Dacmel - Mi corazoncito (feat. 9k) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dacmel - Mi corazoncito (feat. 9k)

Mi corazoncito (feat. 9k)
My Little Heart (feat. 9k)
Hoy pierdo la vergüenza porque de eso yo no como
Today I lose my shame because I don't eat from that
Quiero hacer dinero, pero solo con el tono
I want to make money, but only with the tone
Bájame la lenta que quiero morder tu cuello
Slow down the beat I want to bite your neck
Y decirte cosas que hagan lo caliente bello
And tell you things that make the hot beautiful
Defiendo a mi familia mis panas y mis amigos
I defend my family, my homies and my friends
A mi no me tiembla la mano para partirle
My hand doesn't shake to break it off
La cara al hijo de puta que quiera venir a herirme
The face of the son of a bitch who wants to hurt me
Sudo mi plata y tengo lo que necesito yo
I sweat my money and I have what I need
La еnvidia es mala y es lo que, dеl mundo evito yo
Envy is bad and it's what I avoid from the world
Tengo problemas "cabron" y eso lo admito yo
I have "fucked up" problems and I admit it
No lo tengo todo, pero si poco a poquito voy
I don't have it all, but little by little I'm going
Mira cómo me ven será el color de piel
Look how they see me it will be the color of my skin
Aquí te juzgan te señalan y jamás te ven
Here they judge you, they point at you and they never see you
Como esto puede ser equitativo
How can this be equitable?
Van no ahí nada sencillo en hacer un sueño
There's nothing simple about making a dream come true
Si no muestras las piernas o entregas el culo al dueño
If you don't show your legs or give your ass to the owner
No te la regalan ponle tu la soga al cuello
They don't give it to you, put the rope around your neck
La jalo y la jalan el infierno esta pequeño
I pull it and they pull it, hell is small
Muera la timidez, viva la desnudes
Die shyness, long live nudity
No quiero que juzgues lo que tengo una y otra vez
I don't want you to judge what I have over and over again
Yo no me enamoro de cuerpo ni de tu genital
I don't fall in love with your body or your genitals
Tengo la mente ocupada estoy aprendiendo amarte
My mind is busy, I'm learning to love you
Hoy me colecciono insultos y patanadas
Today I collect insults and kicks
La gente que no aporta no tiene que saber nada
People who don't contribute don't have to know anything
Rapero a los 40 mi madre estará orgullosa
Rapper at 40 my mother will be proud
Mirándome desde el cielo sabiendo poner las cosas
Looking at me from heaven knowing how to put things
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito se cuida solito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart takes care of itself
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito me quiere todito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart loves me all
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito tiene algo bonito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart has something beautiful
No no no no yo yo (no te equivoques) no te necesito
No no no no I I (don't be wrong) I don't need you
Si recogiese un centavo por todo aquello que hable
If I collected a penny for everything I talk about
Y luego me retracte, a días de hoy tendría un castillo enorme
And then I retract, to this day I would have a huge castle
Segundo hablar primero siempre analice porque uno es dueño
Second talk first always analyze because one is the owner
De lo que calla y preso de lo que dice
Of what is silent and prisoner of what is said
Lo que no aporta no solo no aporta... estorba
What doesn't contribute not only doesn't contribute... it gets in the way
Y por fa... claro que importa como se explique
And please... of course it matters how it's explained
Si la información es muda la oreja es sorda
If the information is mute, the ear is deaf
Y sin argumento una frase no se oye, aunque se grite
And without argument, a phrase is not heard, even if it is shouted
El laberinto puede ser grande pero no hay salida ahí dentro
The labyrinth may be large, but there is no way out inside
La sigo, la busco la siento y si no la encuentro ahí me la invento
I follow it, I look for it, I feel it, and if I can't find it there, I invent it
Porque las vitorias no son accidentales
Because victories are not accidental
Elementales hacerte consiente de lo que vales
Elemental to make you aware of what you are worth
Procuro solo llevar los fundamentales
I try to only carry the fundamentals
Hablo de pensamientos pues provocan emociones
I speak of thoughts because they provoke emotions
Los barrotes más fuertes "que hay" son los mentales
The strongest bars "there are" are mental
Las cadenas mas duras son las que uno mismo se pone
The hardest chains are the ones you put on yourself
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito se cuida solito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart takes care of itself
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito me quiere todito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart loves me all
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito tiene algo bonito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart has something beautiful
No no no no yo yo (no te equivoques) no te necesito
No no no no I I (don't be wrong) I don't need you
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart
MI corazoncito, mi corazoncito, mi corazoncito
MY little heart, my little heart, my little heart
No no no no yo yo (no te equivoques) SOLO queda el dolor
No no no no I I (don't be wrong) ONLY pain remains
Solo fluya la hierba que crece en ese corazón
Just flow the weed that grows in that heart
Solo fluya la hierba que crece en ese corazón
Just flow the weed that grows in that heart
Solo fluya
Just flow
Solo fluya
Just flow
La hierba que crece, la hierba que crece
The weed that grows, the weed that grows
Solo fluya la hierba que crece en ese corazón
Just flow the weed that grows in that heart

Writer(s): David Mena Lastra

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