Daniel Calveti - Hechura Tuya - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daniel Calveti - Hechura Tuya

Hechura Tuya
Your Masterpiece
A veces siento que mi autoestima mengua
At times I feel my self-esteem wane
Por la competencia vana que en mundo hay,
Because of the vain competition in the world,
Comentarios arrogantes
Arrogant comments
Y miradas orgullosas miran cuestionandote que alcanzaras
And proud looks that question what you will achieve.
Si fuera por el hombre,
If it were up to man,
El lienzo de mi vida hubiera sido destruido ya,
The canvas of my life would have been destroyed long ago,
Por que ellos etiquetan
Because they label
A su propio juicio y no me ven como tu, Señor
By their own judgment and do not see me as you do, Lord.
//Soy hechura tuya, ohh
//I am your masterpiece, ohh
En Cristo yo fui creado, si
In Christ I was created, yes
Buenas obras he hecho desde antes para en ellas yo caminar//
I have worked good works since before, so that I may walk in them//
En este mundo he aprendido
In this world I have learned
A creer fielmente en lo que tu haz hecho en mi,
To believe faithfully in what you have done in me,
Por que si yo no creo en esta obra
Because if I do not believe in this work
Quien, dime quien lo hará
Who, tell me, who will?
Comparar mi vida no tiene sentido
Comparing my life makes no sense
Por que nunca llegaré a ser como otros
Because I will never be like others
Ya que a nadie nos creaste igual sino
Since you created none of us alike but
A tu imagen completo en ti.
In your complete image in you.
//Soy hechura tuya, ohh
//I am your masterpiece, ohh
En Cristo yo fui creado, si (amen)
In Christ I was created, yes (amen)
Buenas obras he hecho desde antes para en ellas yo caminar//
I have worked good works since before, so that I may walk in them//
Y aun dejasrte espacio para mi humanidad, con errores
And leave room for my humanity, with errors
Y defectos que me hacen madurar
And the defects that help me mature.
Señor, quiero darte gracias
Lord, I want to thank you
Por dedicar tu tiempo para crearmi bienestar
For taking your time to create my well-being.
Gracias por que el píncel que pinta mis logros
Thank you because the brush that paints my achievements
Y crecimeinto lo tienes ohh
And growth lies in you, ohh
Gracis oh Dios por que hoy entiendo
Thank you, oh God, because today I understand
Que si me creaste es por que soy importante aqui (amen)
That if you created me, it is because I am important here (amen).
Soy hechura tuya, ohh
I am your masterpiece, ohh
En Cristo yo fui creado, si
In Christ I was created, yes
Buenas obras he hecho desde antes para en ellas si...
I have worked good works since before, so that I may walk in them...
Yo caminar. aaar, oh oh
I walk. ah, oh oh
Anque nadie crea en tus sueños
Even if no one believes in your dreams
En las mets que tienes déjame decirte ÉL SI CREE
Let me tell you, HE DOES
Dios te trajo a este mundo con un proposito,
God brought you into this world for a purpose,
No dejes morir tus sueños
Don't let your dreams die
Confia en Él... no temas oh no...
Trust in Him... don't be afraid, oh no...
Dilo conmigo:
Say it with me:
Soy hechura tuya, ohh
I am your masterpiece, ohh
En TI yo fui creado, si
In you I was created, yes
Buenas obras he hecho desde antes para en ellas si...
I have worked good works since before, so that I may walk in them...
Yo caminar oh Dios
I walk in you, oh God
Gracias Señor por todas las bendiciones
Thank you Lord for all the blessings
Que me das pues se ahora que cada persona
You give me, because I now know that every person
En en tus caminos es importante pus lo hiciste
On your paths is important, because you made him
Y lo colocaste ahi asi, sean pastores, diaconos,
And you placed him there, whether pastors, deacons,
JOVENES todos somos hecho por TI PAPA
YOUNG PEOPLE, we are all made by YOU, FATHER
GRACIAS por ser el Dios que VIVE
THANK YOU for being the living God
Compartamos a Jesus con el nececitado,
Let us share Jesus with the needy,
Solo mira a tu alrededor y encontraras con quien
Just look around you and you will find who to share with.

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