Dante - Adiós - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dante - Adiós

Todo empezó con aquel cruce de miradas por el centro
It all started with that crossing of glances through the center
La miraste, te miró
You looked at her, she looked at you
Te sonrió y algo por dentro
He smiled at you and something inside
Te avisó de que era ella
She warned you that it was her
Te morías por conocerla
You were dying to meet her
Entender sus sentimientos
Understanding their feelings
Abrazarla, protegerla
Hug her, protect her
Y así fue, lo conseguiste
And so it was, you got it
La invitaste a tomar algo
You invited her out for a drink
Escuchaste los problemas con su exnovio
You heard the problems with her ex-boyfriend
Que fue un cerdo
It was a pig
La conversación paró
The conversation stopped
Y todo pasó de largo
And it all passed by
Y la tarde, se hizo noche
And the afternoon, it became night
Y acabó con aquel beso
And it ended with that kiss
Y ese beso llevó a otro
And that kiss led to another
Y ese otro a cienmil más
And that other one a hundred thousand more
Ella se volvió la reina
She became the queen
No existían las demás
The others did not exist
No había ojos para nadie
There were no eyes for anyone
Solamente para ti
Just for you
Te llevaba, te traía
I was taking you, I was bringing you
Y ¿qué más podías pedir?
And what more could you ask for?
No te faltaba ni una pizca de atención
You didn't lack an iota of attention
Te escribía a todas hora
I was writing to you at all hours
eras su preocupación
You were his concern
Su motivo de existir
His reason for existing
Su motor y su alegría
His engine and his joy
La razón de despertarse para ti cada día
The reason to wake up for you every day
Te pedía fotos siempre
I was always asking for pictures
Para ver como salías
To see how you came out
Pero no era por control
But it wasn't for control
Es por si acaso otro te mira
It's just in case someone else looks at you
Porque él no soportaba pensar lo que ocurriría
Because he couldn't bear to think what would happen
Si otro tío te babease
If another guy were to drool over you
Pero no lo entendías
But you didn't understand
Eras tan cría que llorabas por chorradas
You were such a child that you cried for nonsense
Menos mal que estaba él
It's a good thing he was
Para que no faltase nada
So that nothing was missing
No hagas caso a tus amigas
Don't listen to your friends
Porque ellas son idiotas
Because they are idiots
Hazle caso a él que es hombre
Listen to him, he's a man.
Y sabe más de muchas cosas
And he knows more about many things
Cógele el teléfono
Pick up the phone
¿No ves que te ha llamado?
Don't you see he called you?
Lleva un rato sin saber de ti
I haven't heard from you for a while
Y está preocupado
And he's worried
De verdad que eres estúpida
You really are stupid
No cómo te aguanta
I don't know how she holds you
Es que eres una inútil
Is that you are a useless
Pero sabes que le encantas
But you know he loves you
Te repite cada día
He repeats you every day
Que eres lo único que tiene
That you are the only thing he has
Que si no estás, se suicida
That if you're not there, he commits suicide
Que eres lo que le mantiene
That you are what keeps him
Que aunque a veces grite un poco
That even if sometimes I scream a little
No le debes tener miedo
You shouldn't be afraid of him
Que la mano se levanta
That the hand is raised
Pero no te toca un pelo
But it doesn't touch you a hair
Y no te enfades cuando beba
And don't be angry when I drink
También sufre mucho, ¿Vale?
He's in a lot of pain, too, okay?
Él también tiene derecho a largarse y no dar señales
He also has the right to leave and not give signs
No le llames, no le llames
Don't call him, don't call him
Déjale que vuelva solo
Let him come back alone
¿ O es que acaso desconfías del hombre que te dio todo?
Or do you mistrust the man who gave you everything?
No es lo mismo que te llame él
It's not the same if he calls you
Y no le respondas
And you don't answer him
Porque él no va enseñando el culo
Because he's not showing his ass
Que pareces tonta
That you look silly
Si te vistes tan fresquita
If you dress so fresh
En la calle mucho cerdo
There is a lot of pork on the street
¿Qué te dijo de la ropa?
What did he tell you about the clothes?
sigues sin entenderlo
You still don't get it
¿Tú qué quieres?
What do you want?
¿Que te violen?
Get raped?
Es que así lo vas buscando
Is that how you are looking for it
O quizás es que conocido a otro
Or maybe it's that I know someone else
Y le vas provocando
And you're provoking him
Si te ha dado el bofetón
If he gave you the slap
Ha sido a por ignorante
He was being ignorant
Le has fallado, le has fallado
You've failed him, you've failed him
Y para él, eras lo más grande
And for him, you were the greatest
Le fallaste a la persona que lo dió todo por ti
You failed the person who gave everything for you
Solo fuiste una egoísta
You were just a selfish
Incapaz de hacer feliz
Unable to make happy
A aquel hombre tan fantástico desde principio a fin
To that fantastic man from beginning to end
Y mereciste cada golpe que te ha llevado hasta aquí
And you deserved every blow that has brought you this far
Y hasta aquí llegó la historia
And that's as far as the story went
De un amor indestructible
Of an indestructible love
Se cayeron esos gritos
Those screams fell out
Y todo se oscureció
And everything went dark
Y el final de un cuento de hadas
And the end of a fairy tale
Lo marcó un hombre increíble
He was marked by an incredible man
Que por ti daba su vida
Who gave his life for you
Y al final te la quitó
And in the end he took it from you

Writer(s): javier ecay pascual

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