, tak poď tu, keď nejdeš len oldschool,
Already from a distance, when the car is coming, so come here, if you're not just going oldschool,
Idem si automat, nie šľapať spojku,
I'm going for automatic, not stepping on the clutch,
Tak stoj tu, ja idem do ďalšieho levelu,
So stand here, I'm going to the next level,
Idem si rodinu, nejdem si neveru,
I'm going for family, I'm not going for infidelity,
Všade pirátske vlajky,
There are pirate flags everywhere,
Idem si, môžeš ma fajčiť,
I'm going, you can suck me,
Keď sa ti nepáči, choď baliť čajky
If you don't like it, go pack gulls
Na fejkový Louis Vuitton, Breitling,
On fake Louis Vuitton, Breitling,
Idem si Jordany, idem si Nike,
I'm going for Jordans, I'm going for Nike,
Idem si život, idem si párty,
I'm going for life, I'm going for parties,
Idem si peace, nejdem si fighty,
I'm going for peace, I'm not going for fights,
Nejdem si komenty, nejdem si lajky.
I'm not going for comments, I'm not going for likes.
Idem si vác, jako hociktorý z vás,
I'm going for it, like any of you,
Jako máloktorý z nás,
Like few of us,
Lebo nejsom, nejsom,
Because I'm not, I'm not,
Jak opica, je to o pičovinách,
Like a monkey, it's about bullshit,
šak na mňa pozri sa,
just look at me,
Nikdy nedospel som.
I never grew up.
Nedospel som,
I didn't grow up,
Ja nedospel som
I didn't grow up
A preto idem si po titul, ako LeBron,
And that's why I'm going for the title, like LeBron,
Bez slov,
Without words,
Ostávaš bez slov,
You are speechless,
A v piči si, keď vidíš, jak idem si mestom,
And you're fucked when you see me walking around town,
Ja nie som taký, jak ty,
I'm not like you,
V piči mám všetko a tak to byť,
I don't give a fuck about everything and that's how it should be,
Osem rokov som ja pracoval shit,
For eight years I worked shit,
Zavretý v systéme, nemohol žiť,
Locked in the system, couldn't live,
Po práci celé dni Playstation 3,
After work all day Playstation 3,
Nemal som fuka, ja nemal som nič,
I had no money, I had nothing,
Teraz mám všetko, čo chcem si kúpiť,
Now I have everything I want to buy,
Milión tenisiek, milión kníh, milión handier a milión špín,
A million sneakers, a million books, a million clothes and a million stains,
Po svete lietam a tam často spím,
I fly around the world and often sleep there,
Skoro všetko mám, po čom ja túžim,
I have almost everything I long for,
Chcem len ženu a potom len chill,
I just want a woman and then just chill,
A celé dni idem si rapgame,
And all day I'm going for rapgame,
Nemusím dissovať nikoho, je to bez zmien,
I don't have to diss anyone, it's without changes,
Nešírim jak ty nenávisť, ty kretén,
I don't spread that hatred like you, you moron,
A bacha na ten krvný tlak,
And watch out for that blood pressure,
Nech ťa nejebne,
Don't let it fuck you up,
Idem si album, idem si Comebackgang,
I'm going for an album, I'm going for Comebackgang,
Idem si srandu, a dodnes sa otáčam, keď zacítim jej parfum,
I'm going for fun, and to this day I turn around when I smell her perfume,
A idem si hudbu, ktorá sfúkne tvojich raperov, jak tajfún,
And I'm going for music that will blow your rappers away like a typhoon,
S DMS si ideme tie koncerty,
With DMS we're going for those concerts,
Kde skáčeme po stageoch, ako parkour,
Where we jump on stages like parkour,
A idem si tie veci, čo mám rád,
And I'm going for the things I love,
Povedz mi, prečo by som mal inak, inak,
Tell me why I should do it differently, differently,
No prečo? DMS a Pil C,
Well, why? DMS and Pil C,
Keď sme vonku každý ví,
When we're out every Friday,
že sme stratený prípad, prípad.
that we are a lost case, case.

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