Dara Rolins - Nálada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dara Rolins - Nálada

V mojom tele býva,
She lives in my body,
V mojej hlave spí,
She sleeps in my head,
So mnou sníva,
She dreams with me,
Nudou zíva,
She yawns with boredom,
Občas, keď ju práve nevidím.
Sometimes when I don't see her.
Pre mňa zmysel má,
She makes sense to me,
Kým je, je všade prítomná,
While she is, she is everywhere present,
Keď sa tvári v mojej tvári,
When she appears in my face,
Že nebu na zemi sa vyrovná.
That there is no equal on earth.
Viem, čo v sebe skrýva,
I know what she hides in herself,
Je mi podobná,
She is like me,
Moja nálada je tá, čo so mnou býva,
My mood is the one who lives with me,
Nepatrí nikomu, je slobodná.
She does not belong to anyone, she is free.
Každý právo byť,
Everyone has the right to be,
Z vecí sklamaný, na svet naštvaný,
Disappointed in things, angry at the world,
Raz za čas sa regulérne zrútiť,
To collapse regularly from time to time,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.
Myslím si, že každý právo byť,
I think everyone has the right to be,
Občas sklamaný, aj sveťe naštvaný,
Sometimes disappointed, sometimes angry at the world,
A pribrzdeným bítom hlavou krútiť,
And to shake my head at a slowed down beat,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.
V mojom tele býva,
She lives in my body,
S mojím mužom spí,
She sleeps with my man,
Vonia ako ja,
She smells like me,
A nudí sa, keď zívam,
And gets bored when I yawn,
Občas len ticho súhlasí.
Sometimes she just quietly agrees.
Večer vo mne sníva,
In the evening she dreams in me,
Je mi súdená,
She is destined for me,
Občas trápi ma,
Sometimes she torments me,
A smeje sa aj tomu,
And even laughs at what,
Čomu smiať sa vlastne nechcela.
She didn't really want to laugh at.
Viem, čo v sebe skrýva,
I know what she hides in herself,
Je mi podobná,
She is like me,
Moja nálada je tá, čo so mnou býva,
My mood is the one who lives with me,
Nepatrí nikomu, je slobodná.
She does not belong to anyone, she is free.
Každý právo byť,
Everyone has the right to be,
Z vecí sklamaný, na svet naštvaný,
Disappointed in things, angry at the world,
Raz za čas sa regulérne zrútiť,
To collapse regularly from time to time,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.
Myslím si, že každý právo byť,
I think everyone has the right to be,
Občas sklamaný, aj sveťe naštvaný,
Sometimes disappointed, sometimes angry at the world,
A pribrzdeným bítom hlavou krútiť,
And to shake my head at a slowed down beat,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.
A zabalíš ma do svojich dlaní,
And you wrap me in your palms,
Kde budeme sami,
Where we will be alone,
S nebom a hviezdami,
With the sky and the stars,
Nad našimi hlavami,
Above our heads,
S partičkou anjelov,
With a group of angels,
Jak od Michelangela,
Like from Michelangelo,
Na strope namaľovaní,
Painted on the ceiling,
Vezmi ma za ruku,
Take my hand,
Ved som predsa tvoja,
After all, I am yours,
Nálada s náladou,
Mood with mood,
Cez špičku prsta sa
Through the tip of the finger
Navždy spoja
Connect forever
Každý právo byť,
Everyone has the right to be,
Z vecí sklamaný, na svet naštvaný,
Disappointed in things, angry at the world,
Raz za čas sa regulérne zrútiť,
To collapse regularly from time to time,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.
Myslím si, že každý právo byť,
I think everyone has the right to be,
Občas sklamaný, aj sveťe naštvaný,
Sometimes disappointed, sometimes angry at the world,
A pribrzdeným bítom hlavou krútiť,
And to shake my head at a slowed down beat,
To však nevadí, to sa vyladí.
But it doesn't matter, it will be fine.

Writer(s): Dara Rolins

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