Dame - Ya sa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dame - Ya sa

Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svoje tempo len
I don't compete, I've been going at my own pace for years
Robím čo chcem, ya sa
I do what I want, yeah, I know
Nechávam viesť, ya sa
I let myself be led, yeah, I know
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svojou cestou len
I don't compete, I've been going my own way for years
Nemusím prejsť tam kam svietia tie svetlá, ya
I don't have to go where the lights shine, yeah
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Netlačím na silu do rádia
I don't force myself onto the radio
Je to umelé jak chodiť do solária
It's artificial like going to a tanning salon
Váš humor je suchý jak opávia
Your humor is dry like Pavia
Náš ďaleko jak liať rum do kávy
Ours is far out, like pouring rum into coffee
Tak podaj mi mic, ja podám ti fakty
So pass me the mic, I'll give you the facts
Som hlboko jak na dne Ontária
I'm deep like the bottom of Lake Ontario
Môj brand handmade in Slovakia
My brand is handmade in Slovakia
Som viac $ELFMAD€ jak onánia
I'm more $ELFMAD€ than masturbation
Ty ideš všade aj keď nemusíš
You go everywhere even when you don't have to
Ja nejdem kam nechcem a nenudím sa
I don't go where I don't want to and I don't get bored
Nikdy aj keď nejdem medzi ľudí
Never, even when I don't go out among people
Všetci majú masky jak keby je Halloween (Ooh)
Everyone wears masks like it's Halloween (Ooh)
Furt niečo robím aj keď nemusím
I'm always doing something even when I don't have to
Aj keď vyzerá to tak že nič nerobím
Even when it looks like I'm not doing anything
Robím veci pre pocit a žijem pre rodinu, pre mojich
I do things for the feeling and I live for my family, for my people
Ne preto nech si na tom ego nahoním
Not so I can boost my ego
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svoje tempo len
I don't compete, I've been going at my own pace for years
Robím čo chcem, ya sa
I do what I want, yeah, I know
Nechávam viesť, ya sa
I let myself be led, yeah, I know
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svojou cestou len
I don't compete, I've been going my own way for years
Nemusím prejsť tam kam svietia tie svetlá, ya
I don't have to go where the lights shine, yeah
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nemusím na nič hrať, pretekať ani nič obhajovať
I don't have to play any games, compete or defend anything
Ani svoje ego si dokazovať
Not even prove my ego
Ja nemusím po nikom opakovať
I don't have to repeat after anyone
Nikoho na silu otravovať
Annoy anyone by force
A viem všetko aj keby som na to sám
And I know everything even if I'm on my own
Zvykni si že keď budeš potrebovať
Get used to the fact that when you need
Zavoláš, bude tam odkazovač
You'll call, there will be an answering machine
Ja sa nespolieham na nič a nikoho
I don't rely on anything or anyone
Zvykol som si mať v piči výchovou
I got used to not caring because of my upbringing
Z ulice dostaneš street credit
From the street you get street credit
A ten nejde za internet vymeniť
And you can't trade that for internet clout
Ani kýbel lajkov na reels není
Not even a bucket of likes on reels is
To čo treba je viac jak mať drip outfit
What's needed is more than having a drip outfit
Je len umelý pocit jak igelit
It's just an artificial feeling like plastic wrap
Treba sa vedieť držať aj pri zemi
You have to know how to stay grounded
Ja sa nepretekám, aj tak sme top
I don't compete, we're already at the top
Ten kto je gold nemusí hovoriť to
Those who are gold don't have to say it
Keď si best-of vie to celé mesto
When you're the best-of, the whole city knows it
Je len dobré vedieť aj to kde je ten strop
It's just good to know where the ceiling is
Pokora je gro, bez toho nejde byť vzor
Humility is key, you can't be a role model without it
Jedine keď chceš šíriť klamstvo a hate, zlo
Unless you want to spread lies and hate, evil
Základ je nepozerať stále druhým cez plot
The main thing is not to always look at others over the fence
To dôležité jak pre [?]
What's important is like for [?]
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svoje tempo len
I don't compete, I've been going at my own pace for years
Robím čo chcem, ya sa
I do what I want, yeah, I know
Nechávam viesť, ya sa
I let myself be led, yeah, I know
Ya sa
Yeah, I know
Nepretekám, idem roky svojou cestou len
I don't compete, I've been going my own way for years
Nemusím prejsť tam kam svietia tie svetlá, ya
I don't have to go where the lights shine, yeah
Ya sa
Yeah, I know

Writer(s): Adam Dame, Stanislav Hudec

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