Dame feat. Matej Straka & Fejbs - Nepočujem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dame feat. Matej Straka & Fejbs - Nepočujem

I Can't Hear You
Počujem len šum.
I can't hear anything but noise.
Jedným uchom dnu, druhým rovno dopiče.
In one ear and out the other.
Dnes nemám chuť, nenechám sa nikým hrotiť ne.
I'm not in the mood to be bothered.
Daj mi dnes pokoj, nemám náladu na sračky,
Leave me alone, I don't want to hear your crap.
A vlastne len dnes, ale od teraz navždy.
Not just today, but from now on.
Nepočúvam to, čo ma nebaví, prepáč.
I'm not listening to anything you have to say, sorry.
Keby sa tuposť dala speňažiť, tak veľa z nich nemá
If stupidity could be monetized, you guys would have no
Problém s peniazmi jak máš práve ty pred nami.
financial problems as you do now.
Teraz vyjednávaš s hlavou na termín, ktorý ti nikdy nedám.
Now you're haggling with your mind over a date that I'll never give you.
Cena je pevná ako noha tohto stola.
The price is fixed like the leg of this table.
Nepočujem nič, vypnutý zvuk, kľudne volaj.
I can't hear a thing, the sound is off, feel free to talk.
Bodaj by to pochopil každý jeden lokaj,
I wish everyone understood
že pokiaľ nemám náladu mám piči... naozaj.
that I am really not in the mood for your games.
Fakt nemám chuť a náladu na sprostých ľudí,
I really don't have the time or inclination for idiots,
Aj na to aby si bol smiašne tupý,
Even to be laughably stupid,
Musíš mať v hlave trochu viac, jak zopár lupín.
You have to have a little more in your head than a few dandruff flakes.
Prečo je ten život k vám tak neskutočne krutý.
Why is life so incredibly cruel to you people?
Nepočujem tie vaše hlášky.
I can't hear your lines.
Kebyže musím tak som asi na prášky.
If I had to, I'd probably be on medication.
Neotravuj ma prosím ťa aspoň pár dní.
Please don't bother me for at least a few days.
Keby to nefiltrujem, tak sa asi zbláznim.
If I didn't filter it out, I'd probably go crazy.
Na každej párty ľudia vysávajú energiu z nás vždy.
At every party, people suck the energy out of us.
Keby si nedržíme odstup tak sme prázdni.
If we don't keep our distance, we'll be empty.
Prečo je to tak?
Why is that?
Prečo fakt normálni ľudia tak nenormálne vzácni?
Why are normal people so abnormally rare?
Prečo normálni ľudia tak nenormálne vzácni?
Why are normal people so abnormally rare?
Žijeme paralelne ale každý svoj život a preto je nám tak ohromne.
We live in parallel, but each in their own world, and that's why we feel so different.
Ja sa nestarám do tvojho,
I don't care about yours,
Ty neber mi môj, nech sa naďalej cítim komfortne.
Don't take mine, so I can continue to feel comfortable.
Yeaah, yeaah, a nepočujem a nič pre vás nemám.
Yeaah, yeaah, and I can't hear a thing and have nothing for you.
Tak nechaj-te ma, venujte sa radšej svojim ženám.
So leave me alone, go and bother your women instead.
Si príliš čudný na to aby si žil.
You're too weird to live,
Moc vzácny na to aby si zhnil.
Too precious to rot.
Nepočujem nič, neviem kde je skrýš.
I can't hear anything, I don't know where to hide.
Hľadám sa, to víš,
I'm looking for myself, you know.
Kiš-kiš, hanba, smích,
Scat, scat, shame, laughter,
Pustím si vás kým výjdem z ulice ven na byt.
I'll let you in until I get out of the street and into the apartment.
Chcem aspoň pokecať.
I just want to talk.
Na místo teho tu smrdí faloš, ic sa očesat.
Instead, it smells like lies here, get your hair combed.
Obleč sa, dajme temu, že ozveš sa.
Get dressed, let's pretend that you called.
No zatál uteká pred váma niekam do lesa.
But for now, run away from you into the forest.
Ja som tá, ktorá sa na teba nepodobá.
I'm the one who doesn't look like you.
Neni som pribuzná, neotváraj sa mi dokorán.
I'm not your relative, don't open up to me.
Ja som pokora, možno sa chvíľu snažim,
I'm humility, maybe I'm trying for a while,
No neskôr mám chuť ti dať čelo a zavolať vašim.
But later I want to slap you and call your parents.
Haló? To je váš syn?
Hello? Is this your son?
Chce mi ublížiť tým, že sa tu správa jak vy.
He wants to hurt me by acting like you.
Končím hovor, dovi, chcela som to.
I'm ending the call, goodbye, I wanted to.
vác nebudem tým volajúcim.
I'll never call again.
Bozaj mi rit.
Kiss my ass.
Žijeme paralelne ale každý svoj život a preto je nám tak ohromne.
We live in parallel, but each in their own world, and that's why we feel so different.
Ja sa nestarám do tvojho,
I don't care about yours,
Ty neber mi môj, nech sa naďalej cítim komfortne.
Don't take mine, so I can continue to feel comfortable.
Yeaah, yeaah, a nepočujem a nič pre vás nemám.
Yeaah, yeaah, and I can't hear a thing and have nothing for you.
Tak nechaj-te ma, venujte sa radšej svojim ženám.
So leave me alone, go and bother your women instead.

Writer(s): Adam Dame

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