Dabu Fantastic - Frisch Usem Ei - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dabu Fantastic - Frisch Usem Ei

Frisch Usem Ei
Fresh Out of the Egg
Lug eus a
Look at us
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Lug eu a
Look at you
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Nur so en Song
Just such a song
E Melodie
A melody
Und all di Kater
And all the tomcats
Verschwinded im Gebüsch
Disappear into the bushes
En Ton vo dir
A note from you
En Ton vo mir
A note from me
Und alls isch wider
And everything is again
Und alls isch wider, wi s muess si
And everything is again, as it must be
Lug eus a
Look at us
Lug wi mir flüüged
Look how we fly
Flugmodus dinn bis in Süde
Flight mode on down to the south
Frisch us em Näscht, scho de Schnabel off
Fresh out of the nest, beaks already open
Händ so vil Eier, mir münd nöd in Schale cho
Have so many egg cells, we don't need to end up in shells
Lug eus a
Look at us
Los wi mir zwitschred
Hear how we tweet
Bis mer blau sind, bis es twittred
Until we turn blue, until it tweets
Min Pelikan flüügt für eu über s Papier
My pelican flies over the paper for you
Mir sind Vögel, genau so Vögel win ihr yeah
We're birds, just like you - yeah
Lug eus a
Look at us
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Lug eu a
Look at you
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Nur so en Song
Just such a song
E Melodie
A melody
Und all di Kater
And all the tomcats
Verschwinded im Gebüsch
Disappear into the bushes
En Ton vo dir
A note from you
En Ton vo mir
A note from me
Und alls isch wider
And everything is again
Und alls isch wider, wi s muess si
And everything is again, as it must be
Lug eu a
Look at you
Lug win ihr flüüged
Look how you fly
Wiit wäg vom Kater sine Lüge
Far away from the tomcats' lies
Ihr Zugvögel, Stadttuuben und Landeier
You migratory birds, city pigeons, and country eggs
Sind alles Stare uf dem Drahtseil
Are all starlings on the tightrope
Lug eu a
Look at you
Los win ihr singed
Hear how you sing
Win ihr usgsehnd, schönschti Flamingos
How you look, most beautiful flamingos
Schlönd mal i d Flügel! Für eus tönt s wi Klavier
Just flap your wings! For us it sounds like a piano
Ihr sind Vögel, genau so Vögel wi mir ou, wow
You're birds, just like me - ah, wow
Lug eus a
Look at us
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Lug eu a
Look at you
Frisch us em Ei
Fresh out of the egg
Lueg de Tag a chumm
See the day - come
Lug eus zwei
Look at us two
Nur so en Song
Just such a song
E Melodie
A melody
Und all di Kater
And all the tomcats
Verschwinded im Gebüsch
Disappear into the bushes
En Ton vo dir
A note from you
En Ton vo mir
A note from me
Und alls isch wider
And everything is again
Und alls isch wider, wi s muess si
And everything is again, as it must be

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