DMS feat. Strapo - Wo Ist Mein Hund - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS feat. Strapo - Wo Ist Mein Hund

Wo Ist Mein Hund
Where Is My Dog
Tvoj tatino je jak váš psík,
Your daddy is a real mutt,
Nepočúva maminu, len žere a spí,
Doesn't listen to mommy, just eats and sleeps,
Smrdí jak bernardín, nič nevlastní,
Stinks like a Saint Bernard, owns nothing,
Možno ten nešťastník je aj nevlastný,
Maybe that poor bastard is even adopted,
Nechodí do práce jak ja, ale ja to fakt môžem jebať,
Doesn't go to work like me, but I can really give a damn about that,
A on na účte len debet, žiadne lóve hmmm prepáč.
And he only has debt in his account, no money hmmm sorry.
Pes ktorý šteká no kúše,
A dog that barks but bites,
Akurát nechci, je to prúser,
Just don't want it, it's a mess,
Je bezúčelový jak úver,
He's as pointless as a loan,
Hnusný zatrpknutý starý lúzer.
Disgusting, bitter old loser.
Do všetkého pičuje pri telke,
He bitches about everything in front of the TV,
To pol liter a polke Kelte,
That's half a liter and half a Kelt,
Jedine čo v živote dokázal veľké
The only big thing he's ever done in his life
Je napustiť mamku a zožrať ten perkelt.
Is to impregnate mommy and eat that stew.
(Toto je pre všetkých tatinkov, k
(This is for all the daddies who c
Torí sa nevedia postarať o svoje rodiny)
an't take care of their families)
Nikto nevie čo s ním robiť, nechce sa hýbať,
Nobody knows what to do with him, he doesn't want to move,
Keď neni doma, tak nikomu nechýba,
When he's not home, nobody misses him,
Nikto nevie čo je s ním, prečo je taký nímand,
Nobody knows what's wrong with him, why he's such a nobody,
Nerob si z toho nič a neber si z neho príklad.
Don't worry about it and don't take him as an example.
Tvoj tatino je rafinovaný, živený maminou
Your daddy is cunning, fed by mommy
A všetky lóve čo z nej vytáhne vyjebe na víno,
And all the money he gets from her, he spends on wine,
A bije ťa hlava-nehlava jak keby nestačilo,
And he beats you head-no-head as if it wasn't enough,
Že do tváre vyzeráš ako grahamové pečivo.
That you look like a graham cracker in the face.
Pravidelne dáva kokot do riti aj havinom,
Regularly gives cock in the ass to even pigeons,
A stavby vedúci ho v utorok napadol kladivom,
And the construction manager attacked him with a hammer on Tuesday,
Bo dlhé roky mizlo mu na stavbe murivo,
Because for many years his masonry was disappearing from the construction site,
Tak musel ísť, našupu tie vyjebané hnilé zuby von.
So he had to go, get those fucked up rotten teeth out right away.
Nemá nič, iba stále máva
He has nothing, he just always waves
Úplne dojebanú hlavu od rána,
His completely fucked up head since morning,
Tvojej zúboženej matke nadáva,
He scolds your miserable mother,
Že to, že ťa urobil neni žiadna sláva.
That making you is no glory.
Z huby mu ide udenáč a káva,
Udenáč and coffee come out of his mouth,
Zamorená kúpelňa, hodinu sráva,
A dirty bathroom, an hour of shitting,
A celé dni prespí, lebo nemusí vstávať,
And he sleeps all day because he doesn't have to get up,
Je vyjebaný pedofil a nevie plávať.
He's a fucked up pedophile and can't swim.
Kde je tvoj tatino nevieme nikto ale je to len skurvený žebrák,
Where your daddy is, we don't know, but he's just a fucking beggar,
Možno je fajn, ale nikoho nezaujíma to tu vieš...
Maybe he's cool, but nobody cares here, you know...
Môžme ho všetci jebať.
We can all fuck him.
Nikto nevie čo s ním robiť, nechce sa hýbať,
Nobody knows what to do with him, he doesn't want to move,
Keď neni doma, tak nikomu nechýba,
When he's not home, nobody misses him,
Nikto nevie čo je s ním, prečo je taký nímand,
Nobody knows what's wrong with him, why he's such a nobody,
Nerob si z toho nič a neber si z neho príklad.
Don't worry about it and don't take him as an example.
Nikto nevie čo s ním robiť, nechce sa hýbať,
Nobody knows what to do with him, he doesn't want to move,
Keď neni doma, tak nikomu nechýba,
When he's not home, nobody misses him,
Nikto nevie čo je s ním, prečo je taký nímand,
Nobody knows what's wrong with him, why he's such a nobody,
Nerob si z toho nič a neber si z neho príklad.
Don't worry about it and don't take him as an example.
Tvoj bohatý tatko ťa ľúbi a preto ti kúpi fakt úplne všetko,
Your rich daddy loves you and that's why he buys you absolutely everything,
A preto sa k tebe tak túli a zúri, keď nemôže mať šťastné decko,
And that's why he cuddles up to you and gets furious when he can't have a happy child,
A keď pusu špúliš a chceš mu dať??? pusu na líce jak jebko,
And when you pout and want to give him??? a kiss on the cheek like a jerk,
On vytáhne buksu a hádže ti lóve tak rýchlo, že v krížoch ho seklo.
He pulls out his wallet and throws money at you so fast that he gets a twinge in his back.
Tvoj tatko čo jazdí po meste v tej koženej veste na hrdzavej Vespe,
Your dad who rides around town in that leather vest on a rusty Vespa,
Počkaj lenže, f
Wait a minute, f
Urt je to lepšie než keď jazdí na tvojej hrdzavej sestre,
uck, it's better than when he rides your rusty sister,
Neni sranda, je to fakt vandrák, všade furt hanba, v piči jak handra,
It's not funny, he's a real vagabond, always a shame, in shit like a rag,
Neni sranda, kokotín palba, pičovín salva, made in farma,
It's not funny, a barrage of bullshit, a salvo of dickheads, made in a farm,
Zamilovaný do lóvov čo neurobí,
In love with money he won't make,
Zamotaný do sveta čo nikdy nepochopí,
Entangled in a world he will never understand,
Nagelovaný olejom olivovým
Greased with olive oil
A neobdarený rozumom pohotovým,
And not gifted with a quick mind,
Nafukuje sa jak keby že je sto-kilový,
Puffs himself up like he's a hundred kilos,
A je to vychcaný malý degeš, čo ti povím,
And he's a cunning little shit, I'll tell you,
Iba preto že je s tebou tak ho nevyhodím,
Just because he's with you, I won't throw him out,
Kedy konečne dohovoríš ocinovi?
When will you finally talk to your dad?
Prečo vám robí hanbu?
Why does he embarrass you?
Prečo stále kľúče?
Why does he still have the keys?
Prečo smrdí jak kebyže sa denne v hovnách kúpe?
Why does he smell like he bathes in shit every day?
Všetko chceš ukázať sám, taká je podstata,
You want to show everything yourself, that's the essence,
keď to bolí ako prostata, prostata.
Until it hurts like a prostate, prostate.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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