De Killtros - Outroks - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction De Killtros - Outroks

Uno cuatro cero garras
One four zero claws
Mas colegas qe los hermanos parras
More colleagues than the Parra brothers
Un patron y un micro
One boss and a microphone
Un par de litros y comienza la farra
A couple of liters and the party begins
Perros sin raza un mc mas de la masa
Dogs without breed one more mc of the mass
Tu disco no es una amenaza
Your record is not a threat
Mas basura pa la plaza
More trash for the plaza
Grabo in da house man
I record in da house man
Por eso se alarman
That's why they are alarmed
El macropedia vuelve con ma historias qe un barman
The macropedia returns with more stories than a barman
Me pongo la capucha, escucha, trucha, mi rap en galucha,
I put on the hood, listen, trout, my rap in galucha,
Te machaca cacha wacha
It crushes you, you see girl
Tu flow charcha se arregla con escarcha
Your charcha flow is fixed with glitter
Parte y sacate la ilacha
Part and take off your ilacha
Con esto te digo chao hasta pronto cucaracha.
With this I say goodbye see you soon cockroach.
Desde el planeta al continente a mi pais
From the planet to the continent to my country
Un cuidad una avenida la calle una forma de vida
A city an avenue the street a way of life
Riñas lindas niñas vagos adictos a la bebida
Pretty fights, girls, bums addicted to drink
Cron el negro rap for life hijo de blas asi de esquinas.
Cron the black rap for life son of blas like that from corners.
Junto a mi esilo en el cielo
Along with my style in the sky
Plebeyo tirao en el suelo
Plebeian lying on the ground
Por mas qe qieras salir arrancar de este puto fuego
No matter how much you want to get out, escape this fucking fire
Bienvenido a mi juego de fierro de hierro de acero
Welcome to my game of iron iron steel
Esta es la jauria de killtros con los mas rabiosos perros.
This is the killtros pack with the most rabid dogs.
En la verea yo empeze con los cabros me crie
On the path I started with the kids I was raised
Yo no se qe fue yo simplemente despegue
I don't know what it was, I just took off
Nunca retope en lo qe era mi destino
I never retopped what was my destiny
Sigo si camino ace siglos con mis perros asesinos.
I continue if I walk centuries ago with my killer dogs.
Si no te adaptas eras asi funciona observa alla fuera
If you don't adapt, you were like that, it works, look out there
Le hacen enseña y forjan medidas qe gastan suelas
They are taught and forged measures that wear out soles
Noches enteras tardes enteras te entrenan
Whole nights whole afternoons train you
Lo qe esta experiencia muestra solo se gana en veredas.
What this experience shows is only won on sidewalks.
Me trajo al mundo en mi colmillo se hundio
He brought me into the world, my fang sank
Sin presencia de un dios me entrego un par de vicios
Without the presence of a god he gave me a couple of vices
Segun yo me hundo segundo a segundo
As I sink second by second
Mas rabia a segundo la calle me fondio del mundo
More rage per second the street melted me from the world
Y segui el rumbo.
And I followed the course.
Ya llega el lucar cheka como nunca el perro hueso
Lucar is coming, checka like never the dog bone
Busca preso dei a presio no tiene por eso qe nos gusta
Looking for a prisoner, I give it for a price, it doesn't have that's why we like it
Muero por ella huella dejo a lo lejos viejo
I die for her footprint I leave far away old man
En cada paso qe damo en el barrio no nos deja nunca.
Every step we take in the neighborhood never leaves us.
Esquinas avenidas y suicidas se suicidan
Corners avenues and suicides commit suicide
Con ________ y liricistas sin salida y son KILLTROS!!
With ________ and lyricists with no way out and they are KILLTROS!!
Con proximidad furia sobre el track
With proximity fury over the track
Terror en la siki con siki y terrorismo en el asfalto.
Terror in siki with siki and terrorism on the asphalt.
______ tu confianza la regalan en la rifa tinta mezclada con tufla
______ your trust is given away in the raffle ink mixed with tufla
Mi familia entre las sombras se camufla
My family camouflages itself in the shadows
Locura asumida asumida su enfermedad sin cura
Madness assumed, her illness assumed without cure
Un domingo en la mañana disparandole a un cura.
One Sunday morning shooting a priest.
La calle me vio nacer a ti tambien yo si lo se
The street saw me born to you too, yes I know
Si lo supe pense yo ocupe luz su inspiracion del hombre
If I knew I thought I occupy light its inspiration from man
Inconforme conforme con absorver ganancias qe astarancias
Nonconformist conformist with absorbing profits that stay
Y ganan ya 140 jarras.
And they already win 140 jars.
Desde la flow a haibrich con encanto de wailwich
From the flow to haibrich with wailwich charm
Poner el switch y no le subai al beat pero edionda a quitch
Put the switch and don't upload it to the beat but edionda a quitch
Odio a tus pilchas las calles pinchan puro estilo escrich
I hate your pilchas the streets prick pure style escrich
Yo relajao en la avenia y en mi coro un C-H-I
I relax on the avenue and in my chorus a C-H-I
Del barrio a mi palabra aki se vive no ai disculpa
From the neighborhood to my word here you live there is no excuse
Mi desahogo es adecuado con perros malas pulgas
My relief is adequate with bad dogs bad moods
Y ahora siente mi sonido es el ruido qe te infecto
And now feel my sound is the noise that infects you
Lo detecto del oido yo no pido mas qe el resto.
I detect it from the ear I don't ask for more than the rest.
Sabemos ladrar usa la palabra para la vara dejarla alta
We know how to steal, use the word for the rod, leave it high
La jauria se escapo de su jaula y corto las cuerdas
The pack escaped from its cage and cut the ropes
No somos perros finos con la cola entre las piernas
We are not fine dogs with our tails between our legs
Si perros de mezcla qe mezclan alcohol y yerbas.
Yes mix dogs that mix alcohol and herbs.
Exhala respira y ascurra entre nosotros esta la astucia
Exhale breathe and scrub among us is cunning
Enfoqe mc no cura es tu locura
Focus mc doesn't cure is your madness
La rabia contenida hasta qe explota qe no qeda ni tu sombra
The contained rage until it explodes that not even your shadow remains
En ambruna esta escaparan estos perros ASUSTAN!!.
In famine these dogs will escape SCARE!!.
Entre ser outrocks otros moullos se unen al sol
Between being outrocks other moullos join the sun
Track de dekilltros
Dekilltros track
140 jarras tomando vino el mismo destino
140 jars drinking wine the same destiny
Se perdio el tino entramo a la casa con lo ojos chino.
He lost his aim we entered the house with Chinese eyes.
Con mas garras que garrapatas perros de raza guarras
With more claws than tick dogs of slutty breed
Embarra tu panorama desgarran tu rap y te botan de la rama
Smear your panorama they tear your rap and throw you off the branch
In da house man!!! se narran historias de calle
In da house man!!! street stories are narrated
Rayan cuadernos qe playen rimas qe te callen.
They scratch notebooks that play rhymes that shut you up.
En la calle nacen y llacen rapers
Rappers are born and lie on the street
Qise pelarme al rape ser un dolape qe todo el mate
I wanted to shave myself to rape be a dolape that the whole mate
El rape es mi escape aca pensamo en el reape
Rape is my escape here we think about reape
Pa qe reciba este pape pa qe te empape y qeda la fe.
So that this pope receives it so that it soaks you up and faith remains.
Fume la rabia plena pat frena tu fuck letra
I smoked the full rage pat brakes your fuck lyrics
Qe no nos cuesta dejar muerta toa tu mierda
That it doesn't cost us to leave all your shit dead
Cheka isus!! de todo tipo excijo mi vereda.
Cheka isus!! of all kinds I demand my sidewalk.

Writer(s): Diego Alberto Raul Torres Rojas

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