De Niro - Ne Moras Moj Zivot Da Razumes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction De Niro - Ne Moras Moj Zivot Da Razumes

Ne Moras Moj Zivot Da Razumes
You Don't Have to Understand My Life
Ja dosao sam iz komsiluka
I came from the neighborhood
Gde prvo se uce psovke
Where you learn curses first
Pa onda skola
Then school comes later
Gde mor'o si da se branis
Where you had to defend yourself
Da ne bi bio sonja
To avoid being a sissy
Gde pisa se gde se stigne
Where we write wherever we can
Jer ceo grad je klonja
'Cause the whole city is a toilet
U gradu greha gde
In the city of sin where
Lako se strada od pistolja
It's easy to fall victim to a gun
Odatle dolazim
That's where I come from
Od malena sve ludo je
Everything's crazy since I was young
Meni je normalno
To me, it's normal
Ono sto tebi cudno je
What seems strange to you
Drug nije drug
A friend isn't a friend
Znas koji predstavljam trg
You know which square I represent
Ako nista ne zna
If he knows nothing else
Zna se da dug je dug
He knows a debt is a debt
U ovim zgradama
In these buildings
Vecina je losa
Most are bad
Pa ne pitaj zasto ta deca
So don't ask why those kids
Pomisle da su nebitna
Think they're worthless
I da ih ne vole roditelji
And that their parents don't love them
Pa potraze ljubav
So they search for love
Na ulici gde su
On the street where
Sve price trolicne
All the stories are three-faced
Zajebes obrazovanje
Screw education
Skola-ma, neka hvala
School, no thanks
Pa skontas da ti je best friend
Then you realize your best friend
Dzanki iz kraja
Is the junkie from the hood
Pa pustis suzu u sebi
So you cry a tear inside
Kad nikog nema
When no one's around
Za moje gradske pacovcine
For my city rats
Ljubav jedna
One love
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Ne moras moj zivot da razumes
You don't have to understand my life
Al' probaj da od svog
But try to make something
Nesto stvoris
Out of yours
Pre nego umres
Before you die
Ne moras moj zivot da razumes
You don't have to understand my life
Razumi svoj
Understand your own
Pusti druge
Leave others be
Pa kako bude
Whatever happens, happens
Dok pravi ratnici u rovu
While true warriors in the trenches
Su zemlju branili puskom
Defended the land with rifles
Ja sam od mangupa skid'o fore
I learned tricks from the thugs
Kako da budem musko
How to be a man
Prvi cim i prva sprava
The first hit and the first equipment
Da ode bol
To ease the pain
Kevine price
Mom's stories
"Ma, poslacu tebe ja u dom"
"I'll send you to the orphanage"
A ja sam mislio
And I thought
Bice sve kako treba
Everything will be alright
Da svoje mesto cu naci
That I'll find my place
Tu negde ispod neba
Somewhere under the sky
Ilegala na dohvat ruke
Illegal things within reach
Svega bas puno
Plenty of everything
Pa deset godina, kume
So ten years, buddy
Kao da sam poduv'o
Like I just puffed
Jos samo jedan
Just one more
Sto mnogo je ocekivao
Who expected too much
Muziku ziveo
Lived for the music
Samo se navarivao
Just kept getting high
Nisam uzivao
Didn't enjoy it
Ali, sve to sam radio
But I did it all
Gubio vreme
Wasted time
I samog sebe izradio
And screwed myself over
Sad pravim pare
Now I make money
Kako znam i umem
The way I know and can
Sebi se vratio
Came back to myself
Sada sebe bolje razumem
Now I understand myself better
I bitne stvari na prvo mesto
And put important things first
K'o prioritet
As a priority
Grudi presece bas uvek
My chest always tightens
Kada cujem sanitet
When I hear the ambulance
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Ja sam iz dvorista
I'm from the courtyard
Gde je droge bilo k'o vode
Where drugs were like water
U svakoj zgradi
In every building
Tu i tamo, onde i ovde
Here and there, over there and here
Ja sam iz ulice
I'm from the street
Nazvane po marsalu
Named after the marshal
Cudno oblacenje
Strange clothing
Pa te smatraju za budalu
Makes you look like a fool
Ja sam iz zgrade
I'm from the building
Gde ljudi za male plate rade
Where people work for low wages
Tu ceo zivot se
There my whole life
Osecam k'o insajder
I feel like an insider
Moj grad
My city
I skokovi s trambuline
And jumps from the trampoline
Svi se znamo
We all know each other
Jer svi smo olos iz okoline
Because we're all scum from the neighborhood
Ulicni odgoj, pa cesto
Street upbringing, so often
Zalecu se na zace
We rush into things headfirst
Srbija, kume
Serbia, buddy
Tu face ne vole policajce
Here, faces don't like cops
Gde nema para
Where there's no money
Ima puno ljubomore
There's a lot of jealousy
Svi besni, spremni
Everyone angry, ready
Da lobanju nekom otvore
To crack someone's skull open
Markove reci
Marko's words
Uzice, mali Monte Karlo Balkana
Uzice, the little Monte Carlo of the Balkans
Osmeh na licima
Smiles on faces
Kad se fura, prica lagana
When we're cruising, easy talk
Puno je rana
There are many wounds
Pa puno se pije svakog dana
So we drink a lot every day
Jedna ljubav
One love
Sunce dodje kad prodje tama
The sun comes when the darkness passes
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

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