Nechceš to pochopiť, všetci tu v okolí musia sa podvoliť, lenže neni to o tom, že nevieš, problém je v tom, že nechceš, presne, všetci sú kokoti, pritom si sám v piči, jak my tri dni na Kempe, motáš sa dokola v pičovine, každý mesiac máš cyklus, jak menzes.
You don't want to understand, everyone around here has to submit, but it's not about not knowing, the problem is that you don't want to, exactly, everyone's an asshole, while you're fucked up yourself, like us three days at Kemp, you're going around in circles in bullshit, every month you have a cycle, like a period.
Riešiš, čo henten, riešiš, čo hentá, zabúdaš riešiť, čo ty.
You're dealing with this one, you're dealing with that one, you forget to deal with yourself.
Zametať sem-tam pred svojimi dverami, trochu upratať si.
Sweep in front of your own door, clean up a little.
Ak vieš, čo znamená mať niečo na vlastných ramenách, nebyť len na príťaž, chceš príklad, musíš šliapať tie schody, né dokola čakať na výťah.
If you know what it means to have something on your own shoulders, not just be a burden, you want an example, you have to climb those stairs, not wait for the elevator in circles.
ťažký prípad, keď nemáš ambície, môžeš stále len rýpať, a dostaneš napiču, lebo ten život si nenechá do ksichtu kýchať.
a hard case, when you have no ambitions, you can just keep picking, and you'll get fucked up, because life won't let you sneeze in its face.
Spomeň si, keď budeš krívať v starobe, bude sa ti horšie dýchať, prečo si nerobil niečo so sebou, keď si mal ešte silu sa dvíhať.
Remember, when you're limping in your old age, you'll be breathing harder, why didn't you do something with yourself when you still had the strength to get up.
Stále hľadáš spôsob, jak sa to nedá, ľahké je vzdať sa a všetko tak nechať, treba vstať, kým máš čas, hrať sám podľa seba, nezbadáš cieľ, kým nezačneš bežať.
You're still looking for a way how it can't be done, it's easy to give up and leave everything like that, you have to get up while you have time, play by yourself, you won't see the goal until you start running.
Nevidíš, jak by to šlo, vidíš len jak to nejde, nechceš, furt niečo stojí ti v ceste, nevieš sa zatnúť, jak päste, presne, držať v rukách život, ne bezcieľne chodiť po meste.
You don't see how it could work, you only see how it doesn't work, you don't want to, something always stands in your way, you don't know how to clench your fists, exactly, hold life in your hands, not walk aimlessly around the city.
Ešte raz ti to hovorím, preto buď pozorný, čo ti chcem povedať, dnes je.
I'm telling you this again, so be careful what I want to tell you, today is.
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš, tak choď dopiče!
You don't, you don't, so fuck off!
Mám to v piči počúvať furt, jak sa čo nedá, parkour hlava nehlava, jebal som do papule kalkul, preskakujem kaluže a na kotníkoch maltu nemám, nejsom murár, výhovorky, robíš hanbu sám sebe, neschopný dilino, čo sa tu motá pod nohami, nevie, čo so sebou, všetci sú kokoti, pretože on je ten, ktorý je pomalý.
I'm sick of hearing how things can't be done, parkour head over heels, I fucked calculus in the mouth, I jump over puddles and I don't have mortar on my ankles, I'm not a bricklayer, excuses, you're embarrassing yourself, you incompetent fool, who's hanging around here, doesn't know what to do with himself, everyone's an asshole, because he's the one who's slow.
Prípady prepatých, čo sa vypracovali, kopali okolo seba a konali je tak málo, že majú nárok zarobiť lóve, prejebať viac, jak zhabali.
Cases of overpaid people who worked their asses off, kicked around and acted, there are so few of them that they have the right to earn money, waste more than they grabbed.
Celý deň sa vozím, kokotiny do jazdy, kukám na ľudí, jak na safari, majú ma, nemajú radi, mám to piči, jebať, smradi pojebaní.
I drive around all day, bullshit into the ride, I look at people like on a safari, they like me, they don't like me, I don't give a shit, fuck you, you fucking assholes.
Chcete zarobiť, ja vám to prajem, no nejeb sa sem, lebo ostaneš sklamaný, sklenený pohľad, vidím na dohľad cieľ, na nohách Timbá a kanady.
You want to earn money, I wish you that, but don't fuck with me, because you'll be disappointed, glassy eyes, I see the goal in sight, Timbs and Canadians on my feet.
Kukám kde sú, neviem, kde blúdia, studený vzduch na pľúcach rozpína bránicu, nechcú pochopiť, že bez práce koláče nebudú.
I'm looking where they are, I don't know where they're wandering, the cold air in my lungs stretches my diaphragm, they don't want to understand that there will be no cakes without work.
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš to pochopiť že?!
You don't, you don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš to pochopiť, ne?!
You don't want to understand, do you?!
Nechceš, nechceš, tak choď dopiče!
You don't, you don't, so fuck off!
Nechcú to chápať, že so mnou nijako nepohnú, nedá sa to, moja práca je tak iná, že by som tam, kde stoja oni, nevedel stáť ani náhodou, to by bol zázrak, čo ťa to furt máta, starať sa, kde ťa netreba, strácaš svoj život pred očami, sa nad tebou zmráka, čoskoro budú jebať blesky do sedláka, čo nevie chápať.
They don't want to understand that they won't move me in any way, it's impossible, my work is so different that I couldn't stand where they stand, not even by chance, that would be a miracle, what keeps bothering you, taking care of where you're not needed, you're losing your life before your eyes, it's getting dark over you, soon lightning will be fucking into the peasant who can't understand.
Cháp to, je to základ života, aby si bol v pohode, sa nezačal v kokotine strácať, báť sa, aby si sa neojebal, pre istotu vráť sa.
Understand this, it's the basis of life, so that you're okay, don't get lost in bullshit, be afraid that you won't get fucked over, just in case, go back.
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