Dalyb - Blok123 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dalyb - Blok123

Yeah, ooh
Yeah, ooh
123 zarábam cash
123 I'm making cash
456 miniem ho hneď
456 I'm spending it fast
123 počítam cash
123 I'm counting cash
456 hneď ho dam preč
456 I'm giving it away
123 zarábam cash
123 I'm making cash
456 miniem ho hneď
456 I'm spending it fast
123 počítam cash
123 I'm counting cash
456 hneď ho dam preč
456 I'm giving it away
OMG čo
OMG what
AMG na Benz
AMG in a Benz
Nabehnem na stage
I hit the stage
Topím vás jak sneh
I'm melting you like snow
Zmrdi vravia klam
Haters say it's a lie
O tom kto sme
About who we are
Zdravia mi brat
My bro greets me
To si strč vieš kde
You can shove that where the sun don't shine
Viete o mne prd
You don't know a damn thing about me
Cash rozfúkam jak prach
I'm blowing cash like dust
Klik klak bang bang
Click clack bang bang
Louis Vuitton môj trunk
Louis Vuitton is my trunk
Lambo bude moj truck
Lambo will be my truck
rada môj look
She likes my look
Kúpim jej čo chce
I'll buy her anything she wants
Tisíce na ňu
Thousands on her
Na krku mám perly
I got pearls on my neck
Okolo krku ju
Around my neck she's
Nerobíš to dobre
You're not doing it right
Lebo znieš jak chuj
'Cause you sound like a fool
Burberry perie
Burberry feathers
Tvoje sestry ma chcú
Your sisters want me
Káva k tomu Perier
Coffee with Perrier
Vždy je na to chuť
There's always a taste for it
123 zarábam cash
123 I'm making cash
456 miniem ho hneď
456 I'm spending it fast
123 počítam cash
123 I'm counting cash
456 hneď ho dám preč
456 I'm giving it away
123 zarábam cash
123 I'm making cash
456 miniem ho hneď
456 I'm spending it fast
123 počítam cash
123 I'm counting cash
456 hneď ho dám preč
456 I'm giving it away

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