DMS - Ďalšia Špina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DMS - Ďalšia Špina

Ďalšia Špina
Another Piece of Filth
Neni nič horšie,
There's nothing worse,
Jak nadrbané svine v prvej rade,
Than fucked up pigs in the front row,
Celú dobu im v hlave rotuje nádej,
Hope swirling in their heads all night long,
že pôjdu jebať na hotel.
That they'll get laid at the hotel.
Ešte mi kurva nalej,
Pour me another fucking drink,
Sužuje kamarátku,
She's pestering my friend,
Nech odvahu ísť ďalej,
Wants the courage to go further,
Jebe sa do backstageu,
Fucking her way backstage,
Jak žid do neba,
Like a Jew to heaven,
Nemala by piť,
She shouldn't drink,
Je otravná,
She's annoying,
Jak mucha počas obeda,
Like a fly during lunch,
Nevedia jej dohovoriť a nedá sa jej povedať,
They can't reason with her and you can't tell her,
Je nepríjemne trápna a smrdí,
She's unpleasantly awkward and stinks,
Jak kus hoväda,
Like a piece of cattle,
Kolega kričí na biletára,
My colleague yells at the bouncer,
Vyhoď do piče toho smradľavého kára,
Throw the fuck out this stinking car,
Ju bere pod pazuchy,
He takes her under his arms,
Zostal tu z nej iba zlý dojem,
Only a bad impression left of her,
No to som nemal ani šajnu,
Well, I had no idea,
Koľko napácha hoven,
How much shit she stirs,
Do kolen ma dostalo,
It knocked me to my knees,
čo napísala na net,
What she wrote on the net,
Vraj som ju dal zbiť,
Saying I had her beaten up,
Píše prijebaná Žanet,
Writes that fucked up Žanet,
No biletár ju pustil hneď medzi dverami,
Well, the bouncer let her in right at the door,
Ignoroval urážky medzi jej perami, keramický hajzel vraj ogrcala celý, najväčšie zlo,
Ignoring the insults between her lips, apparently she puked all over the ceramic toilet, the biggest evil,
že piča so sestrou niekoho dcéry,
Is that the bitch and her sister are someone's daughters,
Furt ju vidím,
I still see her,
Jak sa prijebane škerí,
With that fucked up grin,
Mazaj na gyndu piče,
Get your ass to the gyno, bitch,
Nechaj si urobiť stery!
Get your smears done!
Ty kurva,
You whore,
Ohrdnutá lubňa,
Rejected slut,
Chcela by si status,
You want status,
No pre ľudí si žumpa,
But to people you're a cesspool,
Vyjebané hovno,
A piece of shit,
Chce kabelky a cucať hocijaký kokot,
Wants handbags and to suck any dick,
Hlavne že dukát.
As long as she has a ducat.
Zajebaná kurva,
Fucking whore,
Chcela by byť hviezda,
Wants to be a star,
No chová sa jak žumpa,
But acts like a cesspool,
Vyjebaná ringla,
Fucking ringworm,
Chce lodičky a fúkať károm a zadarmo sama bude sa ti núkať.
Wants heels and to blow cars and for free she'll offer herself to you.
Opité dievča,
Drunk girl,
čo hovorí,
Who says,
že hocikomu nedá,
She won't give it to just anyone,
Kvôli backstageu by si kludne hocičo nehala,
For backstage she'd let anyone do anything,
Len aby sa predala,
Just to sell herself,
Mohla hovoriť,
To be able to say,
že jebala s niekým,
That she fucked someone,
Koho poznajú ľudia,
Who people know,
Jak Separa.
Like Separ.
Kamošky v škole potom vlhnú hore aj dole,
Her friends at school then get wet up and down,
V očiach aj v lone,
In their eyes and in their loins,
Je im jedno to,
They don't care,
že čo povedala je ojeb,
That what she said is bullshit,
V gaťkách majú oheň,
They have fire in their panties,
Spravia fakt hocičo,
They'll do anything,
Len ak sa bude dať nabudúce tam hore,
Just to get up there next time,
Kurvy vymýšľajú príbehy,
Whores make up stories,
Snažia za rozbiť vzťahy,
Try to break relationships,
Keď si ich nikto nevšíma,
When nobody pays attention to them,
Keď vystrkujú hlavy,
When they stick their heads out,
že na koncert sem vedia dojsť vlakom z Prahy,
Saying they can get here by train from Prague,
Len aby mohli trčať prsa ven z prvej rady,
Just so they can stick their tits out from the front row,
S nami sa nedá baviť,
You can't talk to us,
Sme z Bratislavy,
We're from Bratislava,
Nejdeš s nami na byt,
You're not coming to our apartment,
Ten hate nechceš zažiť,
You don't want to experience this hate,
I don't know,
Aký prázdny máš obsah hlavy,
How empty your head is,
Nehaj nás samých,
Leave us alone,
Fakt je pravý čas,
It's really the right time,
Tak zavri dvere NAVŽDY!
So close the door FOREVER!
Máme ženy,
We have women,
Separ doma deti,
Separ has kids at home,
Prestaň sa snažiť,
Stop trying,
Prestaň tlačiť,
Stop pushing,
Bež sa napiť na bar zapiť závisť,
Go get a drink at the bar to drown your envy,
Aj s kamoškami,
With your friends,
Bár akých máš okolo seba,
However many you have around you,
I don't know,
Jebať vás!
Fuck you!
Videl som ich 300 litrov,
I've seen 300 liters of them,
Vždy je to o tom istom,
It's always about the same thing,
Berem pištoľ,
I take a gun,
Letí to skrz tou pizdou,
It flies through that cunt,
Kick na hrudník,
Kick to the chest,
Rýchlo letím do piče preč,
I'm quickly flying the fuck away,
Nevidím breh,
I can't see the shore,
Plávam jak čln,
I'm swimming like a boat,
Nechcem ísť sedieť,
I don't want to go to jail,
Bol to len flash,
It was just a flash,
Realita je späť,
Reality is back,
Kukám sa na ňu a chcem jej drbnúť,
I look at her and want to fuck her up,
Jeb, jeb!
Fuck, fuck!
Nechám za sebou Satana,
I leave Satan behind,
žena by nemala byť narafaná,
A woman shouldn't be fucked up,
Takže za každým v klube prepije svojho chalana drzá,
So behind every guy in the club she outdrinks her boyfriend, bold,
Puked out,
Polámaná a smradľavá.
Broken and stinking.
Chorus 1x
Topmodelky z dediny,
Top models from the village,
Buket ošťanej kvetiny,
A bouquet of stale flowers,
Sa snažia predať botoxový úsmev na dve ciciny,
Trying to sell a botox smile on two tits,
Možno sa nájde úbožiak,
Maybe there's a wretch,
Ktorý ti kúpi drink a zoberie si ťa domov na ubytovňu spinkať,
Who'll buy you a drink and take you home to sleep in a dorm,
Ožraté hovädá,
Drunken cattle,
pred klubom sa dovracá,
Already puking in front of the club,
Poskladaná na schodoch,
Folded up on the stairs,
Kde sa nikto nestará,
Where nobody cares,
ďalšia fajčí na hajzli ten neumytý čurák,
Another one smokes in the toilet, that unwashed dick,
Z čoho máš mokré kolená, ha?
What are your knees wet from, huh?
Z čoho, ty kurva!
From what, you whore!
Chorus 1x

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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