Dakidarria - En Compostela - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dakidarria - En Compostela

En Compostela
In Compostela
Xusto aquí
Right here
Foi onde medraron as bolboretas
Is where the butterflies grew
Que foron xuntando as letras
That were gathering the letters
Da nosa revolución
Of our revolution
Foi xusto aquí,
It was right here,
No campo no que xogan as estrelas
In the field where the stars play
E onde as pedras molladas berran que hai unha guerra que non rematou
And where the wet stones cry out that there is a war that has not ended
Onde a ilusión da primeira asemblea
Where the illusion of the first assembly
Regala miradas que incendian
Gives away glances that burn
As noites eternas nas que non queremos durmir
The eternal nights in which we do not want to sleep
Entre sucios apuntes
Among dirty notes
E fume furtivo
And furtive smoke
Tragamos o medo,
We swallowed our fear,
Pasamos á acción,
We took action,
E dixemos que non.
And we said no.
Foi xusto aquí, en Compostela
It was right here in Compostela
Neste obradoiro da identidade,
In this workshop of identity,
Construíndo realidades que quixeron desaloxar.
Building realities that they wanted to evict.
Xunto a ti
Next to you
En centros sociais e facultades
In social centers and faculties
Que son epicentro dun combate que non sae nas fotos das súas postais
That are the epicenter of a battle that does not appear in the pictures of their postcards
Cae o sol o 24 de xullo,
The sun sets on July 24,
Traemos a terra nos puños,
We bring the earth in our fists,
O lume nos beizos
The fire in our lips
E a brisa do mar nos pulmóns
And the sea breeze in our lungs
E lémbrome de min
And I remember myself
Baixo eses soportais
Under those arcades
Mirando na rúa ós paraugas
Looking at the umbrellas in the street
Berrar nunca mais!!
Scream never again!!
Un labirinto de sentimentos dentro de min
A labyrinth of feelings inside of me
Ó baixarme dese tren,
As I get off that train,
Volven os bicos, bagoas e sorrisos,
Kisses, tears, and smiles return,
Vellas amizades e aquela canción que na tua habitación escribimos xuntas.
Old friendships and that song that we wrote together in your room.

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