De Killtros - Cosa Del Cucharón - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction De Killtros - Cosa Del Cucharón

Cosa Del Cucharón
Cucharon's Thing
Nunca te menti, todo paso esa noche
I never lied to you, everything happened that night
La noche en que...
That night when...
Si, no tienes que explicarme nada
Yes, you don't have to explain anything to me
Todo esta peor
It's all worse
Lo importante ahora es que
What's important now is that
vas a tener un hijo con ella y...
You're going to have a child with her and...
Yo no creo que pueda soportarlo, no es tan facil...
I don't think I can handle it, it's not that easy...
Volveremos si estamos juntos
We'll get back together if we're together
Estoy seguro que podemos
I'm sure we can
Put up with
Lo que sea
Parejas terminan
Couples break up
Vuelven más veces que las que se besan
They come back more times than they kiss
Pelean siempre
They always fight
Pero la costumbre pesa
But routine weighs heavy
Uno siempre tiene la razón
One is always right
Pero el otro es el que siempre piensa
But the other is the one who always thinks
Tu te vas de farra yo me quedo en la pieza
You go out and party, I stay in the room
La confianza se pierde con el tiempo
Trust is lost over time
El que era tierno Ahora es más violento
The one who was tender is now more violent
Con tus celos estás matando sentimientos
With your jealousy you're killing feelings
Una rutina en tu relación
A routine in your relationship
Igual a aburrimiento
Equals boredom
No es una medalla que dures más meses
It's not a medal to last longer
El sexo no todo restablece
Sex doesn't fix everything
Extraña tus amigos, amigas, calles
You miss your friends, your girlfriends, your streets
Extraña de tu novio las sorpresas, los detalles
You miss your boyfriend's surprises, his details
El quiere guardarte, el escote taparte
He wants to keep you, cover your neckline
Tu quieres que entienda
You want him to understand
Que no es cosa de mostrarse
That it's not a matter of showing off
Demostrarse amor pa que
Showing love for what
Si ya se lo han dicho todo
If they've already told each other everything
Al primer mes te amo, luego te odio
The first month I love you, then I hate you
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
A lo más mínimo se exalta
At the slightest thing he gets excited
Pierde la calma
He loses his temper
Me llama la atención que tensión no te falta
It catches my attention that you don't lack tension
Eres de ellas que busca complicarte
You're one of those who looks to complicate your life
Busca la ocasión para luego amenazarte
You look for an opportunity to later threaten you
And you
Tampoco te escapas
You don't escape either
La paz no reina entre ustedes
Peace does not reign between you
Entre 4 paredes
Within 4 walls
Tu la atrapas
You trap her
No pelees tanto
Don't fight so much
Por la cosa más mínima
For the smallest thing
Si se animan quizás
If you encourage each other, perhaps
Borraran posible cenizas
You will erase possible ashes
Es incómodo ver caras tristes
It's uncomfortable to see sad faces
Pero todo cambia
But everything changes
En segundos la rabia nadie la resiste
In seconds, no one can resist the anger
Ser un iracundo trae más penas que alegrías
Being an irascible brings more sorrows than joys
A ella se le va el amor
Her love is gone
En ti perdura todavía
It still lingers in you
Hoy día, vacía, sola se siente
Today, empty, she feels alone
El problema está en tu diente
The problem is with your tooth
Y el daño es permanente
And the damage is permanent
No lo soporta
She can't stand it
Un grito llama al golpe
A shout calls for a blow
Y el no duda en atacar del modo más torpe
And he doesn't hesitate to attack in the most clumsy way
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
En cosas de relaciones
In matters of relationships
No hay que entender
There is no need to understand
Solo dejarse llevar
Just let yourself go
Es complicado
It's complicated
Pero me complace ser tu cómplice
But I'm happy to be your accomplice
Hasta al fin enamorado
Until the end, in love
Cariño si te soy sincero
Darling, if I'm being honest
No me perteneces, no te pertenezco
You don't belong to me, I don't belong to you
Se aman pero no soportan
They love each other but can't stand each other
Cariño si te soy sincero
Darling, if I'm being honest
No me perteneces, no te pertenezco
You don't belong to me, I don't belong to you
Se aman pero no soportan
They love each other but can't stand each other

Writer(s): Diego Alberto Raul Torres Rojas, Angelo Ravazzano, Javier Carcamo Toloza, Victor Ponce Garreton, Juan Pablo Cornejo Montenegro

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