Daniel Habif - A Mi Padre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daniel Habif - A Mi Padre

A Mi Padre
To My Father
Papa hoy amaneci pensando en ti
Dad, I woke up thinking about you today
Soñe contigo y pense que podia llamarte pero ya no estas aqui doble
I dreamt of you and thought I could call you, but you're not here anymore, I doubled over
Mis rodillas para hablarte pero nadie contesto me contesto mi padre
My knees to talk to you, but no one answered, my celestial father answered
Celestial dijo daniel esta con migo y ambos estamos orgullosos de ti
He said, "Daniel is with me, and we are both proud of you"
Eres un buen hijo por supuesto que senti mis lagrimas caer pero
You are a good son, of course, I felt my tears fall, but
Fueron un balsamo para mi alma quiero decirte papa que muchas veces
They were a balm for my soul, I want to tell you, dad, that many times
Reproche que no estuviste contigo llore y odie tu accionar mi mente
I reproached myself for not being with you, I cried and hated your actions, my mind
Se quebraba al solo imaginar tu rostro pocas veces pude abrasarte
Would break just imagining your face, I rarely got to hug you
Pocas veces pude hablar contigo se que eres un hombre que fue muy
I rarely got to talk to you, I know you were a man who was very
Preparado de una firmeza que pocas veces sea visto en la vida
Prepared, with a firmness rarely seen in life
Comparti tan poco contigo pero aprendi de tu caracter y de tu
We shared so little time together, but I learned from your character and your
Fortaleza que tanto respeto me generaban eras muy solitario muy
Strength that generated so much respect in me, you were very solitary, very
Callado y cuando hablabas todo era sarcasmo tus manos estaban
Quiet, and when you spoke, everything was sarcasm, your hands were
Labradas por los callos de un hombre que trabaja de manera manual y
Wrought with the calluses of a man who works with his hands and
Se ensucia las manos al mismo tiempo que come con ellas nunca te vi
Gets them dirty at the same time he eats with them, I never saw you
Usar traje o corbata usabas dos plumas y dos lapiceros en la camisa
Wear a suit or tie, you wore two pens and two pencils in your shirt
Ingeniero y militar en una servilleta siempre escribias tus formulas
Engineer and soldier, on a napkin you always wrote your formulas
Matematicas y hasta algunos poemas me acuerdo se que te gustaba bob
Mathematical, and even some poems, I remember you liked Bob
Marley y lo primero que me enseñaste esque el teorema de pitagoras
Marley, and the first thing you taught me was that the Pythagorean theorem
Era lo unico eterno sabias un chingo de historia te encantaban las
Was the only eternal thing, you knew a lot of history, you loved birds
Aves y decias que por ellas suponias que habia un dios tu mano
And you said that because of them you supposed there was a God, your hand
Derecha siempre estaba cerrada en un puño por que decias que la vida
Right hand was always closed in a fist because you said that life
Golpeaba en cualquier momento y que ni de pendejo dejarias que la
Hit at any moment and that you wouldn't let life knock you down, and you know what, I believe you
Vida te tumbase y sabes que te creo porque con dos canceres encima
Because with two cancers on you
Siempre fuiste un trabajador incansable un estudioso empedernido un
You were always a tireless worker, an inveterate student, a
Tiranico de la diciplina un visionario que invento cientos de
Tyrant of discipline, a visionary who invented hundreds of
Productos que se usan en el mundo entero carajo mientras escribia
Products that are used all over the world, damn it, while I was writing
Esto goteaba mi celular y se hacian chorros en mis dedos disculpen
This, my cell phone was dripping and making streams on my fingers, I'm sorry
Pero si no lloro me inundo por dentro y esque no encuentro otra
But if I don't cry, I flood inside, and it's because I can't find another
Manera de hablar sino escribiendo lo que siento ya sea esto correcto
Way to speak but by writing what I feel, whether this is right
O no pero espero que estas palabras le sirvan a alguien mas alguien
Or not, but I hope these words serve someone else, someone
Mas que esta por aqui que no tuvo a su padre en la vida mi padre
Else who is out there who didn't have their father in their life, my father
Fallecio ase relativamente poco y su recuerdo es una perla para mi es
Passed away relatively recently, and his memory is a pearl to me, it's
Una cuestion de tiempo para vernos padre mio ya tendremos la
A matter of time before we see each other, my father, we will have
Eternidad para hablar y para platicar sobre esparta o las termopilas
Eternity to talk and discuss Sparta or Thermopylae
Querido alejandro te llevo en la sangre en todas mis venas tu esencia
Dear Alejandro, I carry you in my blood, in all my veins, your essence
Vive en mi y tu muerte en vez de dejarme incompleto termino por
Lives in me, and your death, instead of leaving me incomplete, ended up
Completar y sanar tu ausencia asumo que tu lejania a sido una gran
Completing and healing your absence, I assume that your distance has been a great
Enseñanza en mi vida que un dia en mi juventud te culpe por todo lo
Lesson in my life, that one day in my youth I blamed you for everything bad
Malo hoy te culpo por todo lo bueno que tengo de ti sin duda me
Today I blame you for everything good I have from you, without a doubt, you
Heredaste los huevos y la resiliencia ante los terrores de la vida tu
Inherited the balls and resilience in the face of life's terrors, your
Ausencia me educo cuantas ausencias nos educan para entender que el
Absence educated me, how many absences educate us to understand that love
Amor se poda se pule y se recrea el dolor es algo bueno el reto no es
Is pruned, polished, and recreated, pain is a good thing, the challenge is not
Dejar ir a alguien sino dejar ir el pedaso tuyo que se quedo con
To let go of someone, but to let go of the piece of you that stayed with
Ellos y hoy te dejo ir padre queridos mios si alguno de ustedes aun
Them, and today I let you go, my dear father, if any of you still
Guarda algun rencor y enojo encontra de algunos de sus padres
Hold any resentment and anger against your parents
Perdonelos de una vez por todas es la llave a la libertad es el
Forgive them once and for all, it is the key to freedom, it is
Perdon es la reconciliacion con nuestra propia libertad es el agente
Forgiveness, it is reconciliation with our own freedom, it is the agent
Redentor de toda herida dios nos manda a honrar a nuestros padres a
Redeemer of all wounds, God commands us to honor our parents
Pesar de todo apesar de las ausencias de los gritos de sus traiciones
Despite everything, despite their absences, their shouts, their betrayals
De sus fallas de sus maldiciones y nos promete largura de dias y
Their failures, their curses, and promises us length of days and
Sabiduria y honra en esta tierra si este mundo perdonara un poco mas
Wisdom and honor in this land, if this world forgave a little more
Seriamos un poco menos de este mundo les abrazo a todos para mi esto
We would be a little less of this world, I embrace you all, for me this
Es una catarsis necesaria y aquellos que no tienen un padre miren el
Is a necessary catharsis, and those who do not have a father, look at the
Cielo porque ay mora el mejor PADRE que uno pudiera imaginar
Sky because there dwells the best FATHER one could imagine
Abracenlo a el tomense de su mano y jamas sentiran la ausencia de
Embrace him, take his hand, and you will never feel the absence of
NADA ni de nadie PADRE pronto te vere pero mientras tanto honrare tu
ANYTHING or anyone, FATHER, I will see you soon, but in the meantime I will honor your
Memoria siendo el mejor en lo que hago TE AMO y aunque se que este
Memory by being the best at what I do, I LOVE YOU, and even though I know you won't see this
Video no lo veras que importa yo si
Video, it doesn't matter, I
Veo lo que hago y TE AMO PA te perdono...
I see what I do, and I LOVE YOU DAD, I forgive you...
Thank you

Writer(s): Daniel Habif

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