Dame - Bez Ni€h - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dame - Bez Ni€h

Bez Ni€h
Without Them
Neni ťažke ich minúť,
It's not hard to spend them,
Ovela ťažšie ich zarobiť,
Much harder to earn them,
Keď musíš tak ťa to prinúti,
When you must, it forces you,
Nežiť od vyplaty do zálohy.
Not to live from paycheck to paycheck.
A po - staviť sa na nohy, zahodiť,
And then - to get back on your feet, throw away,
Závory, trochu sa zapotiť,
The barriers, sweat a little,
Na prúd vlastný jak na lodi,
On your own current like on a boat,
Na mori, na vodiť sa na pocit
At sea, to be guided by feeling
Ako by zarobíš, násobíš, a náhody nejsu na to vždy,
Like you'd earn, multiply, and chances aren't always there for that,
Kámo my názory máme fakt správne!
Dude, we really have the right opinions!
Oukey, oukey - naozaj správne!
Okay, okay - really right!
Oukey, oukey - toto je vážne!
Okay, okay - this is serious!
Oukey, oukey bez nich nikdo z nás neni
Okay, okay, without them none of us are
V tomto svete vác než panák bez práce,
More than a dude without a job in this world,
Oukey, oukey každý je hráč veď?
Okay, okay, everyone's a player, right?
Oukey, oukey každý je hráč len,
Okay, okay, everyone's just a player,
Oukey, oukey toto je vážne,
Okay, okay, this is serious,
V tomto zanedbanom štáte!
In this neglected state!
Chalani dostávajú parohy keď nemajú lóve,
Guys get cheated on when they don't have money,
Ludia nemajú vóbec problém žiť len na póze,
People have no problem living just on pose,
Kvôli peniazom vela z vás kludne poruší kódex,
Because of money, many of you will break the code,
Možme sa staviť, že tvoju ex najdem na fóre!(Zapo)
We can bet I'll find your ex on the forum! (Zapo)
Môžeš sa snažiť spraviť niečo sám a potom -
You can try to do something yourself and then -
Je druhá možnosť, že ti to všetko oco,
There's a second option, your dad gives you everything,
ďalšia varianta je byť špinavý kokot,
Another option is to be a dirty asshole,
Ale nabíjaš si karmu ktorá je za rohom s glockom!
But you're charging your karma, which is around the corner with a Glock!
Neni šetko ale bez nich je to ťažké,
It's not everything, but without them it's hard,
Ne vždy trafíš cieľ aj keď furt mieriš na stred,
You don't always hit the target even if you keep aiming for the center,
žijeme v dobe keď to nemo vôbec lahké,
We live in a time when it's not easy at all,
Lacné neni dobré, dobre fakt neni lacné,
Cheap isn't good, good really isn't cheap,
Doba je konzumná jak chleba,
The time is consumerist like bread,
Nikomu to nevadí jak modré z neba,
Nobody cares like blue from the sky,
Každý chce čo nemá aj keď to neni treba,
Everyone wants what they don't have even if it's not needed,
A keď to má, tak tvrdí, že ledva sám pre seba
And when they have it, they claim they barely have enough for themselves
Viac jak na kvalitu dbá každý na predaj,
Everyone cares more about sales than quality,
Lóve vác jak šetko ostatné keď nemaš
Money is more than everything else when you don't have it
Ten peňáz - ťa nechá, skapať aj lekár,
That money - will let you die, even a doctor,
Svet ide proti sebe jak keď dealer je feťák,
The world goes against itself like when a dealer is a junkie,
Prepáč, lóve vládnu svetu, dnes príjmy
Sorry, money rules the world, today incomes
- Menšie jak výdaje nikto furt netuší nič,
- Are smaller than expenses, nobody knows anything,
Všetko na tie hypotéky, úvery, lízing,
Everything on those mortgages, loans, leasing,
Ani netušíš čo všetko je tu z Číny!
You don't even know how much is here from China!
Bez peňazí nemožeš dýchať,
Without money you can't breathe,
Sme závislí na tých číslach,
We are dependent on those numbers,
A robota neni tiež výhra,
And work isn't a win either,
Nemá význam, keď do týždňa
It doesn't make sense when within a week
Po výplate začína kríza,
After payday the crisis begins,
Na ramenách obrovská príťaž,
A huge burden on your shoulders,
Treba sa dvíhať, rozmýšľať,
You have to get up, think,
Bez toho nikdy nebudeš víťaz!
Without that you will never be a winner!
Neni ťažke ich minúť,
It's not hard to spend them,
Ovela ťažšie ich zarobiť,
Much harder to earn them,
Keď musíš tak ťa to prinúti,
When you must, it forces you,
Nežiť od vyplaty do zálohy.
Not to live from paycheck to paycheck.
A po - staviť sa na nohy, zahodiť,
And then - to get back on your feet, throw away,
Závory, trochu sa zapotiť,
The barriers, sweat a little,
Na prúd vlastný jak na lodi,
On your own current like on a boat,
Na mori, na vodiť sa na pocit
At sea, to be guided by feeling
Ako by zarobíš, násobíš, a náhody nejsu na to vždy,
Like you'd earn, multiply, and chances aren't always there for that,
Kámo my názory máme fakt správne!
Dude, we really have the right opinions!
Oukey, oukey - naozaj správne!
Okay, okay - really right!
Oukey, oukey - toto je vážne!
Okay, okay - this is serious!
Oukey, oukey bez nich nikdo z nás neni
Okay, okay, without them none of us are
V tomto svete vác než panák bez práce,
More than a dude without a job in this world,
Oukey, oukey každý je hráč veď?
Okay, okay, everyone's a player, right?
Oukey, oukey každý je hráč len,
Okay, okay, everyone's just a player,
Oukey, oukey toto je vážne,
Okay, okay, this is serious,
V tomto zanedbanom štáte!
In this neglected state!

Writer(s): adam dame

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