Daniel feat. Samuel - As 10 Pragas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Daniel feat. Samuel - As 10 Pragas

As 10 Pragas
The Ten Plagues
Deus forte igual ao nosso nem houve nem haverá
There has never been and will never be a God as powerful as our God
Um Deus que ganha a luta, antes mesmo de lutar
A God who wins the fight even before the battle begins
Perfeitamente escuta até mudo conversar
He hears perfectly, even when mutes speak
E quem a Ele insulta, a coisa complicar
And those who insult Him will see things get complicated
Foi assim no Egito, para os Hebreus libertar
That's how it was in Egypt, when He liberated the Hebrews
Dez pragas Ele mandou e assim fez faraó calar
He sent ten plagues, and that made Pharaoh shut up
vai a primeira praga começa a humilhação
Here comes the first plague and the humiliation begins
O Rio Nilo era dourado por toda aquela nação
The Nile River turned to gold, throughout the nation
Pro Egito era sagrado trazia superstição
For Egypt it was sacred, it was considered superstition
Deus fez o rio virar sangue, de sangue era a maldição
God made the river turn to blood, and a curse it was
E essa praga terrível, era demonstração
And this terrible plague was only a demonstration
Que o controle das águas eu sei na palma da mão
That I have control of the waters, in my hand
Chegando a segunda praga e trazendo grande agonia
The second plague arrives and brings great agony
Havia uma certa imagem que com uma parecia
There was a certain image that resembled a frog
Diziam que essa bobagem o Egito protegia
They said this idol protected Egypt, they were wrong
Deus enviou tanta que até na imagem subia
God sent so many frogs, even the image was covered
Pra todo canto que olhava, era que se via
Everywhere you looked, there were only frogs to be seen
Deus provou para os egipcios que a imagem pra nada servia
God proved to the Egyptians that the image was useless
As pragas que vem agora provocam nojo e gastura
The plagues that are coming now cause disgust and pain
A terceira foi piolho levando o povo à loucura
The third one was lice, and it drove the people insane
Bicho caía no olho aumentando a amargura
Bugs fell into their eyes, increasing the bitterness
A quarta era de moscas, foi uma nojeira pura
The fourth was a plague of flies, a complete disgust
Deus mostrou à faraó que com Ele a linha é dura
God showed Pharaoh that with Him the battle is brutal
Deus inseto e Deus mosca, Deus fez perderem a postura
God of insects and God of flies, He made them lose their composure
A quinta, sexta e sétima foram pragas muito fortes
The fifth, sixth, and seventh plagues were very strong
Na quinta Deus fez morrer aves e animais de corte
In the fifth, God caused the death of birds and livestock
Ninguém pode socorrer, Deus nenhum trouxe suporte
No one could help, no god brought support
Na sexta Deus mandou úlcera nenhum homem teve sorte
In the sixth, God sent boils, no man was fortunate
Na sétima Deus mandou, saraiva de sul ao norte
In the seventh, God sent hail, from south to north
Tifão e Osíris souberam que Deus é forte
Typhoon and Osiris knew that only God is strong
Na oitava gafanhotos chegaram para devorar
In the eighth, locusts arrived to devour
Um Deus chamado Serafis, que protegia o lugar
A god named Serapis, who protected the place
A imagem não deu escape, Deus veio à ela humilhar
The image offered no escape, God came to humiliate it
A nona praga foi trevas pro Deus Sol envergonhar
The ninth plague was darkness, to put the Sun God to shame
Na décima os primogênitos, um anjo veio matar
In the tenth, the first born died, an angel came to kill
Assim está comprovado que Deus
Thus it is proven that there is no God
Igual ao nosso, igual ao nosso, igual ao nosso não
Like our God, like our God, there is no One like Him

Writer(s): Samuel Jose Dos Santos

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