Dada - Ni Na Nebu Ni Na Zemlji - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dada - Ni Na Nebu Ni Na Zemlji

Ni Na Nebu Ni Na Zemlji
Ni Na Nebu Ni Na Zemlji
Više ne znam gde udaram, u glavi vlada ludara
I don't know where I'm going anymore, there's a crazy person living in my head
Dok gledam svet kroz crna stakla sa meduzama
As I look at the world through black glasses with jellyfish
Još nisam bogat samo račune lakše plaćam
I'm not rich yet, but it's easier to pay my bills
I nisam Kazanova, al' brže dođem do gaća
And I'm not Casanova, but I get to one's pants faster
Al' šta kad ležeš s' nekim a budiš se usamljen
But what if you lay with someone and wake up lonely
I tripuješ sreću samo kada si urađen
And you only trip happiness when you're done
Želim samo da sam sa mojim ljudima, sa mojim mufljuzima
I just want to be with my people, with my mufljuz
Da čuki bude tesno u grudima
So that the chuki is tight in his chest
A san moj, dobra neka cica, šopska, bečka šnicla
And my dream, a good little girl, a Serbian, Viennese schnitzel
U džepu 200-300 evra
In my pocket 200-300 euros
I dok nova mečka blista keva šteka pisma
And while the new Mercedes shines, the goalkeeper sends letters
Oni mrze, misle da mi je veća piša
They hate, they think my penis is bigger
I jer sam bogat šteta, nisam, još
And because I'm rich, what a shame, I'm not yet
Ortak čeka žena da porodi se, ortaci prave porodice
A partner is waiting for a woman to give birth, partners are making families
A ja jurim pare, provodim se, jer sam
And I'm chasing money, having fun, because I'm
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am
Suviše mator za igre, previše mlad za obavezu
Too old for games, too young for commitment
Kako da se odlučim kad strašne obadve su
How can I decide when both are so terrifying
Slušaš stare, škola, posao, ženidba
You listen to the old ones, school, work, marriage
Al' nisam od onih brale što se uklope, jebiga
But I'm not one of those people who fit in, damn it
I retko šta mi znači više
And little means anything to me anymore
Oprosti, svoj ožiljak tiho nosim jer Bog ne voli plačipičke
I'm sorry, I carry my scar silently because God doesn't like crybabies
Bila si najlepša curica u mom sokaku
You were the most beautiful girl in my neighborhood
Al' je sad tuđa računica u tvom stomaku
But now there's someone else's arithmetic in your belly
Kažu život je sapunica tom ortaku
They say life is a soap opera to that partner
Ali imaju par rupica u tom podatku
But there are a few holes in that data
Sloga biće poraz vragu, ali ljudi slabo pamte
Unity will be the enemy's defeat, but people have a bad memory
Pa ih šaljem odmah k vragu, volim samo sa distance
So I send them to hell right away, I only love from a distance
I dalje kontam šta da budem kad porastem
And I still wonder what to be when I grow up
Vozovi prolaze, ortaci puštaju stomake
The trains pass by, the partners are starting to get hungry
Sa tri banke čekaš da život počne
With three banks you're waiting for life to begin
Sedi druže ovde stalno pivo toče, gde
Sit down here, brother, they always have beer on tap, where
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
Neither in heaven nor on earth
A ja sam, a ja sam
And I am, and I am

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