DMS - Čo Nám Dali - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Čo Nám Dali

Čo Nám Dali
What They Gave Us
Ľudia nemajú čas niekam ísť, niečo robiť,
People have no time to go anywhere, do anything,
Neni pohyb, aj tak bolia tie nohy,
No movement, legs hurt anyway,
Deň málo hodín, preto stále hlava bolí,
The day has too few hours, that's why the head always aches,
Celý deň sa niečo robí,
Doing something all day long,
Mobil v jednom kuse zvoní,
Mobile phone rings constantly,
Málokedy to čo dáš aj dostaneš naspäť,
Rarely do you get back what you give,
Zastavíš, keď zas stojíš v zápche,
You stop only when you're stuck in traffic again,
Cesty mám bez chýb vážne, neviem, kde to viazne.
My paths are seriously flawless, I don't know where it's stuck.
Aj keď mám presný čas, neviem byť tak presný, jak chcem.
Even though I have the exact time, I can't be as precise as I want.
Výplatné pásky robia vrásky, ľudia v pasci
Paychecks make wrinkles, people trapped
Musia platiť vlastným šťastím, čas neni nazvyš, štát jebe nás, som rád, že nemusím byť jeden z más.
They have to pay with their own happiness, no time to spare, the state fucks us, I'm glad I don't have to be one of the masses.
Preberám sa, idem z domu pred jedenástou,
I wake up, leave the house just before eleven,
Lebo neviem nájsť zmysel, prečo by som mal platiť štátu čo chce,
Because I can't find a reason why I should pay the state what it wants,
Nemocnice, jak keby sa natáčal Hostel, poď sem! dostaneš posteľ, jak po vojne v Bosne,
Hospitals, as if Hostel was being filmed, come here! you'll get a bed, like after the war in Bosnia,
Pritom za čo platíš by si mal byť, jak vo sne.
Meanwhile, for what you pay, you should be like in a dream.
Podvody, ktoré keď vidíš, ostávaš v nervoch,
Scams that leave you nervous,
Slušným ľuďom dôchodok pod 300 euro,
Decent people get pensions under 300 euros,
Celý život makali na to, aby len čakali jako ich štát zapáli
They worked their whole lives just to wait for the state to set them on fire
A tam v chudobe skapali.
And die there in poverty.
Čo povedať viac, jak čo bolo povedané 100x,
What more to say than what has been said 100 times already,
že ti štát radšej poláme rebrá,
That the state would rather break your ribs,
Ako keby ti mal niečo dať,
Than give you anything,
Vyjebaná chamraď,
Fucking rabble,
čo rozhoduje bez nás,
Who decides without us,
Bežná prax,
Common practice,
Majú úplne v piči, že ľudia nemajú čo žrať,
They don't give a fuck that people have nothing to eat,
kým tam nenabehne Vilo s kamerou,
Until Vilo comes in with a camera,
Sako za 2000 euro,
A suit for 2000 euros,
Kurvadrát!, to je strach. (dobrý večer, čau chlapi.).
Damn it!, that's scary. (good evening, hey guys.).
čo ti dali okrem hry na city, dopiči!
What did they give you but a game of emotions, fuck it!
Tvoje oči pre plač
Your eyes for crying
Ešte nepomohli nikomu, prestaň to pozerať,
Haven't helped anyone yet, stop watching it,
Choď von, pomôž tam, kde ťa je treba,
Go outside, help where you're needed,
Oni pomáhajú iba naoko, na to sa môžem vyjebať,
They only help for show, I can fuck that,
Aj skurvená cirkev, na ich suchý chleba,
Even the fucking church, on their dry bread,
Ne rúcha vyšívané zlatom a fary, jak haciendy,
Not robes embroidered with gold and parishes like haciendas,
čo mával Escobar.
Which Escobar used to have.
Beda tomu, čo zapredá
Woe to him who sells out
Boha, nedá mi to spať,
God, it keeps me awake,
čo ukrýva Vatikán,
What the Vatican hides,
žiadna veda,
No science,
Pustite tam ľudí, nech sa pozrú,
Let people in there, let them see,
Ja viem,
I know,
Nemôžete, lebo kryjete len seba,
You can't, because you only protect yourselves,
No neojebete Ho,
But you won't fool Him,
On vás vidí, špiny,
He sees you, you filth,
Prichádza zmena,
Change is coming,
Jediné, čo dali nám, tie školy,
The only thing they gave us, those schools,
Boli, kamaráti,
Were friends,
Je to tak, fakt sorry,
That's right, really sorry,
úroveň majú veľkú, jak hodnotu forint,
They have a great level, like the value of the forint,
Titul, ktorý využiješ jak análny kolík,
A title you'll use like an anal plug,
A od piče po riť neni taká diaľka,
And from cunt to ass it's not that far,
Môžeš postaviť sa na hlavu a robiť saltá,
You can stand on your head and do somersaults,
Keď nejsi čajka,
If you're not a seagull,
Neprehltneš palca
You won't swallow the thumb
Tomu, kto drží kasu, jak bankár.
Of the one who holds the cash, like a banker.
Od čias Nefertiti a Achnatona
Since the time of Nefertiti and Akhenaten
ľuďom rastie vedomie,
People's consciousness grows,
nejsú jak ovce a somár,
They are no longer like sheep and donkey,
čoraz viac cítiť, že pretiekol pohár,
More and more you can feel that the cup has overflowed,
Médiá živené hovnami, kto
Media fed by shit, who has
Na svedomí, že keď sa vynára pravda,
On their conscience that when the truth emerges,
Hneď je to zahmlené,
It's immediately obscured,
Bárjaký bastard mi nemôže pokriviť myseľ,
Any bastard can't twist my mind,
Nemôže určiť, čo píšem a kam,
Can't dictate what I write and where,
Nedali mi nič, ja im dám, dopiče!
They gave me nothing, I'll give them, fuck it!
Zostávam tu, neutekám, jak piker,
I stay here, I don't run away like a piker,
Všetko to zaznamenám v mojom spise
I'll record it all in my file
Po jednom vás utopím,
I'll drown you one by one,
Tak si to u mňa neskurvite!
So don't fuck it up with me!

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