Daniel Higienico - Proverbios Chinos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daniel Higienico - Proverbios Chinos

Proverbios Chinos
Chinese Proverbs
Hay un pelo en mi sopa, una aguja en mi pajar
There's a hair in my soup, a needle in my haystack
Y no me hace falta madrugar pa que amanezca
And I don't need to get up early for it to dawn
Y aunque te diga con quien ando seguro que no aciertas
And although I tell you who I'm with, you're sure to be wrong
Nadie es lo que aparenta
Nobody is what they seem
Y aunque tenga pelo cien años no pienso durar
And although I have a hundred years of hair, I don't plan to last
Ni pondré mis barbas a remojar por culpa del vecindario
And I won't put my beard to soak because of the neighbors
Y le miraré los dientes a todos los regalos
And I'll look for teeth in all the gifts
Incluido los caballos
Including the horses
Que ya me basta con mi destino
That's enough with my destiny
Y los consejos de libros divinos
And the advice of divine books
Que ya me basta con estar de paso
That's enough with my passing
Como pa' hacer caso
As for doing the case
De los proverbios chinos
Of the Chinese proverbs
Que dos y dos son cuatro siempre que sepas sumar
Two and two make four, as long as you know how to add
Porque, a veces, ignorar es hacerse el listo
Because, sometimes, ignorance is pretending to be clever
Te lo digo yo que no soy bizco:
I say, and I'm not cross-eyed:
¡Evaristo, que te he visto!
Evaristo, I saw you!
Y si me arrimo a un buen árbol, la sombra no me bastará
And if I lean against a good tree, the shade won't be enough for me
Y si me quiero cobijar espero que pasen los truenos
And if I want to take cover, I hope the thunder will pass
No vaya a ser que caiga un rayo y me haga polvo el cocotero
Lest a lightning bolt strikes and turns my coconut tree to dust
Y nos joda el refranero
And screws up the proverb
Que ya me basta con mi destino
That's enough with my destiny
Y los consejos de libros divinos
And the advice of divine books
Que ya me basta con estar de paso
That's enough with my passing
Como pa' hacer caso
As for doing the case
De los proverbios chinos
Of the Chinese proverbs
Y si le robo a un ladrón no me vaya a perdonar
And if I steal from a thief, he won't forgive me
Que, a lo mejor, al despertar me encuentra hurgando en su joyero
Because maybe when I wake up, he'll find me rummaging in his jewelry box
Y tantos años de perdón sean solo un sucio juego
And so many years of forgiveness will be just a dirty game
Pa' convertirme en prisionero
To become a prisoner
Que ya me basta con mi destino
That's enough with my destiny
Y los consejos de libros divinos
And the advice of divine books
Que ya me basta con estar de paso
That's enough with my passing
Como pa' hacer caso
As for doing the case
Hay un pelo en mi sopa una aguja en mi pajar
There's a hair in my soup, a needle in my haystack
Y no me hace falta madrugar... pa' que amanezca
And I don't have to get up early... for the dawn

Writer(s): Garcia Toni Pastor, Daniel Soler Boquera

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