Dalyb feat. Porsche Boy & Taomi - zvyky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dalyb feat. Porsche Boy & Taomi - zvyky

Nuri je cool
Nuri is cool
Yeah, uh-huh, uh (Brrr)
Yeah, uh-huh, uh (Brrr)
Yeah, Nuri je cool, uh-huh
Yeah, Nuri is cool, uh-huh
Hej, hej, hej, Nuri, Nuri, Nuri, hej
Hey, hey, hey, Nuri, Nuri, Nuri, hey
Mám, mám také zvyky nosiť drahé dripy
I have, I have such habits of wearing expensive drip
Ne, ne-nerobia ma iným, som to čo ty
No, they don't make me different, I am what you are
Mám, mám také zvyky, no nerobia ma zlý-ým
I have, I have such habits, but they don't make me bad
Len, len veľa dymím, som ako ty
I just smoke a lot, I am like you
Nebavím sa s nikým, on správa sa jak had
I don't hang out with anyone, he behaves like a snake
Aj keď si mi neni brat, chápem, každý robí chyby
Even if you are not my brother, I understand, everyone makes mistakes
Životy filmy a ja v nich idem up
Lives are movies and I go up in them
V každej ďalšej dimenzii som stále iné ja, iné ja
In every next dimension I am still a different me, a different me
Mám vysoký plat, bratu, lebo nie som cheap
I have a high salary, bro, because I am not cheap
Takže plať, inak sa mi z očí ber
So pay up, or get out of my sight
Nemám čas robiť vtipy len kvôli mojej mysli
I don't have time to make jokes just for the sake of my mind
Som silný, chlapci vylezli mi z i-i, nemám pre nich flek
I am strong, the boys got out of my i-i, I don't have a place for them
Je to tak, keď ideme stať pri aute do zimy
It's like that when we go stand by the car in the winter
Som zabalený do Hermès deky, je mi prima, je mi fajn
I'm wrapped in a Hermès blanket, I'm fine, I'm fine
Focusovaný na jeden smer, žiadne kiksy
Focused on one direction, no mistakes
O rok budeme vyššie, čakám kým zas bude máj
In a year we will be higher, I wait until May comes again
Keď príde cash, nie je to žiaden dážď, ale leják
When the cash comes, it's not a rain, but a downpour
Stojíš za pieták, keď si bol pri nich
You are worth five cents, when you were with them
Som háklivý, keď to vidím čo z nich ide
I am sensitive when I see what comes out of them
Oni podráždení, že to cítim jak iní
They are irritated that I feel it like others do
Mám, mám také zvyky nosiť drahé dripy
I have, I have such habits of wearing expensive drip
Ne, ne-nerobia ma iným, som to čo ty
No, they don't make me different, I am what you are
Mám, mám také zvyky, no nerobia ma zlý-ým
I have, I have such habits, but they don't make me bad
Len, len veľa dymím, som ako ty
I just smoke a lot, I am like you
Mám, mám také zvyky nosiť drahé dripy
I have, I have such habits of wearing expensive drip
Ne, ne-nerobia ma iným, som to čo ty
No, they don't make me different, I am what you are
Mám, mám také zvyky, no nerobia ma zlý-ým
I have, I have such habits, but they don't make me bad
Len, len veľa dymím, som ako ty
I just smoke a lot, I am like you
Mám taký zvyk zobrať ti chick, keď vidím, že sa nudí
I have a habit of taking your chick when I see she's bored
Urobíme z bytu klub, keď si náš, kľudne dojdi
We'll turn the apartment into a club, if you're ours, come on over
Mám taký zvyk nehovoriť, ale makať, takže bitch
I have a habit of not talking, but working, so bitch
Keď dačo chceš, priamo k veci, nechcem strácať minúty
When you want something, get to the point, I don't want to waste minutes
Sedím backseat, od hlavy po päty studio textil
Sitting in the backseat, from head to toe studio textile
Bass duní že ju počuť za BA po MI
The bass is thumping that you can hear it behind BA all the way to MI
Crazy v mojom meste, mladí boysi chcú byť jak my
Crazy in my city, young boys want to be like us
Odletíme iný vesmír, len daj mi ešte one minute
We'll fly off to another universe, just give me one more minute
Hey, hold up (Woah), hold up, hold up, daj mi smoke
Hey, hold up (Woah), hold up, hold up, give me smoke
Cítim sa jak frajer, boss, keď dávam cruisin' cez tvoj blok
I feel like a player, boss, when I'm cruising through your block
Všetci tak high, že kecať s nimi je jak s Ludvikom
Everyone is so high that talking to them is like talking to Ludwig
Každý rok vypúšťame fresh sound, east coast (Nuri je cool)
Every year we release fresh sound, east coast (Nuri is cool)
Mám, mám také zvyky nosiť drahé dripy
I have, I have such habits of wearing expensive drip
Ne, ne-nerobia ma iným, som to čo ty
No, they don't make me different, I am what you are
Mám, mám také zvyky, no nerobia ma zlý-ým
I have, I have such habits, but they don't make me bad
Len, len veľa dymím, som ako ty
I just smoke a lot, I am like you
Zvykám na to, že mám viac
I get used to having more
Ja si zvykám na menej, keď mám viac
I get used to less, when I have more
Je to sweet combo, puffin a gin cup
It's a sweet combo, puffin and gin cup
Rick on, Rick on, I sympathise
Rick on, Rick on, I sympathise
Yeah, Tommy zenned out quick
Yeah, Tommy zenned out quick
Vedený sebou som
Led by myself I am
Láska a nenávisť
Love and hate
Free a nespútaný, ty si mon ami
Free and unbound, you are my mon ami
Nie si moja bi', no ja mám letenky SpaceX
You are not my bi', but I have SpaceX tickets

Writer(s): Dalyb, Nuri, Porsche Boy, Taomi

Dalyb feat. Porsche Boy & Taomi - zvyky (feat. Porsche Boy & Taomi) - Single
zvyky (feat. Porsche Boy & Taomi) - Single
date de sortie

1 zvyky

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