De Killtros, Podkyng & Mr Pocker - Sin Sol (feat. Podkyng & Mr Pocker) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction De Killtros, Podkyng & Mr Pocker - Sin Sol (feat. Podkyng & Mr Pocker)

Sin Sol (feat. Podkyng & Mr Pocker)
No Sun (feat. Podkyng & Mr Pocker)
Es otro dia sin ver el sol
It's another day without seeing the sun
La cabeza me duele la cabeza
My head hurts, my head hurts
Es otro dia sin ver el sol Salgo tranquilo
It's another day without seeing the sun, I'm going out calm
Si pienso lo digo
If I think it, I say it
Sigilo camino
I walk stealthily
Entre cañas de vino
Among canes of wine
Vuela wacho el jouny
The jouny flies, wacho
Junto money
Money together
Crazy pony
Crazy pony
La sonrisa e tony
The smile is tony
Entre tantos pony
Among so many ponies
In da house killtros the movie
In da house killtros the movie
Vivo al dia media
I live half a day
La noche completa
The whole night
Tu mierda obsoleta
Your obsolete shit
Mi mierda te llega
My shit reaches you
Tinto en la cuneta
Red wine in the gutter
Borra tu silueta
Erase your silhouette
Mi boca cierra tu jeta
My mouth shuts your mouth
Llegan los perros a perras wacho
The dogs and bitches are coming, wacho
Mejor respeta
Better respect
Es otro dia mas y el virtual es el ritmo
It's another day and the virtual is the rhythm
Cigarros, litros, porros, ritmo y a lo mio
Cigarettes, liters, joints, rhythm and to mine
Esquivo el lio, el problema mio
I avoid the mess, my problem
Es que pienso que cerveza mata el sol y el vino el frio
Is that I think beer kills the sun and wine the cold
Hay querida vida entre bebidas y heridas
There is, my dear life, among drinks and wounds
Hay que vivirla de una sola aunque asi paresca un suicida
We have to live it in one go, even if it looks like a suicide
No digas que no mido porque mido el contenido de liquido
Don't say I don't measure, because I measure the liquid content
De mi vaso para acabar con la sequia
Of my glass to end the drought
Es otro dia sin ver el sol
It's another day without seeing the sun
La cabeza me duele la cabeza
My head hurts, my head hurts
Es otro dia sin ver el sol
It's another day without seeing the sun
Camino sin plata
I walk without money
Mata mi paciencia
It kills my patience
Tu vida de incoherencia
Your life of incoherence
Piensa y sigue tu sendero gris
Think and follow your gray path
Naturale fundamental van a volar
Natural fundamental is going to fly
En este cohete sin alas
On this rocket without wings
Sigo el camino si quieres venir
I follow the path, if you want to come
Compiteme inhala este son de voz
Compete me, inhale this sound of voice
Nena desalmada aqui te llevo
Heartless girl, I'll take you here
Solo para mis noches heladas
Just for my frozen nights
En manada cazamos claro
In a pack we hunt, it's clear
Tiene black nos rodean lobos
We have black, wolves surround us
Con ideas mentes tienen enciende y prende
With ideas, minds have, turn on and burn
Me levanto exausto dolor de cabeza
I wake up exhausted, headache
Olor a holocausto
Smell of holocaust
Siento que un auto me aplasto el craneo
I feel like a car crushed my skull
Eso causo cuando me lanzo
That's what caused when I launch
Puro vinacho puro borraso
Pure wine, pure drunk
Y por eso el manso caracho
And that's why the gentle face
Transformado mas con alcohol
Transformed more with alcohol
Ya doblado me ha costado
It's cost me to bend already
Maniobrarlo pasos dados (anda al baño)
Maneuvering steps taken (go to the bathroom)
Es excusa usa el arbol de excusado
It's an excuse, use the tree as a toilet
Suelo fallar al dia ocho de nueve
I usually fail on the eighth day of nine
Se que es jueves pero puede beber
I know it's Thursday but can drink
Y volver los viernes
And return on Fridays
Es otro dia sin ver el sol
It's another day without seeing the sun
La cabeza me duele la cabeza
My head hurts, my head hurts
Es otro dia sin ver el sol
It's another day without seeing the sun

Writer(s): Angelo Ravazzano, Diego Alberto Raul Torres Rojas, Victor Ponce Garreton, Juan Pablo Cornejo Montenegro, Javier Carcamo Toloza

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