DOC feat. Nane - Pda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction DOC feat. Nane - Pda

Da fata mea, îți dau, stai liniștită, am văzut l-ai terminat
I give it to you, my baby, don't worry, I saw you finished it
Pe al tău da, da, da nu-i problemă, în fine
Your pussy, yeah, yeah, yeah, no problem, anyway
O chema Maria
Her name was Maria
Se ducea când o chema, împuțea bucătăria
She went when she was called, she stunk up the kitchen
Și no, no, nu-i plăcea gastronomia
And no, no, she didn't like gastronomy
Cerul ei cu stele verzi, nu știa cu astronomia
Her sky with green stars, she didn't know astronomy
Studia prafologia, era anul III
She was studying dustology, she was in her third year
Vrea dea licență în chei, moto-ul ei e sub 5, nu iei
She wants to get a degree in keys, her motto is if you don't get a 5, you fail
Fuma cât mine și alți trei
She smoked as much as me and three others
I-am dat odată, am lăsat-o, când ele se cuiesc ca-n Odorhei
I gave it to her once, I left her, when they mate like in Odorhei
Nu-s din viitor, tati, nu-s din viitor
I'm not from the future, daddy, I'm not from the future
Aveam una la Obor, era una la popor
I had one in Obor, there was one in the neighborhood
Dacă punea vreunu′ mâna, puneam mâna pe topor
If anyone laid a hand on her, I'd lay a hand on an ax
Ieșea din casă numai când n-avea epilator
She only left the house when she didn't have an epilator
Crapă nuca de cocoș o reală vegană
Cracks the coconut shell of a real vegan
Pahar de lichid vâscos și lasă bale cu tale
A glass of viscous liquid and leaves trails with a tale
Fix după trei ore parcă moare de foame
Exactly three hours later she's starving
Păi așa e cu voi astea vegane, yeah
That's how it is with you vegans, yeah
Ia cu carne
Take it with some meat
Se mișcă indecent după ce aspiră lent
She moves indecently after slowly vacuuming
N-am colivii, dar știu păsări de apartament (Nimfă!)
I don't have cages, but I know birds of an apartment (Nymph!)
Păsări de apartament (Canara), păsări de apartament
Birds of an apartment (Canary), birds of an apartment
Curul ei e ciment, îmi da cu Tourette's, Moară cu Noroc
Her ass is cement, she gives me Tourette's, to Good Luck Girl
Ca de Slavici
Like Slavici
Păsări de apartament (Sticleato!)
Birds of the apartment (Goldfinch!)
Păsări de apartament (Agapornis!)
Birds of an apartment (Lovebird!)
Păsări de apartament
Birds of an apartment
O chema Ioana
Her name was Joanna
O duceam la mare s-o dau cu banana
I took her to the seaside to give her a banana
Am zis-o și pe altă piesă, d-asta e alta
I already mentioned it in another song, that's why this one is different
Aia nu era pizdă, asta e bagaboantă
That wasn't a cunt, this one is a whore
O știu de la Uzzi, pula-n pizdă, gata fata
I know it from Uzzi, dick in her cunt, that's it, girl
Eu nu sunt Tataee, dar m-ascultă ca nepoata
I'm not Tataee, but listen to me as you would to your niece
Doar sex, da′ ai o relație închegată
Just sex, but you have a stable relationship
O suge cu înghețată-n gură și ciocolată
She sucks it with ice cream in her mouth and chocolate
(Ou) E și bună da' și cântă
(Egg) She's good and she can sing
Fiică de cățea, cum fie o sfântă
Daughter of a bitch, how could she be a saint
Slam dunk în pizdă și nu dau pe lângă
Slam dunk in her pussy and I don't miss
I-am dat pachetul verde să-l vândă
I gave her the green package to sell
O bag într-o chirie fancy
I'll get her a fancy rented apartment
Colieru-i Vivvienne Westwood și e Icy
Her necklace is Vivvienne Westwood and it's Icy
Îi fac update-ul la o zdreanță obosită
I'll upgrade her from a tired rag
Doar dacă are o găoază nesimțită, ey!
Only if she has an outrageous cunt, hey!
Se mișcă indecent după ce aspiră lent
She moves indecently after slowly vacuuming
N-am colivii, dar știu păsări de apartament (Nimfă!)
I don't have cages, but I know birds of an apartment (Nymph!)
Păsări de apartament (Canara), păsări de apartament
Birds of an apartment (Canary), birds of an apartment
Curul ei e ciment, îmi da cu Tourette's, Moară cu Noroc
Her ass is cement, she gives me Tourette's, to Good Luck Girl
Ca de Slavici
Like Slavici
Păsări de apartament (Sticleato!)
Birds of the apartment (Goldfinch!)
Păsări de apartament (Agapornis!)
Birds of an apartment (Lovebird!)
Păsări de apartament
Birds of an apartment

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