DMS - Je To Len Rap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Je To Len Rap

Je To Len Rap
It's Just Rap
Nabieham na stage,
I storm onto the stage,
Búrka s vetrom, flow 360,
A storm with wind, a 360 flow,
Slam dunk LeBron,
LeBron slam dunk,
Ram pam pam, Morgan netvor,
Ram pam pam, Morgan the monster,
Je to len rap, opis, fejtón,
It's just rap, a description, a feuilleton,
Nejsom tu na to,
I'm not here
Aby som písal jebnuté úvahy,
To write fucked up essays,
Vyrovnaný si, nemusím textami fixovať dušu do dlahy,
I'm balanced, I don't need to splint my soul with lyrics,
Moje srdce je čierne, jak od kávy,
My heart is black, like from coffee,
Ale je to len rap, neviem, čo byť.
But it's just rap, I don't know what the big deal is.
Ten, čo ma hodnotí,
The one who judges me,
Dajte si pohárik na mňa, vy vytupení somári.
Have a drink on me, you worn-out donkeys.
Furt vojna intelekt vs. stokári,
Still the war of intellect vs. the lowlifes,
ma to nebaví,
I'm tired of it,
Nediv sa, že potom raperi spievajú vokály
Don't be surprised that rappers then sing vocals
A furt fúkajú kokaín.
And keep snorting cocaine.
život ide rýchlo a beží tak,
Life goes fast and runs like that,
Jak to nemôžete stíhať a preklínať
Like you can't keep up and curse
Vám vôbec nepomôže, neni druhý vlak,
It won't help you anymore, there's no second train,
špinavá mangalica vám najebe piču do papule,
A dirty mangalica will fuck your mouth,
A to moji milí nemôžete predýchať.
And that, my dear, you can't breathe through.
Aj keď na nejaký názor je devíza,
Even though there's a currency for some opinion,
Nemudruj a skús sa nás nepýtať,
Don't be wise and try not to ask us,
Jak píšeme rovnicu,
How we write that equation,
Lebo kamarát, ja sám nevím jak.
Because buddy, I don't even know how.
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, je to len rap, tak nerob z toho vedu,
It's just rap, it's just rap, so don't make a science out of it,
Je to jak chat, len si píšem a cítim hudbu,
It's like a chat, I'm just writing and feeling the music,
A svet sa z toho nepojebe, keď
And the world won't fuck itself up if
Nepovieme nič nové,
We don't say anything new,
Počúvaj hudbu aj vpredu, aj vzadu, aj v tme,
Listen to the music in the front, in the back, in the dark,
Dvíha mi tep, je jedno, či boombap, či trap,
It raises my pulse, it doesn't matter if it's boombap or trap,
Keď šľape, jak crack,
When it hits like crack,
Je dôležité jak znie, ne jak vyzerá,
It's important how it sounds, not how it looks,
Jebať skurvený swag
Fuck the fucking swag
Neriešim, čo si kto myslí,
I don't care what anyone thinks,
Cítim, jak ideme vpred, sme späť,
I feel how we're moving forward, we're back,
DMS robí bomby, jak danubit za volant, zavolajte
DMS makes bombs, like danubit behind the wheel, call the
štartér a nech vás neodhodí tlaková vlna a kapota preč,
starter and don't let the shock wave and the hood throw you away,
Je to len rap, neber to tak vážne,
It's just rap, don't take it so seriously,
Nikoho nezaujímajú kázne,
Nobody cares about sermons,
Pohodové básne, sa na zem vráťme,
Relaxed poems, let's get back down to earth,
Ide o to hlavne, jak to znieť, vážne,
It's mainly about how it should sound, seriously,
Ostatné žánre tiež pekne prázdne,
Other genres are also pretty empty,
Pičoviny o láske teplé, jak lázne
Bullshit about love as warm as a spa
Vác nezaujímajú ľudí, chcú nájsť sa v názve
People don't care anymore, they want to find themselves in the name
A povedať si, to je tak krásne
And say, it's so beautiful
Stále to isté dokola,
The same thing over and over again,
Ide to jak Kofola,
It goes like Kofola,
A pohoda, všetci majú v piči,
And it's cool, everyone gives a shit,
Kolotočáriny jak spartakiáda
Carousel rides like a Spartakiad
Rádio pekne z hudby vie cvičiť,
Radio knows how to exercise music nicely,
Je to len rap, je to len pre deti a mládež,
It's just rap, it's just for kids and youth,
Ale dve vety dokola super, chápeš
But two sentences over and over are great, you understand
Text písal textár a spevák tápe,
The lyrics were written by a lyricist and the singer is fumbling,
Pokiaľ nemá predspev, hlavu, jak Tásler.
If he doesn't have a chorus, he has a head like Tásler.
Kamarát, toto je môj 6. album a ver mi, že viem, jak sa to robiť,
Dude, this is my 6th album and believe me, I know how to do it,
Keby som nevedel, tak teraz nestojím s ostatnými na vrchole scény,
If I didn't know, I wouldn't be standing at the top of the scene with the others now,
Videl si moju šou, šľape, jak kokot a to nikto z vás nemôže zmeniť,
You saw my show, it's going like a motherfucker and none of you can change that,
Musíš to ceniť a nemôžeš povedať nič,
You have to appreciate it and you can't say anything,
Pičovať takto to neni,
Talking shit like that is not it,
Je tu len pár tých, čo plnia tie kluby,
There are only a few of those who fill those clubs,
Neni kde stáť, zavrite huby,
There's nowhere to stand, shut your mouths,
Toto neni pýcha, toto fakty, ne žiadne prijebané sľuby,
This is not pride, these are facts, not any fucking promises,
Prelož si texty z USA,
Translate lyrics from the USA,
Pochopíš, že si v tej kurve sám,
You'll understand that you're alone in that bitch,
Je to plytké, jak kaluž,
It's shallow, like a puddle,
Tak sa to nauč,
So learn it,
Nepíš nám pičoviny k videám,
Don't write us bullshit under the videos,
Lebo oproti nim sme vedecký tím
Because compared to them we are a scientific team
Jadrových fyzikov, priberám
Of nuclear physicists, I'm gaining
3000 vyjebaných slov
3000 fucking words
Mesačne, kokoti je to len rap, pam pam!
Monthly, you cunts it's just rap, pam pam!
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, je to len rap, je to len rap
It's just rap, it's just rap, it's just rap
Je to len rap, kokotko, je to len rap
It's just rap, bitch, it's just rap

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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