DMS - Outro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Outro

Toto je koniec jednej éry, diery do zeme, luftwaffe, bomby, prienik na vrchol scény,
This is the end of an era, holes in the ground, air force, bombs, penetration to the top of the scene,
To neni iba tak, srdce krváca, Bloody Marry,
It is not just like that, the heart bleeds, Bloody Marry,
Dali sme do toho všetko, čo máme v sebe, lebo 4 roky stáli na mieste,
We gave everything we had in ourselves, because for 4 years we stood still,
Jak starý kredenc,
Like an old sideboard,
Prieliv, studený prieliv,
The strait, the cold strait,
Kým sme došli sem, dal dve sóla, a nastal zrod mojej dcéry.
By the time we got here, he gave two solos and my daughter was born.
No zase DMS pokope dokope pochyby, zrodí sa, jak Fénix,
But again DMS together will kick doubts, be born like a phoenix,
Z popola. dokola kluby, rozjebe tie scény,
From the ashes. all around clubs, they will tear apart those scenes,
Lebo na to tréning, štýl, frázy, flow aj témy,
Because it has the training, style, phrases, flow and topics for it,
Horí dokopy dokonalý mutant DMS, jak chiméry,
The perfect mutant DMS burns together, like chimeras,
Vitaj vo finále, toto neni outro,
Welcome to the finale, this is not an outro,
Aj keď nateraz sme v cieli.
Even though we are at the finish line for now.
(Toto neni outro, aj keď nateraz sme v cieli.)
(This is not an outro, even though we are at the finish line for now.)
Tak nech mi niekto povie, jak to nejde,
So let someone tell me how it doesn't work,
Keby mám celé dni voľno, dáme aj troj album, bejbe,
If I had a whole day off, we would give you a triple album, baby,
Nejsme vykradnutí, jak fejk playmate,
We are not ripped off, like a fake playmate,
Aj keď nemám fame, rap mám presný, jak laser,
Even if I don't have fame, my rap is as precise as a laser,
Začali sme robiť album, prešiel tak mesiac,
We started making an album, about a month passed,
Nechcel som prestať hrať, jak starý Vestax,
I didn't want to stop playing like an old Vestax,
Nechtiac potom vypol motor a stratil som veslá,
Unintentionally then turned off the engine and lost my oars,
Nebol tiež čas a rástla vyšliapaná cesta.
There was also no time and the well-trodden path grew.
A teraz to tu pľujeme, že ti odjebe reprák,
And now we spit it out here, that your speaker will blow up,
Nebudeš chcieť vác počúvať rap bez nás,
You will not want to listen to rap without us anymore,
Aj keď som moc nespal v noci, neviem s tým prestať,
Even though I didn't sleep much at night, I can't stop it,
Keď cítim ten rast, techniku, jak Tesla,
When I feel that growth, that technique, like Tesla,
Pred chvíľou sme nestíhali termín, sme sa hecli,
A while ago we didn't meet the deadline, we pushed ourselves,
Za tri dni spravili 7 vecí, ver mi, je to best,
In three days we did 7 things, trust me, it's the best,
Zo štúdia do štúdia, rap a kérky,
From studio to studio, rap and tattoos,
Nemám nervy, lebo takýto je verdikt.
I have no nerves, because such is the verdict.
Je to vonku, poď, ber si. DMS!
It's out, come on, take it. DMS!

Writer(s): Mathers Marshall B, Writer Unknown, Resto Luis Edgardo, Carlisle Von M, Moore Ondre C, Trice Obie, Johnson Rufus B, King Steven L

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