Daddy Yankee - Santifica tus escapularios - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daddy Yankee - Santifica tus escapularios

Santifica tus escapularios
Bless Your Scapulars
No e' cuestión de ego
It's not a matter of ego
Solamente hay que ser realista
You just have to be realistic
Está' escuchando uno de lo' mejore' MCs
You're listening to one of the best MCs
Que ha bendecido el microfono en la isla, pa
That has blessed the microphone on the island, girl
Maduro, enfocao'
Mature, focused
Así me enseñó el barrio, come on
That's how the streets taught me, come on
¿De cuándo acá y él llevan una "S" en el pecho?
Since when do you and him wear an "S" on your chest?
Mile' bravo' como lo' he visto cagando pelo'
I've seen thousands of braves like you shitting their pants
Manso como paloma, astuto como serpiente, pa'
Gentle as a dove, cunning as a serpent, that's
Así navego yo en la isla de la muerte
How I navigate the island of death
You know me, man
You know me, girl
Daddy Yankee, alias "El Cangri" man
Daddy Yankee, aka "El Cangri" man
Con un récord bendecido, amén
With a blessed record, amen
De seis producciones, setenta aparicione'
Six productions, seventy appearances
Promedio sin igual de ciento treinta cancione'
An unmatched average of one hundred and thirty songs
Veterano que por nadie se deja vencer
Veteran who doesn't let anyone defeat him
Con un flow que parece que salí cantando ayer
With a flow that seems like I came out singing yesterday
Acéptalo, suelta el micrófono
Accept it, let go of the microphone
Si ere' un caballo, yo soy el dueño del hipódromo
If you're a horse, I'm the owner of the racetrack
Comandante que mata en el auditorio
Commander who kills in the auditorium
El chef en la clínica en el laboratorio
The chef in the clinic, in the laboratory
Cien gramo' de intelecto, nieve pa' la candela
One hundred grams of intellect, snow for the flame
Fuego y hielo pa' la estufa, puño y lápi' a la libreta
Fire and ice for the stove, fist and pen to the notebook
Sacando el material puro pa' la carretera
Pulling out the pure material for the road
"Barrio Fino", el cuco de parar tu' venta'
"Barrio Fino", the bogeyman to stop your sales
No importa lo que ere' ni lo grande que sea'
It doesn't matter what you are or how big you are
Los poste' son má' grande' y lo' perro' lo' mean
The posts are bigger and the dogs piss on them
Santifica tu' escapulario'
Bless your scapulars
Te visita el Cangri man
The Cangri man is visiting you
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Falfullero' como
Bluffers like you
Lo' he visto y en cantidad
I've seen them, and in large quantities
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Aunque le ponga' la' frutita' a tu' diose'
Even if you put little fruits on your gods'
Si te va', te va'
If it's your time, it's your time
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Eviten moretone', caballero', acepten
Avoid bruises, gentlemen, accept
Que no ere' nadie ya
That there's no one left
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Papi, ¿por qué razón me tiene' tanto odio?
Daddy, why do you hate me so much?
E' que le estoy sacando el jugo a este negocio
It's because I'm squeezing the juice out of this business
No compare' un fajón con un tipo que e' un vago
Don't compare a hard worker with a guy who's lazy
La' mierda' que usted se come, yo no soy el que la cago
The shit you eat, I'm not the one who shits it
¿Hasta dónde llega la maldad de ustede'?
How far does your evil go?
No pueden ver que alguien a su lao' progrese
You can't stand to see someone progress next to you
Pero durmiendo tuve esta única visión
But while sleeping I had this unique vision
Que estaba yo, 'taba tu hermano y el halcón
That it was me, your brother, and the hawk
En el balcón, meciéndome en un gran sillón
On the balcony, rocking in a big chair
Jugando con mi' nieto' en una casa de un millón
Playing with my grandkids in a million-dollar house, yeah
Duro como coco sin necesidad de bastón, ajá
Hard as a coconut without needing a cane, aha
Y usted pelao', orinándose en un colchón
And you bald, pissing yourself on a mattress
Tampoco yo me creo ser la octava maravilla
I also don't think I'm the eighth wonder of the world
Ni que soy de hierro, ni intocable con sangre amarilla
Nor that I'm made of iron, nor untouchable with yellow blood
No prego no tener la super babilla pero
I don't claim to have super strength but
Tu valentía depende de una pastilla
Your courage depends on a pill
Qué malo e' ver un cobarde con poder
How bad it is to see a coward with power
Son capace' de mandar pue' no se saben valer
They are capable of ordering because they don't know how to fend for themselves
Aunque mile' se afánen en parar todos mi' plane'
Even if thousands strive to stop all my plans
¿Quién va a cerrar la' puerta' que Dio' abre?
Who will close the doors that God opens?
Santifica tus escapulario'
Bless your scapulars
Te visita el Cangri man
The Cangri man is visiting you
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Falfullero' como
Bluffers like you
Lo' he visto yo en cantidad
I've seen them in large quantities
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Aunque le ponga' la' frutita' a tu' diose'
Even if you put little fruits on your gods'
Si te va', te va'
If it's your time, it's your time
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Eviten moretone', caballero', acepten
Avoid bruises, gentlemen, accept
Que no ere' nadie ya
That there's no one left
(¡Quítate pa' ponerme yo!)
(Get out of the way so I can take over!)
Si ere' un caballo
If you're a horse
Yo soy el dueño del hipódromo
I'm the owner of the racetrack
Suelta el micrófono, oístes
Let go of the microphone, you hear?
¿Qué cree'?
What do you think?
¿Que puede' caminar por encima 'el agua?
That you can walk on water?
No e' con kriptonita que se mueren lo' que se guillan de superhéroe', pa'
It's not with kryptonite that those who pretend to be superheroes die, girl
Esto e' la vida real
This is real life
You know, man
You know, girl


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