DMS - Sedlaxi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Sedlaxi

Hej, sedláci tvária sa, jak high society, ah,
Hey, hillbillies acting like high society, ah,
Hej, spotené tričká z Turecka, fejkové Najky, ah,
Hey, sweaty T-shirts from Turkey, fake Nikes, ah,
Hej, cecky na bezúčelový spotrebák z banky, ah,
Hey, boobs for a useless appliance from the bank, ah,
Hej, playmate zo zastávky, čo býva u mamky,
Hey, playmate from the bus stop who lives with her mom,
Preháňaš, jak vajcový šalát,
You're exaggerating, like an egg salad,
Duté hlavy, jak Blavák,
Empty heads, like Blavák,
Každý chce byť značkový panák,
Everyone wants to be a branded shot,
Fejkový luxus bazár
Fake luxury bazaar
Máte to domotané v tých hlavách,
You got it twisted in your heads,
Louis Vuittonka je pravá,
That Louis Vuitton is real,
Stála viac, jak jazdený Sharan,
It cost more than a used Sharan,
Určite preto na autobus čakáš
That's probably why you're waiting for the bus
Tak prestaň sa hrať, že ti tu patrí celé mesto,
So stop acting like you own the whole city,
Prestaň sa hrať, že si ten najväčší šéf,
Stop acting like you're the biggest boss,
Prestaň sa napínať a sledovať, jak jebko,
Stop flexing and watching like a jerk,
Prestaň sa tváriť, jak keby ti patril celý svet, ah!
Stop acting like you own the whole world, ah!
Všetci vyzerajú tak, jak to neni, lebo nevedia byť sami sebou, sedláci
Everyone looks like they're not, because they don't know how to be themselves, hillbillies
Keď musíš nosiť masku sám tomu verí, vtedy je to omyl, lebo sedlák si
When you have to wear a mask, you believe it yourself, that's when it's a mistake, because you're a hillbilly
Malomestský mozog, keď vidím toto, pozor akcia, kokotov hneď dám si,
Small-town brain, when I see this, watch out action, I'll give myself some assholes right away,
Ušetrí piču a kúpi si hovno, lebo nemá nič, sedláci česť práci
He saves his pussy and buys shit, because he has nothing, hillbillies respect work
Prepáč mi, toto fakt nestrávim, zrejme musíš byť hlupák, keď
Excuse me, I really can't stomach this, you must be a fool if you
šetríš týždeň na víkend a seknuté bílé štípe, jak šumák, keď
save for a week for the weekend and cut white stings like a bastard when
Fúka to z dosky na hajzli v pajzli, kde šťali bezďáci, hurá
It blows from the board on the toilet in the shithole, where the homeless people pissed, hurray
Aspoň sa netvár po prvom snehu prekvapene, jak cestári u nás
At least don't act surprised after the first snow, like the road workers here
Celý týždeň šetríš na to, aby si mohol ísť v piatok von,
You save all week so you can go out on Friday,
Robiť tie ramená v kožených bundách z trhu, doma žeriete Vifon,
Making those shoulders in leather jackets from the market, at home you eat Vifon,
Z Auparku vychádzaš bez bundy schodami, pretože
You leave Aupark without a jacket, because
Chceš vyzerať, že si tam autom, a preto na autobus vychádzaš cez garáže
You want to look like you're there by car, so you go out to the bus through the garages
Nehovor slovo Blava, lebo hneď vieme, že si tu neni doma
Don't say the word Blava, because we'll know right away that you're not at home here
A keď tu žiješ a živí ťa, prosím ťa, nepičuj na ňu, jak somár
And if you already live here and it feeds you, please don't bitch about it like a donkey
Berieš si fotrove auto a mamine lóve na lov,
You take your dad's car and your mom's money to hunt,
Motáš čajky pred Alizé o piatej ráno, či nechcú ísť k tebe domov
You're spinning chicks in front of Alizé at five in the morning, asking if they want to go home with you
Foter sa vráti zo služobky skôr, zbije ťa pred ňou, jak psa,
Dad comes back from a business trip earlier, beats you in front of her like a dog,
Sedlák si a budeš, nechápem kokota, na čo sa kurva hrá
You're a hillbilly and you will be, I don't understand the asshole, what the fuck is he playing at
ďalšia na rade si ty, moja zlatučká pomýlenučká piča,
you're next, my dear confused little bitch,
Playmate neni práca, tuto sa postav, trochu sa pofoť a hentam sa vyčap,
Playmate is not a job, stand here, take some pictures and get out there,
Cvičená opica, pracovný rast je potom iba eskort,
Trained monkey, the only career growth after that is escort,
Bohaté falusy do huby do radu, fotiť sa môžeš neskôr,
Rich dicks in your mouth in a row, you can take pictures later,
Ringla! sedlák si a sedlák budeš,
Ringla! you are a hillbilly and you will be a hillbilly,
Sedláci nás majú v hube,
Hillbillies have us in their mouths,
Tepláky ti vadia, tupec,
You don't like sweatpants, you idiot,
No sám si jak tristo ďalších v klube.
But you're like three hundred others in the club.
Si klon, kópia, prosím ťa, prestaň, uteč!
You're a clone, a copy, please stop, run away!
Louis Vuitton z Poľských trhov neni super,
Louis Vuitton from the Polish markets is not cool,
Za gastráče sa nedá piť, to je prúser,
You can't drink for gastráče, that's a bummer,
Hlavne, že DMS kokoti v jednom kuse!
The main thing is that DMS are assholes all the time!
Môžeš jak chceš vyzerať, keď
You can look however you want, when
Nevieš sa normálne správať,
You don't know how to behave normally,
Každý vie pri dverách, že si došiel, je cítiť ten závan,
Everyone knows at the door that you've arrived, you can feel the breeze,
Sekať čáva na maminom MLku, prípadne nevedieť spávať, keď
Cutting fools on mommy's ML, or not being able to sleep when
Meškáš splátkami banke, hlavne, že forma je správna,
You're behind on your bank payments, the main thing is that the form is right,
Lenže môžeš mať rifle, jak pán, aj tak neni to taký zázrak, keď
But you can have jeans like a gentleman, it's still not such a miracle when
Z prádla ide smrad, jak keď otvoríš konzervu psieho žrádla
The laundry smells like when you open a can of dog food
Swag! je to krása, keď ťa opustí tvoja týždňová láska,
Swag! it's beautiful when your week-long love leaves you,
Lebo ti smrdeli ruky od ciciny, keď si bol šťať a čajka to nezvládla!
Because your hands smelled like pussy when you went to pee and the chick couldn't handle it!
Tá, čo miesto pier slimáky bez ulity,
The one who has slugs without shells instead of lips,
Bože, čo ležia vedľa seba, neni to popiči
God, what are they lying next to each other, isn't it fucked up
Vyzeráš, jak keby ťa do huby jebol sršeň,
You look like a hornet fucked you in the mouth,
Vtákopysk v bavoráku, jak cuker
Bird beak in a bavorák, like sugar
šuter do gebule všetkým,
a rock to the head of all,
Kto machruje pred kým,
Who's bragging to whom,
Vidíte sa bez chýb (choď do piče!),
You see yourselves without flaws (fuck off!),
Chcete viac, jak majú hentí,
You want more than those guys have,
Značky a prestíž,
Brands and prestige,
Preto si taký bežný,
That's why you're so ordinary,
Chod do piče!
Fuck off!

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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