DAMO - X - traduction des paroles en anglais

X - Damotraduction en anglais

나도 모르게
Suddenly, without me knowing it
그래 잠궈도
Hey, so you can lock the door
Who are you?
다시 얘기해
Tell me again
Knock knock 열어줄래
Knock, knock, can you open the door?
Cause you
Because you
방금 진심 아니었어
Hey, I didn't mean what I just said
아니야 말은 심했어
No, those words were harsh
지금 어떻게 해야
What should I do now?
너라면 어떻게 해야 하는지 알겠어
If it were you, you'd know what to do
광야를 걸어
I walk through the desert
우는 가없어
I can't stand to see you crying
오늘 니가 한마디
The one thing you said tonight
생각이 나는
I keep thinking about it
우리 추억에
About our memories
Get drunk again
언제쯤 너의
When will your
멈출 수가 없어 너를
I can't stop myself from
사랑하는 나의 마음을 오직
My heart that only
바퀴 지구를 돌고 나면
After I've traveled all around the globe
다시 너한테 갈게
I'll go back to you
*너에게 편지를
*I wrote you a letter
아직도 깨닫게 눈물 속에서
You still make me realize through my tears
너무 보고싶어 죽겠어
I miss you so much, I could die
배로 배든 잘할 있는데
I could do so much better, so many times more
솔직히 말을 거짓말 말도
To be honest, you should never have lied to me
선뜻 너에게 아무 말도 하지 못한거야
I couldn't say anything to you, I was just a fool
쉽게 그냥 바보처럼 믿겨지지 않았던 하루
A day I couldn't believe it was real, even though it was so simple
당연한 사진도 글도 없는 카톡
A KakaoTalk with no pictures or messages, it's obvious
사랑은 묻은 먹을 거야
Love is a honey-dipped knife, I'll eat it all
아니 정말 많이 변한건 너야
No, really, it's you who has changed so much
더러운 돈과 사람들 속에
In the midst of dirty money and people
중독된 구해야
I have to save you from your addiction
지금 찾아 헤맬 것만 같은 느낌
I have a feeling you'll be looking for me now
(I said you know)
(I said you know)
맴맴 돌아 내게
Circling around me
다정할 때가 제일 예뻐
You're the most beautiful when you're affectionate
(하지만 그건 아니지 앞에서)
(But that's not in front of me)
니가 차에 쳐서 죽는 것처럼
I felt like I had seen you get hit by a car and die
한동안 정신 차렸어
For a while, I couldn't come to my senses
(나 술에 취해 너만 찾을 때)
(When I get drunk and search for only you)
앱신트를 내게 권하는 친구에게
To the friend who offered me absinthe
(그거 말고 대신)
(Instead of that)
아니 나는 마실게
No, I'll drink it, give it to me
라가블린 다시 찾게 나의 발베니
I'll find Lagavulin again, my Balvenie
Cause i need you
Because I need you
나의 필요 오직 너만 있으면
My need, you're the only one I have
너의 다리 너의 너의
Your long legs, your butt, your mouth
모두 내꺼야
They're all mine
니가 때까지 맘대로
So until you leave, you can do whatever you want with me
오직 너만 나를 가져도
Only you, you can have me
멈출 수가 없어 너를
I can't stop myself from
사랑하는 나의 마음을 오직
My heart that only
바퀴 지구를 돌고 나면
After I've traveled all around the globe
다시 너한테 갈게
I'll go back to you

Writer(s): Damo, Nod

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