Dakidarria - Linguas Ceives - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dakidarria - Linguas Ceives

Linguas Ceives
Free Languages
Por qué imos permitir
Why will we allow
Que cambien a nosa cor,
To change our color?
Ante o avance da imposición usa a túa voz.
Against the advance of the imposition use your voice.
Algo vai ben cando ladran os cans
Something is going well when the dogs bark
Por medo á cultura popular. (woooooooo)
For fear of popular culture. (woooooooo)
Se nos censuran as rúas falarán,
If the streets censor us, they will speak
Non nos poden silenciar
They cannot silence us
Linguas ceives!!
Free languages!
Llengues lliures!!
Llengües lliures!
Hizkuntz askatuak!!
Hizkuntz askatuak!
Lenguas libres!!
Lenguas libres!
Parlem de respecte, parlem de llibertat
We talk about respect, we talk about freedom
Parlem de pau, dignitat y justícia, parlem d'avançar
We talk about peace, dignity and justice, we talk about moving forward
Parlem de tu, parlem de mi, parlem de sumar
We talk about you, we talk about me, we talk about adding up
Parlem de viure, d'aprendre i créixer entre pobles germans.
We talk about living, learning and growing among brother peoples.
Mai no serà cap llengua un impediment
A language will never be an impediment
Per compartir el futur que construirem.
To share the future that we will build.
Amb la revolta als ulls i la tendresa als llavis,
With revolt in our eyes and tenderness on our lips,
Sempre amb el cap ben alt,
Always with our heads held high
Sempre cap endavant!
Always looking ahead!
Linguas ceives!!
Free languages!
Llengues lliures!!
Llengües lliures!
Hizkuntz askatuak!!
Hizkuntz askatuak!
Lenguas libres!!
Lenguas libres!
Potereak nahi baditu, hizkuntzak akatu
The powers want to finish off our languages,
Herriak zutik herriak tinko, babestuko ditu
The people stand up, the people are strong, they will protect them
Gure ahoetan gure eskuetan, geroa daukagu
In our mouths, in our hands, we have the future
Gure ohiua entzun dezatela, mundu osoan!!!
Let them hear our cry, all over the world!!!
Ye la mía una llengua popular
My language is a popular language,
Marxinada por un gobiernu caciquil.
Marginalized by a cacique government.
Cuantes veces mas vamos a esixir
How many more times are we going to demand
L'asturianu llingua oficial!!
Asturian as an official language!
Linguas ceives!!
Free languages!
Llengues lliures!!
Llengües lliures!
Hizkuntz askatuak!!
Hizkuntz askatuak!
Lenguas libres!!
Lenguas libres!

Writer(s): Francisco Javier Fernandez Abreu, Gabriel Reigosa Centelles

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