Dame feat. Kali - Naoko - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dame feat. Kali - Naoko

Naoko (Just for Show)
More čo si vyštrnganý ako stromček vianočný
You're all strung up like a Christmas tree
Ukáž mi tie klúče od mesta
Show me those keys to the city
Ty piča zámočnik tváriš sa jak veľký šéf
You bitch locksmith, acting like a big boss
A chodíš srávať na nočník
And you go to piss in a potty
Tvoja robota je dojebávať ludí na nočních
Your job is to fuck people up on night shifts
Kdo si ty nula, ty hovno
Who are you, zero, you shit
Povedz ten lubni
Tell that chick
Čo došla sem s dojmom
Who came here with the impression
Že, s tebou to vyhrala lebo si
That she won the lottery with you because
Kukala profil jak dávaš to s formou, ale
She saw your profile, how you're showing off, but
Ty si na poschodí dolnom
You're on the lower floor
Šimpanz nemôžem nikdy byť Kongom
A chimp can never be a Kong
Len jebe ti na hlavu vtedy ked dojde
It only fucks with your head when
Ten pátok a odbije polnoc
That Friday comes and midnight strikes
Sledujem story
I'm watching that story
Pozor fakt big boss
Look out, the big boss
On je fakt big boss
He's really a big boss
Kurva fakt big boss
Damn, a real big boss
Ale ja ho poznám osobne a fakt nič moc
But I know him personally and he's really nothing special
On je fakt nič moc, kurva fakt nič moc
He's really nothing special, damn, really nothing special
Všetky tie tváre za úsmevom je nárek
All those faces behind the smiles are cries
Stále sa to deje určite aj teraz práve
It's still happening, probably right now
V pláne je byť pán
The plan is to be a sir
Veď kár hned za to zplánie
The car will get towed for it
Veď návod je žit naoko
The manual is to live for show
Lóve, kurvy, fet iba naoko
Money, bitches, drugs, just for show
Láska, vzťahy, sex iba naoko
Love, relationships, sex, just for show
Póza, forma je iba naoko
Pose, form is just for show
Málokto na foto to zlato fakt len naoko
Few people in photos have that gold, not just for show
Lóve, kurvy, fet iba naoko
Money, bitches, drugs, just for show
Láska, vzťahy, sex iba naoko
Love, relationships, sex, just for show
Póza, forma je iba naoko
Pose, form is just for show
Málokto na foto to zlato fakt len naoko
Few people in photos have that gold, not just for show
Neviem čomu veriť, čo je fake, čo je real
I don't know what to believe, what's fake, what's real
Ja žijem tak jak vidíš nehrám nič nejdem film
I live the way you see me, I'm not playing anything, I'm not in a movie
Nepotrebujem tie fejkové views ani sa nefotím sám
I don't need those fake views, and I don't take pictures of myself
Vtedy keď spím
When I'm sleeping
Najradšej mám rozjebané džíny
I like ripped jeans the most
Ne fejkové veci aliexpress z Číny
Not fake Aliexpress stuff from China
Môj štýl je byť real ne naoko jak brýle
My style is to be real, not for show like glasses
Každý aj tak že to jak tam píšeš
Everyone knows that what you write there
Je všetko len príbeh jak na live-streame
It's all just a story like on a live stream
Tvrdíš, že žiješ si sen preto žiješ v kríze
You claim you're living the dream, that's why you're living in crisis
Nechápem aký význam vymýšlať si príbehy
I don't understand the point of making up stories
A kupovať si čísla ono nikto nevidí jak žiješ a kde bývaš
And buying numbers, nobody sees how you live and where you live
Instagram je ojeb v skutočnosti
Instagram is a scam in reality
Ledvá dýcháš!
You're barely breathing!
Fejkové vzťahy bez lásky (Prázdny)
Fake relationships without love (Empty)
Hlavná vec je byt krásny (Párik)
The main thing is to be beautiful (Couple)
Spolubývajúci jak známy (Som trápny)
Roommates like acquaintances (I'm pathetic)
Hovorí zo mňa len závisť (ej)
Only envy speaks from me (hey)
Žiť len na oko je fakt shit (No lock)
Living just for show is really shit (No lock)
Na vonok High Society ale side bitch
On the outside High Society but a side bitch
Čajky chcú byť ako Kardashianky
Gulls want to be like Kardashians
No bez hanby fajčia čabajky na hajzly
But shamelessly smoke cigarettes in the toilets
Všetky tie tváre za úsmevom je nárek
All those faces behind the smiles are cries
Stále sa to deje určite aj teraz práve
It's still happening, probably right now
V pláne je byť pán
The plan is to be a sir
Veď kár hned za to zplánie
The car will get towed for it
Veď návod je žit naoko
The manual is to live for show
Love, kurvy, fet iba naoko
Money, bitches, drugs, just for show
Láska, vzťahy, sex iba naoko
Love, relationships, sex, just for show
Póza, forma je iba naoko
Pose, form is just for show
Málo kto na foto to zlato fakt len naoko
Few people in photos have that gold, not just for show
Love, kurvy, fet iba naoko
Money, bitches, drugs, just for show
Láska, vzťahy, sex iba naoko
Love, relationships, sex, just for show
Póza, forma je iba naoko
Pose, form is just for show
Málo kto na foto to zlato fakt len naoko
Few people in photos have that gold, not just for show

Writer(s): Adam Dame

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