Sharifah Aini - Leraikanlah Kekeliruan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sharifah Aini - Leraikanlah Kekeliruan

Leraikanlah Kekeliruan
Dispelling the Confusion
Dua persimpangan ini
These two crossroads
Benar-benar meragukan
Are truly perplexing
Sehingga aku keliru
They make me unsure
Yang manakah pilihanku?
Which one should I choose?
'Ku mencari dan masih menanti
I search and wait
Tiada kutemui sebarang jawaban
But I don't find any answers
Aku ingin melupakan
I want to forget
Kepahitan masa silam
The bitterness of the past
Berbekalan kejujuran
Armed with honesty
Bertemankan keikhlasan
And guided by sincerity
Keburukan serta kelemahan
My flaws and weaknesses
Itu yang sering menjadi bisikan
Are often whispered about
Ke mana jua kaki melangkah
Wherever I venture
Di mana saja langkah terhenti
Wherever I stop
Di situ jua fitnah 'kan melanda
There, I am met with slander
Jika kau pandang kelemahanku
If you focus on my weaknesses
Bukan kau menilai kelebihanku
You will overlook my strengths
Pasti keliru tiap keputusan
You're bound to make the wrong decision
Berat mataku memandang
My eyes are heavy with sorrow
Berat lagi keresahan
My heart is troubled
Kuharapkan suatu masa
I hope for a time
Kebenaran akan tiba
When the truth will come to light
Oh Tuhanku, kumohon pada-Mu
My God, I pray to you
Dan meletakkan sepenuh harapan
And place all my hope in you
Biarkanlah kuberdiam diri
Let me keep my silence
Daripada terus berkata-kata
Rather than speaking out
Kebenarannya akan timbul jua
The truth will eventually reveal itself
Usah kau mengambil kesempatan
Don't try to take advantage of me
Keresahan melanda pikiran
You're only troubling me further
Bukan begitu cara memujukku
That's not the way to win me over
Terimalah aku seadanya
Accept me as I am
Bukan ada niat tersembunyi
I have no hidden intentions
Kuingin hidup kekal bersamamu
I just want to live forever with you
Jika kau pandang kelemahanku
If you focus on my weaknesses
Bukan kau menilai kelebihanku
You will overlook my strengths
Pasti keliru tiap keputusan
You're bound to make the wrong decision
Berat mataku memandang
My eyes are heavy with sorrow
Berat lagi keresahan
My heart is troubled
Kuharapkan suatu masa
I hope for a time
Kebenaran akan tiba
When the truth will come to light
Oh Tuhanku, kumohon pada-Mu
My God, I pray to you
Dan meletakkan sepenuh harapan
And place all my hope in you
Terlerailah segala kerisauan
May all my worries disappear
Terjawablah segala persoalan
May all my questions be answered

Writer(s): Ajai

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