Daniel Landa - My Se Zlobime! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daniel Landa - My Se Zlobime!

My Se Zlobime!
We're Angry!
My se zlobíme! - text
We're angry! - lyrics
My se zlobíme! My se zlobíme! My se zlobíme!
We're angry! We're angry! We're angry!
Nikde žádná voda, za to strhne se tu maso!
No water anywhere, but there's going to be a killin' here!
My pěníme. Kdo tu vodu prodal?
We're in a froth. Who sold the water?
Došly všechny zbytky zásob!
We've run out of every last supply!
My se pomstíme, my se pomstíme!
We'll get our revenge, we'll get our revenge!
Viník se pomalinku hledá,
The guilty party is searched for slowly,
Je v této síni, to si není třeba namlouvat.
He is in this hall, there's no need to pretend.
Pánové, utéct se nedá.
Gentlemen, you can't escape now.
Vládce je povolání, nedá se vycouvat.
Being a ruler is a calling, you can't back out.
Illa, Aren:
Illa, Aren:
Zdá se, že Strig zmizel i s knížkou...
It seems that Strig has disappeared with the book...
... Jazykem starých orků rozmotá zauzlení.
... He will unravel the entanglement with the language of the ancient orcs.
Máme co dělat s chytrou liškou.
We're dealing with a clever fox.
A bych padal, občané jsou rozezlení.
And I should be getting going, the citizens are getting angry.
My se zlobíme!
We're angry!
Nikde žádná voda, za to strhne se tu maso!
No water anywhere, but there's going to be a killin' here!
My pěníme. Kdo tu vodu prodal?
We're in a froth. Who sold the water?
Došly všechny zbytky zásob!
We've run out of every last supply!
My se pomstíme, my se pomstíme!
We'll get our revenge, we'll get our revenge!
Dav se též stává bestií.
The crowd also becomes a beast.
Když vášně vzplanou, zabijí!
When passions flare, they kill!
Nezbývá nic jiného, než vyrazit na cestu.
There's nothing left to do but set out on the journey.
Where to?
Do chrámu Gryfů. Pro ten kámen. Musíme ho získat a oživit.
To the Gryphons' temple. For that stone. We have to get it and revive it.
Ale nikam nejdu!
But I'm not going anywhere!
O tom ani neuvažuj.
Don't even think about it.
Pět korun.
Five crowns.
Illa, Aren:
Illa, Aren:
Pět zemí.
Five lands.
Nekažte to, zeleňáku, nemáme jinou šanci!
Don't ruin it, greenhorn, we have no other chance!
Umřeš tak jako tak.
You're going to die anyway.
Nedělej z toho vědu.
Don't make a fuss about it.
Ale bych teda ještě docela rád žil,
But I would still quite like to live,
Jestli by to šlo...
If that's possible...
Ano, pane premiére?
Yes, Prime Minister?
Sdělte lidem, že je miluji, a že se pro obětuji.
Tell the people that I love them, and that I am sacrificing myself for them.
Odjíždím zařídit vodu.
I'm leaving to arrange for water.
Ale ano! A pověřuji vás prozatimní vládou.
But yes! And I entrust you with the provisional government.
Po dobu nepřítomnosti přebíráte veškerou
You will assume all
Zodpovědnost. Gratuluji, pane.
Responsibility for the duration of my absence. Congratulations, sir.
A teď... Si jděte uklidnit ty masy!
And now... Go and calm those masses!
Ale ano! Mějte se tu, jak umíte!
But yes! Have fun while you're here!
My pěníme!
We're in a froth!
Nikde žádná voda, za to strhne se tu maso!
No water anywhere, but there's going to be a killin' here!
My se pomstíme! Kdo tu vodu prodal? Svině!
We'll get our revenge! Who sold the water? Bastard!
Došly zbytky zásob!
We've run out of all the supplies!

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