Dara Rolins - Pena - traduction des paroles en anglais

Pena - Dara Rolinstraduction en anglais

Yeah oooh
Yeah oooh
Moja myšlienka sa tvojej noci dotkla
My thought of your night touched
Vravela, že pršalo a cestou k tebe zmokla
She said it rained and got wet on the way to you
Celá zamotaná a iba do teba
All tangled up and only into you
nad ránom sa ako pena roztopila do stratena
And in the morning it melted into oblivion like foam
Do slnka sa dívam
I look into the sun
A premýšľam, čo robíš práve, či som aj ja v tvojej hlave
And I wonder what you're doing right now, am I also on your mind
Myšlienky mám vďaka tebe dokonalé kučeravé
My thoughts are perfectly curly thanks to you
Byť spolu bol zámer
Being together was the plan
Dokonalí takmer
Almost perfect
Keď láska sa stane
When love happens
Nevieš, čo v pláne
You don't know what it has in store
Čo zvládneš sa nepýta
It doesn't ask what you can handle
Do srdca ti vstúpi (práva na úsmev aj na slzy)
It enters your heart (rights to smile and to tears)
Ti kúpi
It buys you
Ti zamotá vlásky
It tangles your hair
To deje sa len
This only happens
Z pravej lásky
From true love
Keby každý na druhého návod dostal
If everyone got a manual for each other
Nemusel by riešiť, prečo za dverami zostal
They wouldn't have to worry about being left outside the door
Srdce poranené
Wounded heart
Zo seba láme
It breaks from itself
Čo s nami sa deje
What is happening to us
Prečo keď sa milujeme, vedome sa zraňujeme
Why do we hurt each other when we love each other so consciously
Chýbame si, trápime sa
We miss each other, we suffer
Že sa chceme (predsa dobre vieme)
That we want each other (we know that well)
Byť spolu bol zámer
Being together was the plan
Dokonalí takmer
Almost perfect
Keď láska sa stane
When love happens
Nevieš, čo v pláne, čo zvládneš sa nepýta
You don't know what it has in store, it doesn't ask what you can handle
Do srdca ti vstúpi (práva na úsmev aj na slzy)
It enters your heart (rights to smile and to tears)
Ti kúpi
It buys you
Ti zamotá vlásky (keby len)
It tangles your hair (if only)
To deje sa len...
This only happens...
Z pravej lásky
From true love
Občas okúsi lásku úprimnú
Sometimes experiences sincere love
Aj tú, čo sa jej práši od pusy
Even the one that gets dusty from the mouth
Ak niekto vezme tvoje srdce
If someone takes your heart
A pokrčí ho v dlani
And crumples it in his palm
To je riziko
That's a risk
Za ktoré môžeme si sami
For which we can only blame ourselves
Zobrať to, čo druhý dáva
To take what the other gives
Je výmena priamočiara
Is a straightforward exchange
V náručí
In the arms
Pri pohľade do očí
Looking into each other's eyes
Veríme sľubom
We believe promises
Za ktoré sa neručí
For which there is no guarantee
Keď večer do seba asimilujeme
When in the evening we assimilate into each other
Veríme tomu, že sa...
We believe that we...
Asi milujeme
We must be in love
Byť spolu bol zámer
Being together was the plan
Dokonalí takmer
Almost perfect
Keď láska sa stane
When love happens
Nevieš, čo v pláne, čo zvládneš sa nepýta
You don't know what it has in store, it doesn't ask what you can handle
Do srdca ti vstúpi (práva na úsmev aj na slzy)
It enters your heart (rights to smile and to tears)
Ti kúpi
It buys you
Ti zamotá vlásky (aaah)
It tangles your hair (aaah)
To deje sa len...
This only happens...
Z pravej lásky
From true love
Ty si pena
You are that foam
Vo mne roztopená do stratena
Dissolved in me to oblivion
Ty si pena
You are that foam
Vo mne roztopená do stratena
Dissolved in me to oblivion

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