DMS - Bude To Tak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Bude To Tak

Bude To Tak
It Will Be Like This
Bude tak, jak som povedal vtedy
It will be as I said back then
Hlava v oblakoch, lietal po nebi
Head in the clouds, flying across the sky
14 rokov a také vízie
14 years old with such visions
Že mi to nikto z nich nechcel veriť
That none of them wanted to believe me
Samé kokotiny okolo, chcelo to zmeny
Just bullshit all around, it needed changes
Jediné, čo bolo, bol čas a ten neni
The only thing there was, was time, and it's not
Večný, preto nohami na zemi stojím
Eternal, that's why I stand with my feet on the ground
Mám hudbu, do nej som zaľúbený
I have music, I'm in love with it
Nebola to doba, kedy boli lóve
It wasn't a time when there was money
A z rapu vôbec, nikto ho nechcel ceniť
And from rap especially, nobody wanted to value it
U Dameho na terase
At Dame's on the terrace
Dohúlení sa nám zmenil život
High as kites, our lives changed
hudba je pre nich
That music is for them
Oni to vedia, takí, jak my
They know it, they're like us
takí, jak ja a takí, jak ty
They're like me and they're like you
vtedy som povedal, že raz budeme TOP
I already said back then that we would be TOP
Veril som tomu naozaj a pozri sa, poď!
I truly believed it and look, come on!
Predbehli sme tých, ktorí učili nás
We surpassed those who taught us
Dobehli tých, ktorí boli naše vzory
We caught up with those who were our role models
Hovoril som, že sila je v nás
I said the power is within us
Mal som odhodlanie, ktoré prenáša hory
I had the determination that moves mountains
Dneska tu stoja 100 litrové davy, tri kilá ročne
Today there are 100-liter crowds, three kilos a year
Furt sa vieme baviť, ja furt mám chrbtovú kosť
We still know how to have fun, I still have a backbone
A furt pri mne istí chalani aj baby
And the same guys and girls are still with me
Bude tak, jak som povedal ja
It will be as I said
Bude tak, jak som povedal vtedy
It will be as I said back then
Bude tak, jak som povedal, ah
It will be as I said, ah
Nikto tomu vtedy nechcel veriť
Nobody wanted to believe it then
Bude tak, jak som povedal ja
It will be as I said
Bude tak, jak som povedal vtedy
It will be as I said back then
Bude tak, jak som povedal, ah
It will be as I said, ah
Nikto tomu vtedy nechcel veriť
Nobody wanted to believe it then
Keď som povedal, že bude to takto
When I said it would be like this
Všetci hovorili, že mi musí jebať
Everyone said I must be crazy
Ja ale viem, čo hovorím
But I know what I'm talking about
Fakt to, čo treba, je nenechať spochybniť seba
Really what you need is not to let yourself be doubted
Keď sa ma pýtali, jak sa chcem mať
When they asked me how I wanted to be
Neni to len tak ľahké, treba mať plat
It's not that easy, you need to have money
Pochopil som, že nikto iný, jak ja
I understood that no one else but me
Musím sám to tu dať, spraviť, dať šach mat
I have to do it myself, make it, give checkmate
Tak fuck off, každý negatívny názor srať
So fuck off, every negative opinion to shit
Lebo fakt nechcem stáť jak vy na nule
Because I really don't want to be like you at zero
Byť v nule, jak ovce, mať na účte len debet
To be at zero, like sheep, to have only debit in your account
A nemať dať čo do papule
And not have anything to put in your mouth
Stále mi niekto snažil sa dávať do hlavy rozumy,
Someone was always trying to put sense into my head,
Jak to fakt neni tak ľahké, ne neni
How it's really not that easy, no it's not
Keď sedíš na dnes a čakáš
When you sit on your ass today and wait
Čo tak len do huby padne
What just falls into your mouth
To, čo poviem, tak bude, na 90% mám pravdu
What I say, it will be, I'm 90% right
Netrepem z cesty, stojím pevne na zemi
I don't talk out of my ass, I stand firmly on the ground
Som čestný a život mám pevne v rukách
I'm honest and I have life firmly in my hands
Jak Nespi
Like Nespi
Tak dnes si viem povedať
So today I can say
Že včera som mal pravdu a môžeš sa pojebať
That yesterday I was right and you can fuck off
Keď si mi neveril
If you didn't believe me
Môžme sa vrátiť k tomu o pár rokov
We can come back to this in a few years
Keď nebude tak, jak som povedal dnes
If it's not as I said today
Tak priznám, že jebe mi
Then I'll admit I'm crazy
Bude tak, jak som povedal ja
It will be as I said
Bude tak, jak som povedal vtedy
It will be as I said back then
Bude tak, jak som povedal, ah
It will be as I said, ah
Nikto tomu vtedy nechcel veriť
Nobody wanted to believe it then
Bude tak, jak som povedal ja
It will be as I said
Bude tak, jak som povedal vtedy
It will be as I said back then
Bude tak, jak som povedal, ah
It will be as I said, ah
Nikto tomu vtedy nechcel veriť.
Nobody wanted to believe it then.
Boli doby, čo nám darovali, že sme maľovali
There were times when they mocked us for painting
Rapovali, čarovali, časom zamotali sa
Rapping, making magic, getting tangled up over time
Doby kedy málo mali, ale zdokonalovali rap
Times when they had little, but they perfected rap
Čo nemá ľudí, davy okolo nich namotá
That has no people, crowds around them wind up
do bodu, kedy sály napĺňali, hrali sami
To the point where they filled halls, played themselves
Obetovali by životy širokým galotám
They would sacrifice their lives for wide pants
Preto zajebali plyn, nepičovali
That's why they stepped on the gas, didn't bullshit
Naprogramovaní smerovali
Programmed, they headed
Utekali k nebesám
They ran to the heavens
Začínali, kedy chlapci takto rapovali
They started when boys rapped like this
Na jeden rým, ktorý bol venovaný slovesám
To one rhyme dedicated to verbs
Chvíľu putovali sami, no debatovali
They wandered alone for a while, but they talked
O tom že je čas, aby to ukovali, neputujem sám
About the fact that it's time to forge it, I'm not wandering alone
Boli sme puberťáci, čo chceli byť raperi
We were teenagers who wanted to be rappers
A rap ešte vtedy nebol tak rozšírený v éteri
And rap wasn't so widespread on the airwaves back then
Bolo pár vecí na úplne inom leveli
There were a few things on a completely different level
Nikto to necenil, lebo ste piču o tom vedeli
Nobody appreciated it because you knew shit about it
A my sme obetovali celé dni, a večery sme
And we sacrificed whole days, and in the evenings we
Sedeli tam spečení, jak kreténi, a čakali
Sat there baked, like morons, and waited
Kedy nás vydá Kekely s
When Kekely with would release us
Tak pozri kde sme teraz dnes, ha
So look where we are now, ha

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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